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Find the Cone

Category: Soccer Dribbling Drills

Goal: This soccer drill focuses on developing dribbling

reaction and orientation.
under U10, U10-U12, U13-U15 Difficulty Level 3
Create a 20x30 meters area. Put different colored cones unsystematically in the area.
Put two or more cones in each color Each player holds a ball.
Players dribble around in the marked area. Coach calls one color and players must
dribble to the named color cone. The fastest player is the winner. Continue the
progression with the same rule.

Soccer Dribbling Drill

Coaching Points

Univocal instructions

Eyes up from the ball

Use all surface of the feet while dribbling

Use both feet to dribbling

Keep the ball on the ground

Control the ball all the time

Set Up
Number of players: 10 - 24
Time: 5 - 10 min

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