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Magic Of Arabia Angel Evocation And Djinn Summoning Geoffrey Harris Magic Of Arabia Rites And Rituals. Bookl Copyright © 2015 ISBN:978-1-326-41967-7 Geoffrey Harris All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted. in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright holder Table of Contents Preface General Instructions Develop the Power Punch of Moses Opening the Third Eye Invisibility Occult Healing of Afflictions Magickal Shield #1 Magickal Shield #2 Hizbul Autaad Develop the Occult Ability to Detect Treasures Magickal Assistance from Three Spirits Increasing Psychic Sensitivity Protection of One's Home with the Throne Verse Acquiring Occult Knowledge Invulnerability to Fire Making Angelic Contacts To Communicate with the Power Inherent Within an Occult Object Removing the Power of Psychic and Physical Implants of Those Having Difficulty Dying Acquiring Occult Objects through Magickal Means Removing the Effects of Psychic Attack or Black Magick Kulhu Geni Mantra Kulhu Durdah Mantra Kulhu Sungsang Mantra Kulhu Sepuh Kulhu Balik Mantra. Love-Mantra Disenchanter To Instill Harmony in the Family To Force a Thief to Return Stolen Goods Acquiring Psychic Energy Invulnerability to Bullets General Invulnerability Against Sharp Weapons To Shapeshift To Understand the Language of Animals To Open Locks Without Keys Acquisition of Wealth Cleansing Oneself from Karmic Stains (Sins) Ilmu Aji Kawibawa--Develop a Powerful Presence Consecration of Physical Objects for Various Purposes The Power of Asma’ Nabi Musa Mantra to Put-off Sleep Love Spell Using Salt Love Spell Using Pebbles Footsteps Attraction Spell Food Attraction Spell Earth Contact Spell to Cause Another to Fall Under Your Influence Al-Fatehah Love Spell The Power of Asma’ Jaljalut Kubro Spiritual Communication with a Wali/Saint/Adept The 7000 Angelic Spirits Escort To Evoke Someone to Appear in a Dream The Invocation of the Angel Ruqya'il Hand-Shake Attraction Power The Wings of the Angel Israil Mantra to Increase Psychic Sensitivity and Power Invocation of the Guardian Spirit of a Region Power Punch The Mantra of Transfixion Create an Illusory Body of Self Siker Cekutha Cekuthi Mantra Panikah Batin Mantra Asma' Gabah Assistance from a Spirit Magickal Shield Banishing Jinns Magickal Diagram Tlmu Aji Sapu Angin--Run Like the Wind! Mantra to Silence Opponents Personal Protection Against Negative Entities Mantra to Tame Poisonous Snakes Mantra to Tame Wild Animals Mantra to Protect One Against Lightnings The Generation of Magickal Power Acquiring Treasures Magickally with a Spirit's Aid Secret Ritual for Attracting Luck I Secret Ritual for Attracting Luck II Secret Ritual for Attracting Luck IIT Asma’ Air Mawar for Blessing Someone with Invulnerability and Strength Magickal Solution for Opening the Third Eye Recitations to Unfold the Third Eye Cleansing Haunted Places Aji Sclulup--Spell For Long Periods Underwater Transferring Malicious Psychic Implants to Eggs Talisman for an Authoritative Presence Protection of the Home with an Illusory Ocean Gendam Smorondono--The Deadly Handshake for Attraction The Generation of Magickal Power IT Nyepi Gaman--Unfolding the Hidden Remains of a Historical Site Wirid Tolak Bala--Prayer to Avoid Dangerous Situations Aji Serowondo--The Power to Improve Sharp-Shooting Skills Spell for Getting Dressed--To Acquire Sympathy from Others Spell for Powdering--To Appear Attractive to Others Ritual For Getting Good Dreams Evoking a Jinn King Evoking a Jinn Servant To Know What Lies in a Person's Heart Acquiring Occult Information from a Khodam Spirit To Fastest Way to Acquiring Occult Powers Magickal Sandals for Distant Flights Developing One's Spiritual Senses Removing Major Obstacles and Problems The Rod of Moses Prayer Protection Against Temptations Healing with Consecrated Food How to Make Love Oils Removing Jinns from Trees and in Certain Areas Acquire Gold and Money Magickally How to Conjure a Jinn by the name of Raihan How to Conjure a Jinn by the name of Maimun How to Cause a Jinn to Molest One's Enemy How to Cause a Child to See a Vision of a Thief (Muslim Version) How to Cause a Child to See a Vision of a Thief (Javanese Version) Ajian Lembu Sekilan--The Power Protection Khijib Ibnu Alwan Ajian Lanang Jaya Pirosa Ajian Halimunan--the Invisibility Spell Ajian Sambatan Macan Putih Acquire a Powerful Presence How to Magickally Neutralize/Immobilize an Aggressor Protection While Travelling Sari Wulan--the Moon Essence Love Spell Ajian Bala Sewu--The Thousand Friends Spell The Mighty Ajian Samber Nyawa Ghoibul Ibrohim Jaran Goyang--the "Swaying Horse" Love Spell I Jaran Goyang--the "Swaying Horse" Love Spell IT Acquire Money Magickally with the Help of Abdul Wahid--the Khodam of Surat Al-Ikhlas How to be Shielded Against Catastrophes Aji Angkat Junjung--How to Increase Physical Strength I Aji Angkat Junjung--How to Increase Physical Strength IT Aji Sapu Jagat--How to Move Like the Wind Invisibility Talisman Aji Braja Musti I Aji Braja Musti IT The Massage Healing-Prayer Talisman to Silence Negative People Magickal Power to Impair Metallic Blades A Talisman to Have Stolen Objects Returned to You How to Know the Secrets of the Earth How to Calm Down Strong Breezes Preface The present work is a compilation of occult knowledge acquired from diverse sources of the Iimu Al-Hikmah, or the Islamic occult tradition in Indonesia. The majority of these teachings represent the legacy left to us by the spiritual Islamic adepts of the Middle East. Elements of Indonesian Shamanism and Kejawen may also be found in the occult knowledge presented in this book and others of these series. The latter tradition is one of the other major occult streams to be found in the island of Java. Most of the occult teachings of the exercises, rituals, rites. spells. etc., to be found in these scrics of books have been gathered from the numerous metaphysical Islamic lodges in Indonesia. Not all of these are spiritually oriented, some are decidedly "black" in nature. We trust that the readers of these books are spiritually mature and will not use or apply these teachings for any negative purposes. We present them basically for educational purposes and as literary curios. We hold no responsibility for their misuse or abuse. This is especially directed to the seasoned-practitioner of magick, as the various keys to making them work will be explained at the bottom of this book. The keys may be discovered through personal search, study, contemplation and experimentation the keys may appear in Hebrew and Aramaic also Arabic. It is said that by simply possessing the keys any system of magick may be successfully applied. The compiler believes that the practitioner of these teachings would have a good percentage of success in their application with the appropriate knowledge at hand The occult practitioner with years of experience to his credit will find this and other compilations of this series to be extremely valuable. The fact that the prayers and mantras are in Arabic should not deter the magician from practicing them. Sincerity and seriousness in the work would open up doors of literal and spiritual understanding. One does not have to be a Muslim to work Islamic magick--it is initially sufficient to live the spiritual precepts and truths as to be found in all religions. We can devote ourselves to the Deity using any language as media--fundamentalism and fanaticism should not be part of any occult student's attempt to reach out to the Divine Omneity. Understanding Arabic and the meaning of the prayers, though, would be beneficial. The reader ought to keep in mind that the pure concentrated intent and the letting go of intent of the magician is a powerful factor in making these rites work TOP General Instructions Perform all occult exercises and disciplines in a clean, quiet room or ina retreat especially consecrated for occult/metaphysical work. There should be enough ventilation in the room. All work should be done on the floor or ground, on a suitable carpet chosen for the purpose. Practice deep breathing for 7-7-7 counts--inhale 7 counts, hold for 7 counts, and then exhale for another 7 counts. While holding the breath imagine energy accumulating in the psychic centre below the navel. The exact location is about three-finger breadth beneath the navel. Generally, the occult exercises and rites should be preceded by this breathing practice. One of the keys to occult development and a successful performance of a rite is the amount of psychic energy we accumulate and channel. Breathing, exercises are just one of the many systems of psychic energy accumulation. Before performing any occult rite, a spiritual cleansing or holy wash is necessary to rid oneself of psychic toxins and dross matter. There are many occult rites designed for this purpose. but the simplest technique is just to visualize a flood of brilliant white light pouring over you while you shower. Imagine all of the psychic dirt from your physical and etheric body as being washed down the drain. Recite a simple personal prayer while showering, In the Name of the Almighty, and your true Self, request the angelic intelligences to transform yourself to an immaculate state Fasting is generally required