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I. Topic/Grade Level: [Sewing] [6th Grade/ Family and Consumer Sciences]


National Standard 16.4.1: Demonstrate professional skills in using a variety of
equiptment, tools, and supplies for fashion, apparel, and textile construction, alteration, and
III.Goals and Student Learning Outcomes (Objectives):
[GOAL: List what you want students to be able to understand / accomplish as a result of the
learning experience].
[STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES: what students will be able to demonstrate as a result
of the lesson. List the activities in this lesson that will allow students to accomplish each goal]
Write the Goal, and then list the Student Learning Outcomes under that specific goal.
Goal 1: Students will create a bookmark using the skills taught in class.
Student Learning Outcome 1: Given a canvas, needle, and yarn, students will complete at
least 4, 5-count squares on their bookmark canvas by the end of the class period.

Learning Environment(s):
Face to face




Diversity / Differentiation:
The class is composed of male and female Caucasian and African American
students. All students speak fluent English, which does not present a problem. No
students have any outstanding special needs that would require special individual


Technology Inclusion:
The teacher will use an Elmo Interactive Document Camera for demonstration
purposes and detailed showings of student work and progress.

VIII. Prior Knowledge: This is a new unit consisting of all new hand sewing skills. It is not
expected for students to have any prior knowledge of these skills.
Lesson Placement in the Unit: This is lesson 1 of 5.
1. Procedures:

2. Lesson Introduction / Anticipatory Set:
The teacher will ask the students if they have ever had an article of clothing rip or had a
button fall off. (Most students will probably respond with yes). The teacher will
mention several examples in which sewing skills are of great use. The teacher will
show examples of the craft that will be created throughout this demonstrative sewing
unit to gain interest.
3. Direct Instruction:
The pattern that is needed to complete the project will be drawn large-scale on the
white board for students to look at while the teacher demonstrates the sewing technique
under the Elmo interactive document camera. There are 14 points that must be sewed
in consecutive order to complete one square on the canvas. Students will have their
canvas in front of them so they can look along at the actual size they will be working
4. Student Interaction with lesson content / Guided Practice:
Students will begin working on their own individual projects while the teacher walks
around the room helping any students who may need help starting out their first box.
5. Independent Practice:
Students will work on their own individual projects while the teacher walks around the
room guiding students as needed.
6. Review / Closure:
Teacher will inform students that they will continue this project next class.
Students will clean up their table by putting their projects in the group bin to be put
7. Presentations:
At this point in the project, students are not presenting their work because it is not
complete. A short presentation and reflection will be done at a later date.

o 1. The teacher will informally assess the students work while walking around the
classroom at this point in the beginning stages of the project.


Risk Analysis: There is the potential for the Elmo Interactive Document Camera to
malfunction before or during the demonstration. This would prevent the teacher to do a
detailed demonstration for the class to see. A solution to this issue would be for the teacher
to go around the classroom group to group for small demonstrations.


References: There are no outside sources for this particular lesson.

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