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Components of Lesson Plan

State Standard/District Curriculum:

The State Standard or District Curriculum to which you objective aligns.

For the state standard, I will be using is Interpretive Listening. The students will be able
to understand, interpret, and analyze what is heard on a variety of topics. The students
will understand discussions on most topics that deal with special interests, unfamiliar
situations, and abstract concepts.

The objective is a statement of the learning that will occur. It states what you want
students to be able to do or know at the end of the lesson. The objective always contains
content and observable behavior.

After listening to an audio recording of a Spanish conversation including two different

individuals, Students will be able to write at least 7 class vocabulary words including the
context words were used in audio given a 10 minute timeframe after audio concluded.
The students will be able to utilize their interpretive listening skills and apply them to
their learning.

The set is aligned to the objective, actively involves students, and links the lesson to
students past experiences. The set often includes stating the objective to give students a
sense of direction.

While listing to the audio, students will be able interpret the scenarios, identifying the key
vocabulary from the class chapter. In addition, the students will also practice their
writing and grammar.

The Teacher provides critical information aligned to the objective.

As the teacher, I will give my students an idea of what they will be working on. My job
is not to tell them directly what will be occurring, but instead help prepare them for the
activity. This will help them practice their listening skills.

The teacher shows the correct performance and labels what makes the model correct.

Before and after the first playing of the audio, I will give the students an explanation of
what to look for. If there are any questions or misunderstandings, I will clear that up and
help my students prepare for the second playing.

Check for Understanding:

The teacher monitors student progress through questioning or observations.

After the first playing of the audio, I will ask the students what they found was easy and
what they felt was more challenging. This will allow me to see what areas need to have
some more work in order to improve.

Guided Practice:
Students practice the new skill under the teachers guidance.

When it comes to the spelling of vocabulary and the word meanings, I will give a guided
practice for the students. Along with this, students will be tested on their comprehension
and improve their listening skills. This will lead them to master their knowledge of the
chapter vocabulary.

Students engage in a mental process that allows them to summarize the learning
experience. Overt active participation is used to check the summary process.

After the listening activity in the lesson, the students will need to write sentences that
incorporate the chapter vocabulary. This will help them master their understanding of the

Independent Practice:
The students practice the skill without teacher assistance.

For independent practice, students will be listening to 3 more podcasts and answer the
questions from their take home handout. This will help them further practice the
vocabulary and also practice the words that were not covered in class.

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