during, and several days prior to the conducting of the exercises or rites. Fast from dawn to dusk. consuming no meat and eating nothing with any taste--for instance, just plain rice or bread. This fasting method is called "mutih" by Javanese occultists. You may break your fast at dusk and may eat several meals outside of the designated fasting period. This fasting is quite strenuous but essential to conditioning the physical-etheric body towards interaction with higher forces and as a fit receptacle for the generated or invoked forces to dwell Believe and have faith in the efficacy of the occult work and exercises, for the right mental and spiritual attitude open psychic portals to the infinite realms. Have faith in your Creator most of all. Conduct prayers often and have a strong focus upon the exercises and rites. Do not be distracted by frivolous matters. The spiritual life aids in attunements with cosmic forces Physical and etheric purity only gives one access to the astral/etheric realms. Mental and emotional purity transforms us into a vessel of light fit to receive the Holy Spirit. Obey the precepts of the Spirit and the Cosmic laws as these will pave the way for the quantum leap to the next level of evolution. Meditate often so as to acquire the skill needed to slip into an altered state of consciousness. In the name of your true Self, request the angelic forces through decrees, prayers and invocations. to open-up the spiritual centres in your etheric body. TOP Develop the Power Punch of Moses The purpose of this martial occult exercise is to develop a powerful lethal punch that may be thrown at close-range or from a distance. The aim is also to develop invulnerability against launched physical strikes and punches against oneself. The power-punch developed through this exercise is powerful and may be fatal to the one receiving it. Do not use it unless forced to The method 1) Sit comfortably in the lotus or semi-lotus fashion on your carpet Cross-legged, tailor-fashion is also permissible. Calm your mental and emotional bodies. 2) Conduct the breathing exercises as taught in the "General Instructions" section, but use the verse below as a counter. Inhale and recite mentally the verse 9x. Recite for another 9x while holding the breath, and while exhaling. Continue with this for several cycles. The verse " BATHASTUM JABBARIIN." 3) After the above breathing exercise recite the following prayer "O Allah, O God Almighty, the All-Powerful, bless your servant with the power-punch of Moses. Let it be present, present, present within the body and soul of thy servant forever. Amen" 3x, 4) Extend both of your arms in front of you. Then contract your arms and pull them in gradually to your sides while inhaling for 7 counts. While in this position, hold the breath for another 7 counts and focus on the centre below the navel. As you exhale, imagine power flowing to one of your arms (while contracted and hand in a fist.) At the same time throw apunch into the air with that arm, as hard and forcibly as possible. 5) Repeat No.2--4 for 7 more times. Do this exercise for 7 consecutive days and regularly after that ‘The power developed within you as a result of this exercise will cause an attacking aggressor to fall unconscious as a result of your power-punch. For throwing a punch at long-range, commence by reciting mentally a short prayer "O Allah, thy servant requests the power of the distant punch of Moses to strike .. . (state target)." Next focus upon the object from a distance and without blinking. Inhale and hold the breath while imagining power flowing into the active arm, Then strike out with a shout as you exhale. These exercise will also cause you to become invulnerable against punches. Recite a personal prayer to the Almighty to acquire invulnerability. Then inhale slowly and hold the breath while mentally reciting the Divine Names below 9 times "YAA ALLOH, YAA QOWWIYYU, YAA MATIINU." 9x, After the recitation, release the breath slowly while imagining the power flowing to every part. to every cell of your body. You might want to practice this regularly. TOP Opening the Third Eye The benefits of this exercise is that after mastering it you will be able to communicate with the jinns and khodams. You will be able to befriends with virtuous jinn spirits and have the ability to see auras. Communication and perception of the power and the familiar spirit of magickal objects will also be made possible Note: malicious jinng may be overcome with the verse from Yaasin 82 "Innamaa amruhuu idzaa araddaa syaian ayyakuulalahuu kun fayakuun." For opening the third eye, conduct the following rite regularly : 1) Fast for 7 days from dawn to dusk. and consuming nothing with taste. See General Instructions. Begin the fast on a Thursday and ending on the following Thursday. 