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LUMRAN 'DEUTSCHE NORM Umhdllung ven Stahirohren mit Pelypropylen PAGE Oi uler October 1992 —> Su. At {m keeping with:current practice in standards published by the international Organization for Standardization (ISO), acomma has baen used throughout as the decimal macker This standard has been joint'y prapared by DIN Deutsches Institut fur Normung @. V. and DVGW Deutscher Vereis des Gas-und Wassertaches.. V. (German Gas and Viater Engineers’ Association) and has been adopted into the DVGW Codes of practice on gas and water. Dimensions in rom Contents Page ‘Scope and field of appilcation . Concepts Designation Requirements Requirements for aubstrate 4.2. Requirements for coating 4.2.1 Minimum thickness 422 Continuity ...... 423 Bond strength .... 4.2.4 Impact strength... 42.5 Indentation hardness 428 427 428 ‘ageing resistance 1 Scope and field of application This standard specifies requirements for and methods of testing extruded polyzropylene coatings applied at the works to DIN 2448 or DIN 2458 steel pipes that will be in contact with soil or water. The pipes thus coated may be. ‘exposed to direct sunlight for a period of up to one vear, with no additional protection being necessary. This standard is intended to be used for quality assurance purposes, ‘The service life of the coatings as covered ners ig a function of the operating temperaturas to which they'ara axnosed (et. tabie 1). Table t: Service lite of coatings Operating temperature. | Minimum expected service inc | Ite, in years 23 30 3 G3 20. 30 90. t 16 700 8 ‘Where coatings are used at alleratng temperatures, thelr expected service life shall be extrapolated from the values given above, 5 Testing 8.1 General 5.2 | Inspection documents 53 Procedure ...... 53.1 Coating thickness ..... 532 Continulty 533 Bond strength ss... 5.3.4 Impact atrength 5.3.6 . Indentation hardness 536 ‘Percentage elongation at failure $3.7 Coating resistivity . 5.3.8 Heat ageing resistance 6 Marking ...... Standards referred to Biota T 2 Concepts Relevant concepts are spacitied In DIN 30670 and DIN 53383 Part 1, 3 Designation A polypropylene (PP) coating in compliance with this standard shall be designated: Coating DIN 30 678 — PP 4 Requirements 4. Requirements for substrate 4.1.1 immediately prior to application of the coatin surface of the steel pipe (substrate) shall be clean (\ from dirt, cil, grease, welding beads. moisture) and blasted. to comply with standard preperation grade Sa 2'% as defined in DIN 85 928 Part 4 42° Requirements tor coating 4.24 Minimum thickness, The minimum coating thickness shall 0 table 2 (ef, subclause 6.2.1). specitiad in Continued on pages 2 to 6 long any 1m length of pipe, the coating thicknass may be ‘up t0 10% teas than the minimum required, provided the does not cover more than Sem’ | than DN 00 Insize shall be treetrorp Ngth ot SO mm, those of at least ON 500 In size, over a length of 100 mm, uniess otherwise specified by tha purchaser. . : ‘The length of uncoated pipe ends shall not exceed 150 mm, unless otherwise specified by the purchaser, 4.2.2 Continuity The coating shall be continuous (ie. tree trom pinholes). This requirement shail be deemed satisfied itno breakdavmn im the coating occurs during epark testing (ct. subciause 6.3.2). 42.3 Bond strength | When the coating Is tested a¢ specified in subclause 5.3.3, Rot more than 24 houre after application, the mean force required to iift it off shail, ! a) ata test temperatura of(80 x 5)°C,be atleast 100 N er cm of test pieca width; b) ata test temperatura of (20 = 5)* atleast 2ON er cm of test piece width, 4.2.4 Impact strength | When tested in accordance with subclause 5.3.4, the coating shall withstand 20 impacts without any electrical breakdown occurring, i 4.2.5. Indentation hardness i When testedin accordance with subciause 5, the inder|- tation depth shall not exceed 0,3 mm at a temperature of (80 + 6)°C. | 4.2.8 Percentage elongation at failure When tested in accordance with subclause §,2.5, tha per- centage elongation at fallure shall be at least 300% at @ temperatura of (23 + 2)°C. 4.2.7 Coating resistivity ' When testad in accordance with subclause 8.3.7, tha coats ing resistivity, determined after conditioning the test piece in the test medium for 100 days, shall be not lass than 108 Oma, Gin 0878 Engh way recognized test house. The manufacturer shall be responsible for ensuring coms pllance with the requirements specified in subclauses 4.1.1, 442 and 42.110 423, For each coating material and application process, th manufacturer shall provide proof of compliance with the Fequiremants specified in subcleuses 4.24 to 4.2.8 atinter- vale of at least three years. 