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Congress of the United States ‘Washington, OE 20515 September 2th, 2015 IRE: An Open Letter to House Leadership Candidates ear Candidates, Change in Washington started withthe historic election ofthe Republican class of 2010. Our new ‘members eame from diffrent backgrounds and our political philosophic varied gray. Our Conference has changed significantly over the lst three eletions; over hal of our members have served in Congress for less than five years and never inthe minority. We swept into Washington unite bythe commen goals of restoring Constitutional principles that made America great, proving our constituents relief from the heavy-handed government expaasion brought on by the Obama Administration, and creating ‘oppontunities for hardworking files, ‘Time and again, the effets of our now historic majority were stymied by & Demoera-controlled Sena With the Senate retuming co Republican control his year, we were optimistic thatthe retura to regular ‘order in both chambers would get Congress moving again Sadly, we have not seen that materialize, In the House, dissatisfaction mong some in the rank-and-file continued to grow eulminating into the events of as week, Its lear our Conference i factred. Abraham Lincoln once said, [ao man has suthoity to give up the ebelfon for any other man. We simply must begin wih, and mould fom, Aisoganized and discordant elements." Now isthe tine fr introspection, Our leaders and candies for Feadecship mus ask themsoves, how ean we erate anew sense of unity and inclusion fram division and divisiveness? ‘With tis in sind the undersigned encourage candidates to incorporate the following reforms into your leadership platvonns: + Reslore True Regular Onder: We nee to eth eye of criss legislating, which bogs atthe ‘committee level. Committees need tobe doing more hearings, more mark-up, and more formal ‘conferences, Member priorities with 150 co-sponsors or broad bipartisan support at the

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