2) During the 7 day fast, every night, if you are a muslim, do 2 rakaat of prayers. After the first rakaat, recite the Al Fatihah verse followed by the Al Kafirrun verse. After the second rakaat, recite the Al Fatihah verse followed by Alam Nasyoh. If you are a non- muslim, first offer a general prayer to the Deity followed by the Al Fatehah verse, Al Kafirrun, Al Fatehah, and Alam Nasyoh. For the verses, see below 3) After the above prayers continue with the recitation of “Yaa Allohu Yaa Bathiinu" 333x, 4) While doing the recitation, breathe rhythmically. Close your eyes and with full concentration, focus upon a point between the eyebrows in the third-cye area. 5) By the seventh day, or even before that, if you have done the rite correctly with full concentration upon the point between the eyebrows, you will perceive a certain light or even more which may be of any color--red, green, blue, yellow and white. These colors represent your inner desires and emotional content. Focus upon the white light until it is clear and augments in size. It is within this light that you will perceive the unusual inner realms or magickal planes--worlds that you have not known before! The Al Fatehah verse "Bismillaahir-rohmaanir-rohiim. “Al-hamdulillahi rabbil 'aalamiin, ar-rahmaani ar-rahiim "Maaliki yaumid diin, Iyyaka na'budu wa iyyaaka nasta ‘iin "Thdinash Shiraathal Mustaqiim "Shiraathal Ladziina an'amta alaihim "Ghairil Maghduubi Alaihim Walaadh Dhaaliin "Amin." The Al Kafirrun verse : "Bismillaahir-rohmaanir-rohiim. "Qu! yaa ayyuhal kaafiruun, "laa a'budu maa ta'buduun, "wa laa antum ‘aabiduuna maa a'bud, "wa laa ana ‘aabiduuna maa ‘abadtum, "wa laa antum ‘aabiduuna maa a'bud, "lakum dinukum wa liya diin" The Alam Nasyoh verse (also called Al-Insyirroh) : "Bismillaahir-rohmaanir-rohiim. "Alam nasyoh laka shodroka, “wa wadho'naa 'anka wizrok, “alladzii angodho zhohrok, "wa rofa'naa laka dzikrok, "fa inna ma’al ‘usri yusron, “inna ma‘al ‘usri yusroo, "fa idzaa faroghta fanshob, “wa ilaa robbika far-ghobb." TOP Invi lity The power gained from this rite is the ability to be invisible in the eyes of aggressors and enemies. You will still be visible to those who have no evil intentions towards you. Method: 1) Fast for 3 days from dawn to dusk (See General Instructions). Begin fasting on a Thursday and ending on Saturday 2) During the 3 day fast, every night, if you are a muslim, do 2 rakaat of prayers. After the first rakaat, recite the Al Fatihah verse followed by the Al Kafirrun verse After the second rakaat, recite the Al Fatihah verse followed by Alam Nasyoh. If you are a non- muslim, first offer a general prayer to the Deity followed by the Al Fatchah verse, Al Kafirrun, Al Fatehah, and Alam Nasyoh. For the verses, see above in previous section. 3) Continue with the following prayer : "O Allah, thy servant requests your blessings that s/he may master this art of invisibility with perfection." 4) Then recite the following 100x "Laa tudriikuhul abshooru wa huwayudriikul abshooro wa huwal lathiful khobir." 100x Whenever you are in the presence of aggressors and wish to become invisible simply recite the verse of point 4 three times while holding the breath and stamping the left foot on the ground three times. Do this while focusing without blinking upon the people you wish to be invisible to. Then release the breath and do what you will. If it pleases Allah, you will not be seen by them. TOP Occult Healing of Afflictions If it pleases God, this occult therapy will heal all sorts of illnesses in the body. The method Take a hard-boiled egg, a piece of bread, or any food and recite over it the occult prayer below 3 times, then give it to the afflicted person to consume. With this magickal rite of healing, by the mercy and love of God, the ailment shall vanish. ‘The prayer "Bismillahir-rohmaanir-rohiim, bismillaahil-kaafii bismillahil ma'aafii bismillaahil khairal asmaa'i bismillaahil ma'aanii bismillaahi robbis-samaai wal-ardhi bismillahi kalaanun kaalaa bismillahil-ladzii laa yadlurru ma'asmihi syaiun fil ardli walaa fis- samaa'i wahu was-samii'ul-'aliim." TOP Magickal Shield #1 The following rite forms a magickal shield surrounding one's body. It empowers the ysical body with a certain force causing it to be impervious to sharp weapons at a time when it is required, It improves one's reflexes and is useful when one is attacked by aggressors. Other types of magickal powers lying dormant within us are also awakened by the power of this simple ritual. The prayer in this magickal rite is called the "Ibnu Alwan prayer." The method: 1) Fast for three days in succession from dawn to dusk, Tuesday to Thursday. 