8.2 Inspection documents 'ssuing a DIN 60049 inspaction document shall be the sub- ect of agreement. 5.3 Procedure 8.34 Coating thickness The costing thickness shall be measured at points Uniformly distributed along the length and about the clreumterence of the pipe, using a non-destructive (8.9, magnetic) method which permite measurements to be made to an accuracy of 10% 6.3.2 Continuity The coating shall be tested for continuity by means of spark testing, using commercially available high voltage equip- mant complying with DIN VDE 0433 Part 2, the voltage of which Is discharged via a sphere spark gap. The testvoltage shall be 28kV. The electrode (e.g, metal brush) shall be in contact with the coating surface, since any ait gap would falsity reaults, When a fault ia present, a spark will be seen, or the test ‘equipment will emit @ sign Note. Spark testing is Intended to reveal any disconti- ‘Suities in the coating, not to test the breakdown resistance of a continuous coating 5.9.3 Bond atrength The bond strangth of the coating shall be determined by ‘means of testing using one of the test assemblies illustrat: #d In figures 1 ana 2 or equivalent equipment. The coating shall be peeled off at right angles to the pipe surface at a rate of 10 mm/min. Three sampias each shall be tested at a ‘temperature of (50 5)°C. If one of the samples fails to ‘meet the requirements, the test shall be repeated an five turthar samples, none of which shall fail ‘Suen Prige group § pece_e2 DIN 30687 Page 3 ie5 = OM, ~ Ma. Peeling mator K Dynamometer “+B Test strip Floure 2: Type 2 test essembly for determining bond strength (taken froen DIN 30670) | Page 4 DIN 30672 Using a twin moter saw, an Incision shalt ba made in the coating, at least 20mm but not mors than 50mm wide. in the direction of the pipe circumference, down to the sub- strate, and another incision made atright angles to the cuts Just made. he test piece so obteinad shalibe gripped.anda length of about 20mm litted from the pipe surface. Disre- garding the first and last 20 mm of test strip, he force used to liftoff the strip shall be continuously recorded using, for ‘exampie, a dynamometer. The mean result obtained shall be expressed in N. Any test strip section (defined as being 25mm in length) for which the mean force anolied (in tha peeling mode) is more than 25% lower than the value sp Wied in subclause 4.2.3 shall not be includad in the evalua tion. Fortesting at (50 4 5)°C (and (90 + 5)°C),the sample shalt be incised as described above and heated to about €0°C {ar 100°C). The temperature of tha external surface of the test plece shell be continuously monitored using, for example, a faet-response contact thermometer. Measure ‘mants shall start being recorded as soon as the tempera- ture has dropped to 55°C (or 95*C),and the test completed before it reaches 48°C (or 85°C) 5.2.4 Impect stranath in tha impact testa sphere with @ diameter f 25 mm shal ‘be dropped onto the sample, which shall be supported so that it does not yield under the impact ofthe faling weight. ‘Ine test temperature shall be (0 + 2)°C, and the drop height approximately 1m. The impact energy, B, shall be ‘equal to (39) J par mm of coating thickness, witha toler- ance of St Tho factor 9 (ct. table 2) accounts fr the eurva- ture of the pipet being permissibie to reduce the Impact tenergy by this emaunt by reducing the mass of the faling waight of the drop helght Table a: Factor 7 Nominal size(DN) | ° 80 to 180 0.85 200 of more 1.0 The falling weight shal! be guided so as to minimize friction and go that the direction of fall s normal to tha pipe surface. ‘The pipe shall be subjected to impact 30 times, the distence ‘batween two points of impact being at leas: 30 me. Follow: ing that,a test voitage of 25kV shail be applied, and it shall ‘ba checked whether breakdown oco1.ts. 5.5 Indentation hardnesa - Indentation hardness testing shall be cartied cut on three test pieces, taken from coating not more then 2mm thick, which has been ramoved from the pipe and treed of ad- hesive. (It may be necessary to ebrade the reverse side of the test piece to obtain the required thickness,}itane of the test piaces fails to meet the cequirements,the lest shall be repeated on five further test pieces. none otwhich shal fi The indentor shall be a 250g metal rod ta which an adci- tional