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Dribble Among

Category: Soccer Dribbling Drills

Goal: This soccer drill focuses on dribbling, close control

and orientation.
Difficulty Level 2
4 cones are used to create a 10x10 meters square. Divide the team into two groups.
Each player holds a ball.
Players start to dribble in row from the two bottom cones towards diagonally. Players
should keep a determined distance between each other. In the middle players dribble
among each other. At the diagonally placed cones they turn around the cone and
dribble towards the starting position.

Soccer Dribbling Drill

Coaching Points

Keep the ball close to the feet

Often touch the ball

Heads up while dribbling to keep the distance and the row

Use both feet to dribble

Determine and vary the dribbling skills


Use different dribbling techniques

Set Up
Number of players: 8 - 20
Time: 10 - 15 min

Small Cones: 4

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