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Dribbling and Feinting

Category: Soccer Dribbling Drills

Goal: This soccer drill emphasises developing dribblig and
feinting skills. Turning with the ball and orientation.
under U10, U10-U12,

Difficulty Level 4

Mark a 15x15 meters square with four cones. Place four sticks at eqaul distance of the
cones about 6 meters apart. Place two players to each cone with a ball.
Players work in pairs diagonally and change position continuously. Players perform
determined feiting and turning skills at the sticks and dribble towards a determined
direction. To load difficulty a more complex direction and more difficult feints at the
sticks can be determined.

Soccer Dribbling Drill 1: Players in pairs diagonally start to dribble towards the sticks
in front of them. At the stick they perform a feint and accelerate straight towards the
opposite stick where players perform an other feint. After the second feint they dribble

towards the end of the group in front of them. The progression repeats with the
opposite located pair.

Soccer Dribbling Drill 2: Players in pairs diagonally dribble towards the sticks in
front of them. At the sticks they perform a feint and turn right. They dribble towards
the stick next to them. In front of the stick they perform an other feint and accelerate
to the end of the group. Players start to dribble the same way from the cone the first
player reach.

Soccer Dribbling Drill 3: Same progression to the other direction.

Coaching Points

Heads up

Often touch the ball

Accurate feinting and turning skills

Close control

Concentrate on directions

Change pace after the feints


Determine more complex directions

Set Up
Number of players: 8 - 12

Small Cones: 4

Sticks: 4

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