weight can be attached. A metal ain with a flat face, 48mm in diameter (or 2.5mm? in areal, snail be fitted Centrally at the lower and of the rad. The total mass of the assenibly shall be 23kg (corresponding to a surface Pressure of 1ON Imam?) For measurement of indantation depth, a penetrometer with gia} gauge, which permits measuraments to be made to ah accuracy of 0. mm, is required ‘Testing shal be carried out at a temperatu’a of (90 x 3)°C. Using @ tamparature-controlled water bath, if necessary [After conditioning the test piece for one hour at th temperature, the Indantor (without the additional weight) shall be slowly and cerefully lowered on the test plece,and the zero value st netrometer within five seconds. Following this,the additional weight shall be attached to the Indantor and, after 24 hours, the depth of penetration read from the penetrometer. 6.3.6 Percentage elongation at failure ‘The coating of three pipes shall be tested for elongation at nich five test pieces each shall be taken.The all have the form of specimen no. (if neces sary. half that size) or no.4,as specified in DIN 53.458, One test piece per pipe shall be permitted to fal ‘Test places shell be takerfafter the pipe has been heated to f@ maximum of 100°C to 110° ‘Testing shall be petformed as described in DIN 53 488,ata temperatura of (23 +t 2)°C and a rate of 60 mm/min (or 25 mm/min in the case of half-size test pieces). 6.3.7 Coating realstivity Three test places having a minimum test area of 0,03m? shall ba tested, none of which shall fail ‘sodium chloride solution with a concentration of0,{ mot/t ‘shall be used as the test medium, The test equipment shall ba made up ofa counterelectrode with a surlace area ofnot less than*,a d.c. source with an output voltage of not Jess than 80V, an ammeter and a voltmeter The test places shall be axposed to the test medium for 100 days at a temperature of (23 + 2)°C, in one of the ways described below. 4a) The pipe shall be placed horizontallyin aplastic con- tainer with lateral openings of suitable size, The space between container walls and test piece shall be sealed with a non-conductive material, The test medium shell be poured in, covering the pipe to a depth of at least 10mm. ) Plastic pipe sections shall be bonded to the surface of the sample (pipe or pipe section) using a non-con- ductive adhasive, The formar shall then be fllad with the test medium. c) One end of a pipe shall be sealed with a non-con- ductive material so that the steel surface Is nat in con- tact with the test medium. The pipe shall then be placed vertically in a vessel containing the test medium, The «pipe maybe removed from the medium and wetted with an electrolyte solution to measure resistivity, The coating shall be tested for continulty (cf, subclause 5.3.2} before being testad for resistivity, For the purposes of measurement, the positive pole of the dec. source shall be connected to the stee! pipe, and the negative pole to the counterelectrode, which shall then be immersed in the test medium. The coating resistivity, avin m?, shall be calculated from the following equation: iV) (Sim?) raion = UNO SIO) WiAy where UIs the voltage between counteralectroda and steet pipe, in V: Sis the test area, in m? Tis tha Intensity of current flawing through the coat- Ing. in A. . ‘The current flowing through the d.c. source is equal to that tlowing through the coating if thera are only negligible lenkage currents along the surface between the test area ang the steel at the pipe ends. Leakage current earthing complying with DIN VDE 0303 Part 3 shall be provided Fr: 88:36 © 992122494349 UNRaN PAGE @4 DIN 90678 Pages where the Intensity of measuring current, is high. The Marking Faauite of meesurament are only correct Il the teakags hn current intensity is substantially lower than 1. ‘Stee! pines as covered in this standard shall be clearly and Gurably marked with at least the manufacturer's mark of 6.3.8 Heat ageing resintance registered trade mark and the DIN number. Five teat places shall be subjected to the test for best sarang ageing resistance as specified in DIN 83383 Part 1. After : an exposure time of 100 days, the test pieces shall be (Mark) - Coating DIN 30678 ~ PP removed from tha oven and observed for brittleness, Standards referred to DIN: 2648 Soamless steel pipes and tubes; dimensions and mass per unit length DIN. 2488 Welded stee! pipes and tubes; dimensions and mass per unit length DIN 30670 Polyethylene coatings for stee! pipes and fitings: requirements and