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Dakota State University

College of Education
Name: Kali Rowe
Grade Level: 11
School: Arlington High School
Date: 11/18/14
Time: 9:58Reflection from prior lesson:
Reading The Things They Carried
Lesson Goal(s) / Standards:
11-12.RI.1 Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as
well as inferences drawn from the text, including determining where the text leaves matters uncertain
Lesson Objectives:
After reading and discussion of A Piece of my Heart students
can find and explain proof from the text to support what the text said.
can make inferences concerning text.
Materials Needed:
Article copies A Piece of My Heart (15)
Study Guide Questions (15)
Contextual Factors/ Learner Characteristics:
A. The Lesson

Title Brainstorming: List-Group-Label (5-10 min)
Come up with 3 words or phrases you think of when you think of the Vietnam War (controversial,
people didnt agree, men were drafted, we lost, a lot of people died, children were involved, guerilla
warfare, Communism, domino theory, soviet union)
o Were people at home excited about the Vietnam War? No, controversial
o What kind of people were in the war? Did they all volunteer? no, drafted
o Who one? Did we win? no, we lost
o How did they fight? Did they stand across a field from each other taking turns shooting each other.
No, camo, hid Guerilla warfare
o Why were we fighting in this war? Who else was fighting? Who wanted Vietnam? Russia,
Soviet Union
o Why didnt we want Russia to have Vietnam? communism
o What did we think would happen if Russia took Vietnam? Domino theory
Write list and combine into 3-4 groups (Possibly: people, ideas, tactics)


Content Delivery
Reading aloud, in class discussion questions (Reciprocal Teaching) (25-30 min)


Invincibility, do you ever feel youre invincible? Have drove around with your friends way too
fast and reckless? Do you text and drive? Is there anything else, which you knew was dangerous,
but you did it anyway?
If you were going to go into the military why would you do it? Money, adventure, recognition,
tradition, expectance? Why do you thing other young people join?
Have you ever had an experience, which you never truly understood how it felt until it happened
to you? The death of a loved one, illness of a loved one cancer? Heart attack?,
Do you know what she means when she says it was a lark. joke, game
Have you ever feared for your life?
Have you ever experienced something you were completely unprepared for? Test, driving for the
first time, public speaking. How did it feel?
Have ever experienced a life changing moment or do you know someone who has? Paralyzed,
someone who last a loved one unexpectedly?
How many of you have fired a gun before? How many of you would know how to reload, unjam
one? Those of you that havent, how would you feel in this situation?
What is the tone of the article?

Study Questions as bell work (remainder of class 5-10 min)

B. Assessments Used
Discussion as Formative Assessment
Study Questions as Summative Assessment to be reviewed the following day
C. Differentiated Instruction
D. Resources

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