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Hi all, I hope you are having a fabulous Wednesday.

Here are my notes from Senate

The Rank documents are still under discussion and they are going to give them to us in
chunks to approve and vote on. We will let you know as more info is given, but in answer
to the question that you have to have an exceeds in all categories every year to
advance, Lois said it would be a holistic view over time which would adjust for one year
focusing very heavily on service and another on professional development.
The Oregon shootings have had an impact on the campus and President Huftalin asked
that we be sensitive to people that may have ties up there. Also they will be doing more
safety training and the emergency people are willing to come and give training to smaller
groups. If you see faculty, staff or students that seem disturbed or acting out there are
paths to follow and more information will be coming. FYI did you know SLCC has a Crisis
APP specific to SLCC?
Oct 22 from 2:30 to 4:00 is the next Faculty Association meeting and they need building
reps. This service can be used in your portfolio and you can be skyped into the
meetings if you are looking for a service opportunity. Topics will include onetime
payments and overloads.
The BIT schedule is on the FTLCs website and the Adjunct conference is this weekend
Oct 19th from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. Breakfast will be served and 8:15 and lunch will be
provided. It is in the Oak room and they encourage all adjunct to register so they can get
a count for food.
The student Association thanked us for working on communicating better with them
through canvas and also asked to have grades posted more frequently on Canvas, or just
letting them know earlier in the semester how they are doing. A discussion proceeded
about using all faculty using canvas to let student know their grades. If you are not
already doing this, please start.
The college has webex which is a way to host a meeting or class online with live interface
and you can share content. Supposedly it is better than skype. John Hunt in the contact
person for that and I will see about getting more info to you about how it works. If you
already know about it and use it please let me know.
Admissions, Standards and Student Affairs (ASSA) needs a couple more faculty on their
committee. They will meet once a once on a Wed from 2-3.
Professional Growth and Faculty Development (PGFD)- I have attached the teaching
Excellence document that will be voted on Oct 19 th. They need feedback before Oct 12th.
Also they would like presentation from each school on their committee and they dont
have one from our school. Hint Hint. This is another great way to service.
Appointment, Promotion, Academic Freedom and Tenure (APAFT)- We discussed the 6
year tenure module that was proposed. One of the concerns was that if there was a substandard teacher and there wasnt a summative evaluation each year it would take 4
years to get two letters of concern to facilitate his/her termination. It was proposed that
only the first year be formative and the rest summative or that on any year there was
concern an addendum would be added where if the faculty doesnt improve they can be
terminated. If you have other thoughts about this please let us know.

Faculty conversation with the President will be Oct 28 th 2:00 see attachment.
Last but not least- As the new rank and tenure guidelines are being developed, we are
aware that training for the sitting committees will be needed.
I think that does it for now. If you are interesting in being on any of the committees that
need reps from our school please let us know and we will get you in contact with the
chairs. Also, there are a couple votes coming up please let Ruben or myself know your
thoughts so we can represent you adequately.
Thanks for all you do!!

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