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Three Components of an Effective Objective Before attempting to write your own objectives, ts important to understand what an objective shoul and ‘South contain, According ta Mager (1097, here ae thrae main components of an electue serine. 1. Performance 2 Conations| 3. criterion 1. Performance ‘The Performance component is a description ofthe behavior that leamers are expected to perform should be measurable end observable. describes what the learner willbe doing when demonstrating ‘mastery of an objective. Mager cistingushes beweon two types of performances sible and visi: With 2 visibe perfomance the main intents visible or audible For examgla, + Boatietodance + Be able tinteniew. Be able to pant 3 picture ofa mountain In each of these instances you can tll when somebedy is performing the task. Ifa statement does not include a visible performance then tis yet an abjetve. Therefore, you should modi each of your objectives untit answers the question, What wil the laamer be DOING when demonstatng achievement ofthe osjectve” Here ae a couple of por examples: + Be able to understand mathematics, + Develop an appreciation of music you apply the queston above, what would somebody be dong they were “understanding” mathematics or “appreciating music? There's realy no way tel as both of hose statements describe abstract states tat ar not deecty observable, Here are some good examples: + Boableto ride a bicyla, + Bo ableto wri alte, \What would someone be doing i they were demonstrating mastery of these objectives? Well nthe frst ‘ase they would be ring a bike, and in the second case hey would be wing alter. Those ave easly ‘dentable behave, 2.Conditons ‘The Conctons component ofan objective isa description ofthe croumstances under which he performance willbe cared out Italso Includes a description of what wil be availabe to learners when ‘hey perform the dese behaviar. Spectying the conetons further Napa o prevent misunderstanding of yourinient For ecampie it you are given the objective ‘+Travel rom New York ta Washington OC in 2 hours You could probably do that -fyou wera ona plane. However, what ifthe objective ware stated ke this? + Given an automotil, travel rom New Yark ta Washington DG in two hours orthis 1+ Using your own to fst, travel rom New York o Washington OC in two hours? ‘Those two might bea tle more difcut, or impossibe_In both eases the conditions ofthe ebjective make 1cear wna he ifent is. In order to avoid any contusion rogardng your objective you should stat the ‘main condition under whic ie performance wil occur In order to Wertly Key condions, ack yoursel fhe flowing 1. What wil tho loarers be expected to use when performing (eg, tools, forms, charts, et)? 2. What wie leamer not be alowed to use whi performing (2. checklists, notes, o other stu ais)? 3. What wil be the real-world condtions under which the performance willbe expected to occur (@g, ontop otatiscnole, under wate, n font of 2 large audianee na manufacturing plat)? Here are some examples of conditions Given standard set of tots and a mafunctionng motor. 2 Using a mati ruler © Gena set of whoie numbers, + Inthe presence of ate customer. Without the ai of class notes, Using only a serewcriver. Given a fulyfunctoning video camera. Given alist of chemical elements Here are some examples of objectives with conitons: ‘+ Givens product s+ prospective customer, be able ta deserie the key features ofthe product. (The performance o occur inthe presence ofa product and a customer these ae the Condtons that wil iniuence the rate of the performance ) + Givona bicycle and a fat streot, be abo to ide te Bike fo the end and back. (The conlons that wilintuones the po:fermance are te bike and tha fat seat) 3. Criterion ‘The na component ofan 2 etveebjacta is the Citi. The erarion is a descripion of the era for acceptance of @ peor. ica as sufeient indicating mastoryof the abjactive. In aher words, how ‘wall must tbe done? Satin ine oriaron lets lamers know how wel they will ave to perform to be Considered cormpatent. In action i srouldes a standard against which fo test the success ofthe instructon, and gves you ay of evaluating whether or not he learners can infact, do what you set out toteacn them, ‘Tne crterin you speci shld be what you conser to be the desied or appropriate level of perfomance, st necessi_ iniur level. In some cases (a person sitchng up othes),a certain mount of errr might be == “lala, whlein oer cases (a Geto stching up a person), na ero" ‘cceplable nado, yu -rould ny impose ene thal are mportat. Here's an example ofan objective wth citer: + Given a computer with word-processing software, be able to write a simple eter. There should be no spel, giammer, er puncuation ero, (The tela ae that thee should bo ne erors the Fa ltr) ‘There are two main ways o define acterion of acceptable perfomance: Speed end Accuracy 1, Spoed provcing atime tnt within which a given performance must occur I atime titi important, should be sisted as part of he objective. Ha ime iit snot mportant. ten do ot impose a time ln Sore samples > inunder two hears 5 win fen minutes, before midi 2. Accuracy - giving a range of acceptable perfomance. Some examples: ‘© win two inc: of accuracy, © tothe neste"t = hole number © withaa mer 91. 9 ineorect entries inthe og Here's an example ofan sbjectve containing all three components: ‘+ Students wie the» rerrasented on an analog clack to the nearest minute, “tothe tie" represents tne»: tormance "analog clock’ represen he -nalton "the nearest minute repro: ts the ertron ‘A poorly written objective des 3 wit te same topic would be "The students will know how to tl tine: Metis Bloom's Taxonomy Action Verbs es ~~) ‘ethiions [erowiedyge | Camprehension ~[ Rpacavon ~~ anaiar Synthesis | Eeataton Baom’s —[Remanter —[Benonsiate an [sony lnoweage | wreatdown |} Conan Vasa aene efiniton | reviouly | ungartancingct | tonctst exjecsorideas | component | judamertsbesed Information, and fesicence | whole ‘cence or vem oe + + Anais | = arange [> Rapa + petne |S comers + cunge | aprase [2 scemate [argue + besbe | Beton + Groote + sreaksown [2 Gatezomse | Asem y Dupleste |= onserbe [es compute | caters” [scone | ack s tzemiy 2 otcuse + Demonsrate [+ categorse | combine [2 cneose flrs + oisargusn [+ visover | commre’ [2 com, |S Conte + ue s Estimate fs oramatze |2 conee |S Compose |S conte + macs | ean + tmp fs coucie —|2 comment | conse + tmemerte | xpress + munrate + bugam [2 Geate | oetend + onome |S ewan + tterret | oiteremuate 2 Desens oecrbe T Grier “fe Senertizes [+ manipuate |+ oiscininte | develop |S puctninae y Outtoe + veeremales) [+ Moaty 2 Outings {specs | gra S Reezgnice | ena + Spete | + examine [+ txctin | Saas Sonate |S nase + Pracice | experiment | Fermelete [2 cxinn + reat | ter + Preset |e iderety [+ Generate | 3 cge Reproduce | Parahe + proauce | ter + prepare |S tmeriet, + select | pear + Rete fs mode | Rearrange | 2 Relate s sae fs pecagrie [6 senile [2 outine —{Sreconntat |S ck * tee + stexn [+ cuestion |S teargenze [sete + Selec + Sole s aaite” {2 penis |S Summarce + simmarte [2 ate + sels | pewrte | Support * subgiite | summarte

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