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Work Day Policies and Procedures

Unspoken 2.0
Iteration 1
Project Manager

Chase Sweet
Nathan Velasquez
Mark Rutledge, Shane Mayhew
Steven Oake

Iteration 2
Project Manager

Steven Oake
Shane Mayhew
Nathan Velasquez, Chase Sweet
Mark Rutledge

Iteration 3
Project Manager

Shane Mayhew
Chase Sweet
Steven Oake, Mark Rutledge
Nathan Velasquez

Meetings will be held every [Thursday, 8:00, Breeze Team 1 Room].


What happens if someone is absent? What if they are repeatedly

They are responsible for getting caught up.
If repeatedly absent (2 consecutive or 3 cumulative absences) Dr.
Lewis will be notified.
If a team member will be absent the team should be notified
Who takes attendance at your meetings?
Current Project Manager
Are informal meetings counted towards a persons absences?
Only if there is a push for a deadline that is due, otherwise no.


How often does your team communicate with the client?

At the end of each iteration or as needed when problems should
arise or develop
Who communicates with the client?
Shane Mayhew
When/how often will you meet with the client?
Every two weeks or as needed when problems should arise or

Missed Deadlines

What consequences occur when a team mate misses an out-of-class

The other team members should help and Dr. Lewis will be notified.
Your grade should suffer. If a team member is having trouble they
should ask ahead of time and not wait until it is too late, however
the team mate should still be responsible for which they are
Who is responsible for enforcing the consequence?
Current Project Manager

Sharing of fi les

Where will the person completing a task store the files/data?

A fallback will be dropbox or google docs as a backup and if all else
fails email.

Virtual Collaboration

What tools will be used to assist in virtual meetings, document

sharing, knowledge repository, etc.?
Android Studio, Adobe Breeze, Laptop for Personal Meetings with

An out of class meeting will usually take of 60 minutes (1 Hour).
5 minutes - Overview on what needs to be discussed and
accomplished in the current meeting.
5 minutes - Overview of the entire project on what has been done to
what needs to be done and what was discussed with the
15 minutes Planning out and discussing what actions need to
be taken.
35 minutes Collaboration on problems or the next
programming steps to be taken.
Documenters collaborate on the next document that is


What happens if someone is absent?

They should be responsible for what was discussed and be brought
up to speed


Where will you in-class meetings take place a private breeze

room; Google hangouts, etc?
Team 1 Breeze Room
What if some is disconnected from the meeting? Who will bring the
person up to speed on the missed information?
The team should update the person who is having connectivity
How many times will you allow a person to be accidentally
disconnected before you enforce a consequence?
5 accidentally disconnected attempts
Who will enforce the consequence?
The current Project Manager

Missed Deadlines

What consequences occur when a team mate misses an in-class

Dr. Lewis should be notified and her action should reflect the
Who is responsible for enforcing the consequence?
The current Project Manager

Sharing of fi les

Where will the person completing a task store the files/data?

The Breeze Room, or distributing the files through email to the
entire team.

An in-class workday will consist of 75 minutes (1 Hour 15 min).
5 minutes - Overview on what needs to be discussed and
accomplished in the current meeting.
5 minutes - Overview of the entire project on what has been done to
what needs to be done and what was discussed with the
15 minutes Planning out and discussing what actions need to
be taken.

50 minutes -

Collaboration on problems or the next

programming steps to be taken.
Documenters collaborate on the next document that is


Late Submissions

What happens if someone submits the assignment late (to the

professor or to the lead person)? What if they are repeatedly late?
The team should be notified if an assignment is late and the current
project manager should discuss the situation with Dr. Lewis. If
repeatedly late Dr. Lewis should be notified.
Who takes keeps track of these items?
The current Project Manager

Team Member Dominance/Slacking


What happens when a team mate overly dominates an assignment

or completely slacks in their commitment?
If overly dominating an assignment occurs the pair team members
should step up and tell the team member that they have done a lot
and the other team member/members should swap the role to
finish the work.
If completely slack in their commitment the other team members
should step and up and tell the team member that they need to put
more effort towards their commitment. If slacking further occurs
Dr. Lewis will be notified.
Who is responsible for enforcing the consequence?
The current Project Manager

Sharing of fi les (cutoff time/date)


Who will communicate to everyone the cutoff time, date, and

submission location for internal team milestones?
The current Project Manger
What happens if someone shares information after the cutoff time?
The final agreed document should be used unless a major error is
found. This reduces repeated submissions and a confusion of the
most recent document.
What is your teams document naming convention to ensure that
the latest copy is being edited?
The template document name and date modified (mm,dd,yyyy)

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