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Progression 2 Exercise 3

Mentos, the well-known mint worldwide. Despite of its popularity, Mentos is currently in a
downward trend. Based in the observations of the county of Los Angeles, the popular mint has
been overlooked by the community of Los Angeles.

In the first instance, one will be suspect that CVS is the origin to distribute sweets to the
community that surrounds it. Nevertheless, the common household supplies overshadow the
importance of mentos. Knowingly the store had it limited space, I had to move diligently and
stealthy. The first testee was a man, who looked in the late ages of life, acquired all of his
common goods like Charmin toilet paper, fruit loops and razors. The man passed by the many
sweets in the candy aisle, but he did not submit the sugary superiority. Mentos was in this isle, by
this individual, ever seeking attention. Alas the mighty circular hero dwelled back to lonesome
self. Next I checked to see if anyone is interested in the candy section. It was barely the
afternoon, maybe that is a certainty why mentos haven't been looked at. Customers were scarce
at the time, estimating at least fifteen. While I was waiting in line, I hypothesized that the
customers ahead of me will cater to the sender range of Candy's below the register. Mentos was
one of them, sitting in hope of a new home. The exact opposite occurred, the sense of false hope
triggered to ask of the candy's on the mini shelf. The five customers ahead of me had inventory
of household supplies, and chips. Chips were definitely more favored, at least one in four
customers acquired them. While in the case of mentos, my fifteen minutes observing around
fifteen customers, none out of all them even bothered about thinking about buying them.
Conclusion of CVS, customers were scarce, and candy in general is less popular as a whole in

this site. The range of the customers, around 5 children , few teens, and 9 adults. Conclusion,
there was no outliers in CVS were bold enough to bring the fresh maker home.
To finish up the last twenty minutes, I traveled to WalMart in the fall brook center, in hope to
find the first outlier. Here I only observed to understand the shopping trend and see if anyone
bought mentos. Estimation of 9 individuals who enter and around 8 pass through the exit
(investigation of ten minutes) every minute ish. 3 P.M. fairly busy and loud. Customers left with
many products, from dog food to human food. The frequent product I witnessed was candy.
Hope sparked, decent advertisement toward Halloween made candy mainstream. With the best of
my capability, I strenuously attempted to see through the bags of many without assuming to be a
creep. Detriment results, the desire of chocolate pushed away my research. In desperation, I
moved toward the candy aisle to see if mentos are well displayed. There was few in the candy
aisle, probably the ones that customers relocate because they second thought themselves about
mentos and left it here. Many people in the vicinity, many walking by to get to the electronic are.
With the time remaining, a plateau of results reoccurred, nothing. What's the deal with people not
buying mentos? The answer to that is probably there is a higher demand toward gum than
Overall, the Intel I attained illustrates that most customers visiting a neighborhood shop or a
popular market, come with priorities. Thus, assuming they'll opt for mentos if and only its on the
side, before paying for their original intentions for coming to the building, then they maybe bring
alongside the mint. I've only seen this event with a handful of people in earlier years, most of the
time it being my dad. Another conclusion to the scrutiny downfall is because it is harder to
transport mentos than it is for him. Nevermore, the fresh maker is definitely less demanding than
what I originally assumed. Or maybe it was a day to boycott mentos.

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