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emerging Technologies

Emerging Technologies

Ana Luna
Professor: Corinne Blake
Edu 214

emerging Technologies


The purpose of this research is to provide information on the emerging technologies that
are out there in the school systems. There are many new types of emerging technologies that
teachers are using to teach their students. Some of these new technologies help many grade
levels accomplish their learning skills. Some of the new emerging technologies include 3D
printing, mobile technology, and tablet computing. All of these technologies are new emerging
technologies that students and teachers are using in their classrooms. These emerging
technologies have come a long way in most schools now. Every technology has its own way of
teaching students. They all learn in different ways from using these technologies because they
teach different things. As long as the students learn and they benefit from using technology than
thats what should matter. As technology keeps advancing there are more tools being added to the
schools as long as they are helpful to the students and teachers can use them to teach than there
should be no problem with schools using technology.

emerging Technologies

Emerging Technologies

There are many technologies that are being used in every school system. It all depends on
the schools that most students attend and what is being provided to them. Not everyone will
teach or provide the same material to every student. Emerging technology is developing at a fast
pace with our school systems now at days. It seems like there is always something new being
integrated at schools. That is because education is a never ending subject. There will always be
new information and new tools added to the school systems. So teachers have to stay updated at
all times with whats new in order for them to teach students.
3D Printing
One of the emerging technologies that is in some schools is 3D printing. What 3D
printing is it basically prints objects into a 3 dimensional model. This model can be touched by
the students afterwards. This kind of technology is very useful for many students. It gives them
the opportunity to see an object being created in front of them in a matter of a few minutes.
This type of technology can be used at every grade level. For younger students who are in
kindergarten and a few grade levels up 3D printing should be used while they are with an adult
like the teacher. This is because these 3D printers are hard to manage and they can easily be
broken if they are not taken care of. Regardless this type of technology would benefit every
grade level from elementary schools to high school students.
3D impacts the way that teachers teach students because they are able to demonstrate to
the students how a life object works and what its function is. They can put real life situations at
task with the students making them think outside the box. This allows them to over think
situations allowing them to be more creative and expand their thoughts more than what they

emerging Technologies

would usually do with standard learning. Teachers can teach their students with more precise
objects at hand. They can demonstrate how a fossil or an artifact works. They get the visual
learning at first sight. Teachers get the opportunity to teach students about anything.
Students benefit from using 3D technology because they get to solve real life problems.
They are able to see how objects work. If the teacher is showing them how a fossil was formed
they can see how it looks and what it consist of. They are able to work as a team to figure things
out. Some students like working with someone else they feel like they can get more stuff done
and they can help one another.
Having 3D printing in the classroom would benefit everyone this would include the
students and the teacher. Everyone in the classroom would be demonstrating how much they
know on a certain subject. Anything can taught from using 3D in the classroom. Not only is it
something new to students but they are also learning great things.
Mobile technology
Mobile technology has increased and evolved at a fast pace over the recent years. Many schools
are introducing mobile technology to students because they find it to be very useful. What
mobile technology consist of is any tool that can used anywhere, at any time. It can vary from
tablets, cellphones, and computers. Mobile technology has been progressing in a short amount of
Many students can benefit from using mobile technology. It can be used by every grade
level. Even students in kindergarten can use mobile technology. Mobile technology is for every
grade level. It also depends on the grade level that the students are in and what they learn from
using mobile technology. Each grade level is taught different things so not everyone will use or

emerging Technologies

learn the same material as the other students. What they learn through mobile technology varies
throughout the students grade level.
This impacts the way that the teachers teach because it makes things more flexible for
them. It allows them to upload about anything to their device that is being used for teaching.
Teachers can see the grade that the student will be receiving with just one click away. The way
that they would do this is by inputting the grade the student has and putting in an assumption of
what the next grades would be. They do this through a gradebook system. Teachers can send the
students reminders about the assignments. They can also send notes to the parents about
upcoming events. Mobile technology allows teachers to integrate the tools that is provided to
them to teach the students. Some of the tools that are out there in schools now are Iclickers. What
iclickers do is they allow students to participate in class activities. For example if the teacher is
going over a test the iclickers allows the students to choose what is the right and wrong answer.
Doing so makes the student feel less embarrassed if they get an answer wrong rather than saying
out loud where everyone hears them.
Students enjoy using mobile technology because they are having fun while learning at the
same time. They feel less pressured if they are to get something wrong. They can work about
anywhere from home or at school if the assignment is sent to them. They can upload anything at
any time of the day. Everyone in the classroom would benefit from using mobile technology.
This is because since technology is always advancing everyone has to keep up to date with the
new technologies. Both the students and the teacher are able to combine normal lectures with the
Tablet Computing

emerging Technologies

Tablet computing is used in many of our school systems. It is being used more and more
daily in schools. Tablet computing is one of the most common technologies that schools have in
the classrooms. About every grade level can use tablet computing there is no age limit as to who
can use them. This can start from kindergarten to high school students. Those teachers who are
using tablets to teach in the classroom use different kinds of programs to do the lecture for the
day. They incorporate different kinds of lessons to combine the tablet along with the lesson.
While the students are using the tablets they can do homework or play informational
games. These games can be about math, science, reading, and every other subject that the schools
teach. Not only are the students learning but they are also getting better grades and their test
scores are increasing.
Students learn a lot of things from using tablet computing. They are able to do
corrections if they are doing an assignment on the tablets. This way they are able to see what
they did wrong and they are able to go back and do the corrections that are needed. Just about
everyone can benefit from tablet computing in the classroom. Teachers and students both
increase their knowledge because they benefit from the tablets. They are able to teach and learn
about anything as long as it is educational wise.
While there continues to be many new emerging technologies many people may or may
not agree with the technologies being added to the school system. With these technologies many
students get the chance to learn in a different kind of way. Its different from the traditional
teaching that most people are used to. Whether it be through traditional teaching and learning as
long as the students are getting the education they need and they are learning in a proper way
more schools should have these tools provided to them.

emerging Technologies


Advantages and disadvantages of mobile technology (

Lever-Duffy, J., & B.McDonald, J. (n.d.). Teaching and learning with technology (pp. 145-146).

Mobile Technology Goes to School (Education World:)

Should pupils be using tablet computers in school? (The Telegraph)

Tablet PCs for Classroom Use: Technology and Application (Tablet PCs for Classroom Use)

Why 3D Printing Needs to Take Off in Schools Around the World (3DPrintcom)

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