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I (eu)

My hair = prul meu

You (tu)

Your eyes = ochii ti

He (el)

His nose = nasul lui

She (ea)

Her face = faa ei

It (el/ea)

Its ears = urechile lui/ei

We (noi)

Our school = coala noastr

You (voi)

Your classroom = clasa voastr

They (ei/ele)

Their car = maina lor


1. My hand is small. =
2. His ears are big. =
3. Her name is Jane. =
4. Its eyes are green. =
5. Our book is nice. =
6. Their car is yellow. =
7. Your friends are tall. =
8. Her mother is funny. =
9. His computer is big. =
10. Your face is pretty. =
II. COMPLETE THE SENTENCES WITH my, your, his, her, its, our
OR their.
a) Mary is at school. ________ teacher is very nice.
b) Hello! I am a girl. ________ name is Mary.
c) You are a boy. ________ name is John.
d) John is at home. _______ house is beautiful.
f) We are Susan and Pat. _________ father is a doctor.
i) Patch is a rabbit. _________ eyes are red.
n) Susan and Mary are sisters. _________ house is big.
o) John is English. _______ mother is Portuguese.
q) This is my dog. _______ name is Fred.

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