2) During the three-day fast recite the Ibnu Alwan prayer 100 times cach session. Minimum one session per day. etherie/p! 3) On the last day (Thursday), repeat the recitation 1000 times between midnight and 6 a.m. in the morning. 4) After the three day rite, recite 3 times every day after the obligatory prayers If it pleases the Most High, after performing this rite one would possess a magickal shield The Ibnu Alwan prayer "Allahumma ibna ‘alwan yaa sayyidisy-syaih muhyiddin abdal qaadiril jiilaani haadir haadir haadir laa yamuut laa yamut laa yamut illaa bi idznillaahi laa haulaa walaa quwwata illaa billaahil ‘aliyyil 'aadhiim." TOP Magickal Shield #2 This is another rite that builds a magickal iron shirt upon one's body. With these rites one's body could withstand the onslaught of the blows and strikes of all sorts of blades and sharp weapons knives, swords, machete, etc. This is all by God's grace The method 1) Fast for seven days, from dawn to dusk. During the seven-day fast, recite seven times the prayer below afier the obligatory prayers 2) Afier the seven days are up, make ita regular practice to recite the same prayer three times after the obligatory prayers 3) When one is faced with an aggressor wielding a weapon, recite the prayer mentally or verbally over and over. The prayer: "Allaahumma salliimnaa buumi walmundhiiri walkanuuni walbunduuqi wassilaahi wanahwihaa muddata hayaa tinaa, allaahumaj-'al kulla maa ashaabanaa minal-hadiido maa'an saailan wamin-ghairihi habaa an mantsuuraa." TOP Hizbul Autaad This prayer rite was handed to us by Syaikh Abdul Qadir al-Jailany. He ‘was an eminent Sufi and is considered to be the saint of all saints. The prayer has many benefits, among which is the formation of a magickal shield, protection against danger and calamities, prosperity, etc. The method 1) Recite the following Hisbul Autaad prayer three times a day, every day on a routine basis. The best time to do this is at midnight or before dawn "Allahul-kaafi rabbunal-kaafi qashadnal-kaafii wajadnal-kaafii, li kullin kaafii rabbunal-kaafii wa ni'mal-kaafii alhamduliilaah. Hasbunallahu wa ni'mal wakiil wa ni'mal-maulaa wa ni'man-nashiir. Hasbunallahu wa ni'mal wakiil wa ni'mal-maulaa wa ni'man-nashiir. Wa kafallaahul-mu'miniinal-qitaal, wa kafallaahul-mu'miniinal-gitaal, wa kafallaahul-mu'miniinal-qitaal, Amiin amiin amiin amiin amiin ya robbal ‘alamiin." TOP Develop the Occult Ability to Detect Treasures After the obligatory prayers, recite "Dhoohirun" fora minimum of 100 times with full concentration. Do this every day. After constant practice, one would eventually gain the ability to see occult objects or things hidden from view such as buried treasures. TOP Magickal Assistance from Three Spirits The rite below will help one acquire magickal aid from three spirit intelligences. Their names being Syam(un, Zaitu, and Malimun or Yasma'un. Constantly invoke their names and they will come to offer their aid whenever you are in need. Also draw the diagrams below of the three names above on a piece of white virgin paper or cloth and carry it with you. TOP Increasing Psychic Sensitivity You may improve your psychic sensitivity by reciting the following every day, 1012 times each session "Samii'um Bashir." When one's psychic senses and nervous system has been sensitized to a certain degree one would be able to Sense the magickal worlds Know what lies in another's heart. Know of the conversations of spirits Perceive beyond the limitations of the physical senses Detect the presence of treasures, minerals, water. etc. TOP Protection of One's Home with the Throne Verse One of the methods of protecting one's home against negative entities and intruders is the recitation of the Throne verse 21x at every corner of the abode, over a handful of dry soil in your hand. Then sprinkle the soil outside encircling the house. The Throne verse : “Allahu laa ilaaha illaa huwal hayyul qayyuumuy, laa ta 'khudzuhu sinatuw walaa nauum, lahuu maa fissamaa waati wa maa fil ardhi man dzalladzii yasyfa'u ‘indahuuillaa bi idznihii ya'lamu'maa baina aidiihim wamaa khalfahum. Walaa yuhitshuuna bisyai-im min 'ilmihi illaa bimaa syaa-a wasi'a kursiyyuhus samaawaati wal ardha walaa yauuduhuu hifzhuhumaa wahuvwal ‘aliyyul 'azhiim." TOP Acquiring Occult Knowledge To receive information or magickal knowledge from the inner planes. recite the following 812 times: "Yaa Khobir." By reciting the Beautiful Name of God above. a spiritual being will convey to you occult knowledge. If you would like to see or acquire special information regarding something through occult means then recite 9 times before sleeping the verse below: "Alaa ya'lamu man kholaq, wa huwal-lathiiful-khobir." TOP Invulnerability to Fire If you desire to withstand the flame, recite the following on an everyday basis after the obligatory prayers “Yaa 'Afuwwu." 