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1. Cause of impaired gas in COPD

a. V/Q mismatch
b. Shunt
c. Hypoventilation
d. Hyperventilation
2. Cause early airway collapse in COPD
during early expiration
a. Small airway narrowing
b. Loss of elastic recoil
c. Loss of radial traction
d. Loss of weight
3. Causes permanent damage in COPD
a. Bronchospasm
b. Oxidative Stress
c. Mucosal edema
d. Mucociliary dysfunction
4. Most significant cause of obstruction in
a. Small airway narrowing
b. Loss of elastic recoil
c. Loss of radial traction
d. Loss of weight
5. Significant cause of cachexia in COPD
a. Increase work of breathing
b. Anorexia
c. Elastase
d. TNF a
6. Most reliable radiologic finding in COPD
a. Cardiomegaly
b. Widened ICS
c. Bullae
d. Pallas sign
7. Typical posture of COPD Patient
a. Tripod
b. Bipod
c. Gowens sign
d. Hoovers sign
8. Most common source
a. Viral infection
b. Bacterial infection
c. Toxic Inhalation
d. House dust



9. A 60y year old male was evaluated for

recurrent DOB. He had history of

asthma and allergies during childhood

and smoked cigarettes for 15 years.
What test is crucial for accurate
a. Spirometry
b. Lung volume studies
d. ABG
10. The most important risk factor for
bronchial asthma
a. Polyps
b. Sinusitis
c. Triggers
d. Atopy
11. Idiosyncratic asthma will have
a. Positive bronchoprovocation
b. Positive wheal and flare reaction
c. IgE in serum
d. Rhinitis and urticarial
12. Substance released with
a. IL8
b. Leukotriene 8
c. Histamine
d. Cholestyramine



13. Controls airway inflammation in asthma

a. Methylxanthine
b. Corticosteroids
c. B-agonist
d. Anticholinergics
14. Over excretion of cysteinyl leukotrienes
as mechanism for asthma exacerbation
a. Exercise
b. Air pollution
c. Aspirin
d. Beta-blockers
15. Seen on microscopy sputum from
a. Cushmanns spiral
b. IgE
c. Charcot-Leyden crystal
d. Hemosiderin laden crystal
16. Mucosal thermal changes
exacerbation of asthma
a. Exercise



b. Air pollution
c. Aspirin
d. B-blockers
17. Most common cause
a. Sulfur dioxide
b. Viral infection
c. Toxic inhalation
d. Fart


18. Earliest ABG findings in asthma

a. Respiratory alkalosis
b. Respiratory acidosis
c. Metabolic alkalosis
d. Metabolic acidosis


19. Complication of asthma

a. Pneumonia
b. Pleural effusion
c. PUD
d. Pneumothorax
20. A COPD on respirator developed fever
after 48 hours. Possible diagnosis?
a. HAP
b. VAP
c. Barotraumas
d. cholestasis

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