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Name Class Date Cowrer(9 ) Guided Reading Strategies 9.1 READING THE SECTION As you read the section, fill in the causes and effects about the arrival of people in the Americas. 1. Cause: Effect: Land bridges form between Asia and the Americas, 2. Cause: The climate changes in Asia. Bffect; 3. Cause: Large animals such as mammoths and mastodons lived in the Americas, Effect; 4. Cause: EES Ee ee eaeeae eae eae essed eee ea ea ea eee eee Effect: People begin to farm, 5. Cause: Farming becomes productive. here nce ceca a GE POST-READING QUICK CHECK After you have finished reading the section, in the space provided, provide details that support the main idea. Main Idea: Historians think creation myths are important. Details: L ee ee eae ee eee 2 CCopyigh © by Hote Rinehart sod Winston. Alright weserved Holt World History: The Human Journey GD Guided Reading Strategies Name Class Date Camere 9 ) Guided Reading Strategies 9.2 Cultures of North America READING THE SECTION All of the following statements refer to cultures of North America. As you read the section, use the space provided to indicate whether each state- ment below refers to the Northwest, Southwest, Great Plains, or Eastern Woodlands, 1. Hohokam farmers flourished in this arid region by building irrigation networks. 2. People here were expert weavers and woodworkers. 3. People in this region hunted huge herds of wild buffalo. 4, They stretch from what is now Canada to the Gulf of Mexico and from the Atlantic to the Mississippi River. Some peopl potlatches, region held festive gatherings called | 6. People lived in pueblos, 7. The tools people used were made from bone, stone, and wood. The Hopewell settled in this region, | . Large settlements in this region centered around cctermonial mound constructions, 10. The area is located between the Rocky Mountains and the Mississippi River. POST-READING QUICK CHECK After you have finished reading the section, use the chart below to list the factors that affect the way people in a region live. Region Factors that Affect Way of Life Pacific Northwest. Southwest Great Plains Eastern Woodlands (Copyright ¢ by Holt Rinehart and Winston. Allright sieve Holt World History: The Human Journey Gay Guided Reading Strategies Name CaawreR(9 ) Guided Reading Strategies 9.3 Mesoamerica and Andean South America Class__ ate READING THE SECTION As you read the section, examine each pair of statements below. Circle the letter of the statement that is true. 1. a. The Olmec were the earliest known civilization in Mexico, b. The Maya were the earliest known civilization in Mexico. 2. a. Pyramids and the development of the calendar show that the Maya were sophisticated scientists, b. Pyramids and the development of the calendar show that the Chavin were sophisticated scientists. 3. a. The Maya used cuneiform writing. b. ‘The Maya used hieroglyphs for writing. ‘The Toltec god Quetzalcoatl became popular with other cultures. b, The Toltec god Chichén Itza became popular with other cultures. 5. a. The Aztec absorbed elements of the cultures of the people they conquered. bb. The Aztec destroyed the cultures of the people they conquered. Aharsh military ruled the Aztec empire. b. Priests ruled the Aztec empire. ‘The Aztecs believed that they had to give gold to the sun god. b. The Aztecs believed that they had to sacrifice humans to the sun god. ‘The Inca Empire began in the Andes Mountains of South America. b. ‘The Inca Empire began in the Andes Mountains of Mexico, 6. 9. a. The Inca emperors used their power to improve everyday life, , The Inca emperors abused their power and made life hard for their people. ‘he Inca Empire suffered from a lack of unity due to its size. b, The Inca emperors unified the kingdom through common roads and language. POST-READING QUICK CHECK After you have finished reading the section, define Quechua and Quipu and explain their significance. (0 Copyright © by Hol, Rinehart and Winston. Al sighted Holt Word History: The Human Journey Ga) Guided Reading Strategies Name Cass Date Ganprer(9 ) Graphic Organizer Activity Mesoamerican Em| Complete the graphic organizer. In each box briefly describe the accomplishments and religious beliefs of each civilization. Olmec Maya Toltec Inca ‘Copyright © by Hot, Rinchart and Wason Ali Holt World History: The Human Joumey Graphic Organizer Activities Name Class Date Gare 9) Geography Activity The Americas THE MAYA EMPIRE ‘The Yucatén Peninsula was home to the Maya. The Maya people built elaborate cities throughout their territory, These cities contained temples, ball courts, sacrificial wells, and astronomical observatories. Study the map below and answer the questions that follow. ‘Maya Cities in the Yucatan pyri © by Hot, Kine Holt World History: S002 nue" oary" or aoe ore UP /O MpReeR A/a panos sang sy 00 > ayn Bus pny ang oo) pan Eee mM) Bey Pape fo sen 9 pens por Sa ub saou te rg oes BSP a oe Bary RD tos Ae ope} ORAL og ou ya GED FH Eg Rog on i EBLE FE sry dq pong os wag ute pon va APSE "i ia ais Sa) =D samy ooer umrs"say Ww Soome"cou yoo MpESEN UE soozst ‘amo"baay" UF aoa ms Yoo pede nds ea ss 230s Joe een pee re ems 20 oem amino OF YEN ONE PONE a Fen oy e200 pe sooctt aime ty" wr eos" wren IPSC Mey pmo Jo yeuipan parmifarest gepodbEAA ‘aap ota oma sy juga sams Feo SRY oN anime ony Wogan mumgnmee epoca, way NCR 9) 2 CAMS Poy He FAN ABP aoa sqm pouopeg, saver sunray" sON UNM /o IPE NUS sea (utr se, > yd ie “in 4 ema oo aq aes nn snes tn pm on ‘same gle eo we, mgr sem ems ade ‘amuse pede yo co 8g non pun y o. nse hn ered oa ap sys ends eng el Son mba y ae or Yorn 1 kaon musts Sn fo ‘ba pe oes pose oo

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