testing DIN 50049 Inspection documents for the delivery of metallic products DIN 53983 Part 1 Teating of plastics: testing polypropylene tor resistance to oxidation DIN 89485 Tensile testing of plastics, DIN 55926 Part 4 Corrosion protection ot steel structures by the application of organic or metallic coating reparation and testing of surfaces GIN VDE 0303 Part 3 Testing of electrical insulating materials; measurement of electrical resistance of non-metallic mate- DIN VDE 0433 Part 2 High-vcltage generation and measurement: Voltage measurement using sphere gaps (one sphet method) Explanatory notes This standard has been prepared by Technical Committee AA 5.2 of the Normenausschud Gastechnik (Gas Technology Standards Committes), the aim being to ensure that polyethylene pipe coatings provide adequate protection against the mechanical, thermal and chemical stresses occurring in service, transit and storage, and during Installation, Polypropylene coatings are significantly different from OIN 30670 polyethylene coatings, which necessitated thelr being covered in a separate standard, For sxampla, i is only possible to apply polypropylene coatings by means of extrusion, ie. ‘subsequent coating and repair work cannot be carried out using the materials specified In DIN 30 672 Part 1 when tha sarvice temperature exceeds 50°C. (A stancard in this regard ls currently in praparation,) . Experience has shown that the resistance of polypropylene to oxidation also differs (rom that of polyethylene, ia that it tends te become brittle when exposed to high temperatures. For this reason, the expected sarvice lite of polypropylene asa function of service temperatura has bean specified in clause 4 It should be noted that polypropylene that is coloured with carbon bl DIN £3983 Part 1 3K will not satisty the requirements specified in twas decided not to Include a testforrasistance to light ageing (i.e.behaviouron exposure to filtered xenon arc radiation),but rather to specify material characteristics that are suitable for use at high service temperatures. It can be deduced from the information glven in clause 4 that polypropylene coatings can be exposed to diract sunlight forlong periods only when other Brotection (€.g. @ covering) Is providad, and therefore. that the use of unprotected polypropylene coatings outdoors is not within the scope of this stancarc. The veluas specitied for minimum coating thickness are based cn those specitied in DIN 30 670, since both pelypropylene and Bolyethylene coatings ara usad as a physical barrier against corrosion and since permeation testing cf both types gave com- arable results, Likewise the mecharical stability of Doth types is similar, even when the band strength is reduced afterlong erlods of ui Similar requirements have also been specified for percentage elongation after failure, continuity and coating resistivity, Only those parameters which can be reliably determined and which arg relevant for the expected stresses In service have been Specified. ie. the properties of both polyethylene anc polypropylene may ba much better under different conditions. Ditferent tests and requirements have been specitied tor bong strength, Impact strength and indentation hardness, For example. since polypropylene tends to become brittie at ow temoeratures,e test temperature of(0 = 2)"Chas been apecified {or the test ot impact strength, . Determination of resistance to biistering is irrelevant because such does not occur in the coating materlals covered her Similarly, determination of cathodic cisbonding is net included, since this test does not provide relevant information with «+ , fagard to the quality of polyoropylene eaatings ana thait lang-term corrosion protection. “Bond strength is not a signiticant factor with regard to the protection the coating provides against corrosion (e.g. under rusting), as long as the thieknese and quality of the costing meet the requirements specifies here. 4 08:35 © 90-21 22494349 Je CIN 30678 chnical committee agreed that it would be Useful to determine the tear resistance of polypropylene but itwas not possible to develop a reproducible tast method. Polypropylene coatings are,nowever more resistant to Geterganta than polyethylene coatings,.a.{t can be stated with relative cartaity thatthe former are more resistant to tearing than the latter, International Patent Classification B29.C 47/02 1 FieLorta F161 88/10 @o1L 1/00 GOIN 33/46 NESIM oenin ikkekine, | —poplons 6. Seyhe,

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