100x Recite the above with full concentration TOP Making Angelic Contacts If you would like to contact angels do the following 1) Fast for three days from dawn to dusk, starting on a Tuesday and ending on Thursday 2) During the three-day fast, after each of the 5 obligatory prayers, recite the following 4277 times: "As-Salaamu, As-samii'u, As-sarii'u." If it pleases God, you will establish a contact with angelic presences on the last night, TOP To Communicate with the Power Inherent Within an Occult Object In order to communicate with the familiar or power associated with a magickal object, perform the following rite at night 1) Take a shower with the intention of cleansing yourself not only physically, but spiritually as well. 2) After the obligatory prayers, recite the following Beautiful Divine Name of God for a total of 1000 times: "Yaa Wahhabu." 3) Next, offer-up a prayer to God expressing your intent. 4) Then lie down supine with your head to the north and legs to the south, turn your head to face the west. 5) Place the mystical object in front of your face and fall asleep TOP Removing the Power of Psychic and Physical Implants of Those Having Difficulty Dying There are many cases of those possessing familiars, and psychic/physical implants who have trouble making the transition during the dying process. To assist such individuals, the following may be recited in their presence for 100 times or more: "Yaa 'Afuwwu." TOP Acquiring Occult Objects through Magickal Means Whenever you are at a sacred site or a place where you detect the presence of an occult object hidden in the ground and guarded by the elementals, you may retrieve it by following the method below 1) Fast on a Thursday from dawn to dusk 2) During the night visit the site that holds the object 3) Then recite the al-Fatihah verse on behalf of : a, Muhammad, the Prophet and Khulafaur Rasyidin b. The prophet Khidir (Jethro). c. Syeik Abdul Qadir Jailani d. All adepts and the deceased Recite "I offer this al-Fatihah prayer on behalf of Muhammad, the Prophet and Khulafaur Rasyidin." Recite the al-Fatihah verse "T offer this al-Fatihah prayer on behalf of the prophet Khidir." Recite the al-Fatihah verse. "I offer this al-Fatihah prayer on behalf of Syeik Abdul Qadir Jailani." Recite the al-Fatihah verse: "I offer this al-Fatihah prayer on behalf of all adepts and the deceased." Recite the al-Fatihah verse The al-Fatihah verse "Bismillaahir-rohmaanir-rohiim, Al-hamdulillahi rabbil ‘aalamiin, ar-rahmaani ar-rahiim Maaliki yaumid diin, fyyaka na'budu wa iyyaaka nasta ‘iin. Thdinash Shiraathal Mustaqiim Shiraathal Ladziina an‘amta alaihim. Ghairil Maghduubi Alaihim Walaadh Dhaaliin. Amin." 4) Next recite the al-Ikhlas verse 1500 times. If God be willing, after or during the recitation the object will appear. The al-Iklas verse "Bismillaahir-rohmaanir-rohiim. 1x "Qui huwallaahu ahad Allahush shamad Lam yalid wa lam yuulad Wa lam yakul lahuu kufuwan ahad" 1500x Note: It would be helpful in the ritual to place some Ponibasawa oil ina saucer and some Buhur incense in the oil. This would attract the spirit forces that will assist in the experiment. Buming appropriate incense would also work. TOP Removing the Effects of Psychic Attack or Black Magick To heal someone affected by psychic attack or black magick, do the following 1) Have at hand 3 packets of salt. 2) Recite over the salt the following mantric verse 66 times: "Mazjalin Bazjalin." 3) Place the salt in a large vessel of water. Then have the patient use this water to shower. Do this everyday fora week. TOP Kulhu Geni Mantra This mantra is useful to control or threaten the negative magickal forces surrounding us. Method: Recite once and the hand of the spirit will be severed. Recite twice and the right shoulder of the spirit will dislocate. Recite three times and the spirit will feel his body disintegrating. Recite four times and the spirit's body will be destroyed Recite five times over some water and sprinkle it over someone who is possessed. This will get rid of the molesting spirit. Recite six times to neutralize a haunted place or area Recite seven times to heal a sick person. The Mantra: "Bismillahirrohmanirrohim. Kulhu Allahu ahad, kun fayakuun, maasya Allahu Qoodiran abadan abada." TOP Kulhu Durdah Mantra