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Student Name:

Subject: Arts


Unit: Envisioning Form and function

Teacher(s): Ms. Cairncross

Inquiry Statement:

Visual culture addresses personal identity and

relationships through functional forms

Key Concept: From

Related Concept(s): Visual Culture

At the end of year 3, students should be able to:

i. develop a feasible, clear, imaginative and coherent
artistic intention
Objectives: ii.ouline alternatives, perspectives and imaginative
iii. demonstrate the exploration of ideas to shape
artistic intention through to a point of realization.

Global Context: Identities and Relationships


Achievement level
Process Objectives

Product Objective
Process Objectives

Product Objective
Process Objectives

Product Objective
Process Objectives

Product Objective

Self Final Score:


IB Descriptors

Task-Specific Descriptors

The student does not reach a standard described by any

of the descriptors below.
The student:
i. develops a limited artistic intention that is rarely
feasible, clear, imaginative or coherent
ii. demonstrates a limited range or depth of creativethinking behaviours

The student does not reach a standard described by any of the

descriptors below.
The student:
i. Devloped a limited intention and did not sketch ideas/show
ii. Demonstrates a limited range of depth in creatively problem-solving
and self motivated learning
iii. Demonstrates limited exploration of ideas in shape and form. The
student did not reach a point of realization and did not meet the hieght
The student:

iii. demonstrates limited exploration of ideas to shape

artistic intention that may reach a point of realization.
The student:
i. develops an adequate artistic intention that is
occasionally feasible, clear, imaginative and/or coherent
ii. demonstrates an adequate range and depth of
creative-thinking behaviours
iii. demonstrates adequate exploration of ideas to shape
artistic intention through to a point of realization.
The student:
i. develops a substantial artistic intention that is often
feasible, clear, imaginative and coherent
ii. demonstrates a substantial range and depth of
creative-thinking behaviours
iii. demonstrates substantial exploration of ideas to
purposefully shape artistic intention through to a point
of realization.
The student:
i. develops an excellent artistic intention that is
consistently feasible, clear, imaginative and coherent
ii. demonstrates an excellent range and depth of creativethinking behaviours
iii. demonstrates excellent exploration of ideas to
effectively shape artistic intention through to a point of

i. Develops and adequate intention and design. Did not get it approved
by teacher and was not clear with patterning and coil building plans
ii. Demonstrates an adequate reange of creative- thinking and problem
solving when completing work
iii. Demonstrates adequate exploration of ideas to shape artistic
intention through the point of relization. The student showed problem
solving skills by rede
The student:
i. develops a substantial intention for design and function of the piece.
The student has a clear, imagainative and coherent vision aligned with
the criteria
ii. Deomonstrates a substantial range of depth in creative thinking
iii. Demonstrates substantial exploration of ideas (two different
sketchs). Has a clear plan for glazing techniques and purposefully plans
The student:
i. develops and excellent 12" coil built vessel. At least half the vessel
has clear coils and it is imaginative and creative.
ii. Demonstrates an excellent range of depth of creative-thinking
behaviors (brainstorming, exploration, problem solving, etc.)
iii. Demonstrates excellent exploration of ideas to effectively create a
coil build vessell

Teacher Final Score:

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