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Tiger P.R.I.D.E (physical education, recreation, inclusion, development and enjoyment)

is an internship created by the Health Exercise and Sport Pedagogy Department in order to
develop the skills of undergraduate students in engaginginimprovingtheirteachingpracticesto
better prepare themselves to become professional educators. As part of the Evaluation Team
(ET) my job helps in aiding my Delivery Team (DT) improve their teaching skills through
producing reflexive and analytical evaluations regarding their current lessons. This week Tiger
P.R.I.D.E focusedoncooperativelearningdance.MyDTforthisunitisLaurenNakaso whowill
be an instructor for Tiger Pride for the next few weeks. This week Laureninstructedtwenty4th
and 5th graders in Cleveland ElementaryonSeptember22ndand24th.Duringthistimestudents
learned a variety of dances that week which included Watch Me and Crazy Frog on
September 22nd and thenTheWobbleandChaChaSlideonSeptember25th.Overall,these
dances required a lot of movement so to help and assist in organizing studentsthroughoutthese
activities we spread them out by using poly spots and to help assist students in performing the
correct movement count for the dance we providedaradio speaker.Inordertoevaluatethisunit
effectively this paper will focus on just three systematic observations that will assist my DT in
improving their skills as an instructor in the future which will include:
Systematic Observation
Idiosyncrasies, Systematic Observation Teacher Feedback/ Questioning and Systematic

In regards to Laurens language in the class her Language and the terms she used were
well done. Though she made had made minor mistakes such as using the term You Guys
twice or Um and Uh twice in the class. She often caught herself and madesureto fixit.Such
as instead of YouGuys shewouldrefertoherclassasTigerPrideoruse individual student
name to who she may have been referring to during that time. In theusageofUmandUhits
best to slow your speech down and think before you speak. Sometimes we useUmandUhin
midthought of a sentence. Another thing I notice was using the term ok when handling a
situation with a student who has gone through a incident. It would have been betterformyDT
to say Thank for letting me know. I willtakecareofitrightawayor anysimilarphrases. All

Lauren did great when it came to teacher feedbackand questioning.She showedalotof
attentiveness toward her students. If an incident or situation came up she took care of it right


away at the same time still keeping her attention to her students. She gave great positive
feedback as well as constructive negative feedback to help excel in the activities. And when it
comes to situations or incidents I think Lauren should pay a little more attention on how she
responds to it. This is a repeat of the situation I referred above on the
Systematic Observation

Throughout the lesson the class did very well in followingdirectionandskillbuildingin
learning the movements for each song. However, I do wish that there wasalower skilledrubric
or alternative for each movement. Though our goal is to make them higher skill level students
sometimes some students have a hard time. I think that Lauren could have created some lower
skill variations just in case some students were having trouble in learning the movements.
Overall, it seems like all the students understood the concepts and were having a lot of fun

In conclusion, Lauren was great during instruction. Though there may have been very minor
issues or things to improve on during the lesson. The overall lesson went along great and the

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