When disturbed in the night by creatures, whether physical or non- physical, recite the Kulhu Durdah mantra: "Bismillahirrohmanirrohim. Kulhu Durdah, balekno, sato mara sato mati, janma mara janma mati, setan mara setan mati, buta mara buta mati, antu mara antu mati, eblis mara eblis mati. maling mara maling mati, sedya ala sedya mati, saking pitulunganing allah, lailahaillallohu Muhammadarrosullulloh sallallohualaihi wasallam." TOP Kulhu Sungsang Mantra When recited every morning and evening 7 times, this mantra results in the following benefits: Cause fear in the hearts of negative spirits such as the jin, trolls, etc. Forms a shield around one against black magic and psychic attack. Cleanses a haunted place of negative vibrations Mantra: "Bismillahirrohmanirrohim, Kulhu sungsang, sang rajah iman kedudungku, Malaikat jibril tetekenku, tinuntun kanjeng nabi Muhammad, Lailahaillallaahu Muhammaddarrosulullohu alaihi wasallam, agung." TOP Kulhu Sepuh Kulhu Balik Mantra When recited 3 times. the mantra below wards-off all forms of psychic attack, Mantra: "Bismillahitrrohmanirrohim. Kulhu balik, bolak-balik tansah kuwalak walik, panujumu luput balik kena kang nuju belaka, balekna, balekna, balekna, balika marang sira, Lailahaillallohu Muhammadarrosullulloh sallallohu alaihi wasallam." TOP Love-Mantra Disenchanter To break love spells or disenchant someone affected by love philters or potions, recite the mantra below over a glass of water 3 or 7 times, and then let the patient drink the water. Mantra "Bismillaahi Allahumma ya fattah ya muhith ya muhith ya ya muhith ya sulthon ya sulthon ya laailahaillallohu Muhammadarrosullulloh. Tulak tunggal, tulak tunggal, tulak tunggal, nuju luput kang tinuju kena kang nuju iya baliya, ya baliya. ya baliya Jaailahaillallohu muhammadarrosullullah ora ingsun kuasa tulak ing gambar lan tulak ing bubuk lan tulak, teka tulak, teka tulak ambalika marang kang dursila ya laailahaillallahu marang kang dursila ya laailahaillallahu Muhammadarrosullullahu sallalloohu alaihi wasallam." TOP To Instill Harmony in the Family When the conditions in your home are inharmonious, do the following: 1) Take a jar of water and recite over it, "Almikidah" 7 times. 2) Then let the members of your family drink this consecrated water. TOP To Force a Thief to Return Stolen Goods The following method forces a thief to feel certain pangs and will consequently, have the urge to return the goods that he stole: 1) Collect some dirt or dust from the ground where the thief passed. 2) Fry the dirt in a saucepan on a big flame. 3) Feel in your heart that you are frying the thief. TOP Acquiring Psychic Energy There are many methods for acquiring psychic energy. This is just one of them. Practice this once a day for 30-60 minutes. 1) Sit in the lotus position or on a chair with feet on the floor and hands on the lap. The spine should be straight. Relax. Use loose clothings for this. 2) Inhale slowly and smoothly while reciting mentally, "Lailaahaillallah." Hold your breath for awhile and then exhale while reciting, also mentally, "Muhammaddarrasullullah." Do this 25 times. 3) Repeat the inhaling and exhaling for another 33 times, but recite "Allah" on the inhale and "Huu" on the exhale. 4) Then recite over and over "Allah" while you inhale. hold your breath. and exhale. Focus within, Feel the inner vibrations all over your head and body. TOP Invulnerability to Bullets With this rite you shall be invulnerable to bullets, if it pleases Allah. Method 1) At midnight sharp on every Thursday conduct 2 rakaats of prayer. If you are anon-muslim, just offer a general prayer to the Deity 2) Then recite the following 777x "Bismillaahir-rohmaanir-rohiim. "Ta ‘azzaztu birobbil ‘izzati wala jabaruut. wa tawakkaltu ‘alal hayyil ladzii laa yamuutu. “Syaahatil wujuuh, syaahatil wujuuh, syahatil wujuuh. “Wa ‘amatil abshooru, wa 'amatil abshooru, wa'amatil abshooru, tawakkaltu ‘alal waahidil qohhaar. "Wa laa haula wa laa quwwata illaa billaahil ‘aliyyil 'azhiim." The rite above should be done regularly every Thursday night. When the power is acquired through this rite. all bullets or arrows shot at you shall drop before reaching their target. TOP General Invulnerability Against Sharp Weapons This rite develops a general invulnerability towards weapons, It is to be conducted routinely everyday before dawn. Method 1) Recite the following prayers as gifts to the Prophet and Abdul Qadir Al Jailani “Tlaa hadhrotin nabiyyil mushthofaa shollallaahu '‘alaihi wa sallam, wa ilaa arwaahi aalihi wa ‘itrotihi wa azwaajihi wa dzurriyyatihi, syai-un lillahi lahumul faatihah." The recite the Al Fatehah verse "Bismillaahir-rohmaanir-rohiim. "Al-hamdulillahi rabbil ‘aalamiin, ar-rahmaani ar-rahiim "Maaliki yaumid diin, Iyyaka na'budu wa iyyaaka nasta ‘iin. "Thdinash Shiraathal Mustaqiim "Shiraathal Ladziina an'amta alaihim "Ghairil Maghduubi Alaihim Walaadh Dhaaliin. "Amin." Continue with "Khushuushon ilaa ruuhi sayyidinaa wa maulaanaa sulthoonil auliyaa-i asy syaikhi 'abdil qoodir al jailaanii, syai-un lilaahi lahul faatihah." Again recite the Al Fatehah verse above. after which continue with the following prayer : "Bismillaahir-rohmaanit-rohiim." “Allahul kaafi, robbunal kaafi, qoshodnal kaafi, wajadnal kaafi, likulli kaafi, kalafaanal kaafi, wa ni'mal kaafi, "Alhamdu lilaahi, hasbunallaahi wa ni‘mal wakiil, ni'mal maulaa wa ni'man nashiir." 3x "Wa kafallaahul mu'miniinal gitaal." 4x. "Aamin." 5x become deaf and dumb. This power is especially useful to dominate or intimidate aggressors. The method of the rite : 1) Fast from dawn to dusk for 7 days , and consuming no-meat. animal products or tice. 2) During the fasting period, recite before dawn and after dusk the prayer below 77 times. After the 7-day fasting period recite the mantra three times a day at any hour, but preferably at dawn or dusk The Prayer “Asyhadu al laa ilaaha il lallaah, wa asyhadu anna muhammadar rasuulullaah. "Bismillaahir-rohmaanit-rohiim." "Naruddu bikal a'daa-a min kulli wijhatin, wa bil ismi narmiihim minal bu'di bisy syatat." "Fa anta rajaaii yaa ilaahii waasayyidii, fa farriq lamiimal jaisyi in ramaa bii ghalat." 77x TOP Consecration of Physical Objects for Various Purposes The process below may be used to consecrate objects such as semi- precious stones (to be worn), water (to be drunk), oils (to be anointed), etc. The mantras/prayers that will be used are as follows For charisma and an authonitative bearing--"Yaa Jabaru Ya Muizu Ya Azizu." 100x For general attraction--"Yaa Rahman Ya Rahim." 100x For safety and protection--"La qaula wala kuwata illa billahil ‘aliyil adzim." 100x For luck--recite the Throne verse (see below) 170x, then "Ya Fatahu, Ya Ganiyu, Ya Rajaqu." 3000x, For increasing intelligence--"Bismillahirrohmanirohim." 786x Method of Consecration 1) Recite "Aku ora ngepyur ngepyurak-e uyah iki nanging ngepyur ngepyurak-e atine si. . . (state name of target) supoyo katut karo aku." Translation/Interpretation "| am not sprinkling any salt, | am truly stimulating the heart of (state name of target) so that s/he may heed me." Note : Love spells are not to be fooled around with. There are karmic consequences if misused. TOP Love Spell Using Pebbles This ritual attracts someone specific using a pebble as a medium. Method 1) Hold a pebble in your hand, and in an open place amidst Nature's surroundings, recite the Al-Fatehah verse for 41x (see above). Then blow upon the pebble 3x visualizing energy flowing with the breath and into the pebble. Do this with the conviction that your desire shall be accomplished--that the person you wish to attract shall love and be amorous towards you. 2) At midnight, place the pebble in front of the target's door with the same conviction as the above. Note : Love spells are not to be fooled around with. There are karmic consequences if misused. TOP Footsteps Attraction Spell This spell is to attract someone you wish to meet and get to know. 1) When the person you wish to attract is walking before you, follow her footsteps while reciting the prayer below 7x : "Fasayakfikahumullah wahuwas san Note : Love spells are not to be fooled around with. There are karmic consequences if misused TOP umbasir." 7x "Stuma Sultanil Auliyai Bagdadi Sayid Syech Abdul Khadir Jaelani Al- Fatehah." Recite the Al-Fatehah verse (as above) Followed by the Al-Ikhlas verse, “Bismillahir-rohmaanir-rohiim "Qul huwallahu ahad "Allahush shamad "Lam yalid wa lam yuulad "Wa lam yakul lahuu kufuwan ahad." 3x The Al Falaq verse, "Bismillahir-rohmaanir-rohiim. "Qul auudzu bi Rabil falak "Min syahrri maa khalaq "Wa min syahri ghaasiqin idzaa waqab "Wa min syahri naffaatsaati fil 'ugod "Wa min syahri haasidin idzaa hasad." 1x The An-Naas verse, "Bismillahir-rohmaanir-rohiim. "Qul a'uudzubirab bin nas "Malikin nas "Tlahin nas "Min syahrril waswaasil khan naas "Al ladzii yuwaswisu fii shuduurin naas "Minal jinati wan naas." 1x The Throne verse, “Allahu laa ilaaha illaa huwal hayyul qayyuumu, laa ta 'khudzuhu sinatuw walaa nauum, lahuu maa fissamaa waati wa maa fil ardhi man dzalladzii yasyfa'u ‘indahuuillaa bi idznihii ya'lamu'maa baina aidiihim wamaa khalfahum. Walaa yuhitshuuna bisyai-im min ‘ilmihi illaa bimaa syaa-a wasi'a kursiyyuhus samaawaati wal ardha walaa yauuduhuu hifzhuhumaa wahuwal ‘aliyyul 'azhiim." 1x The Istigfar verse, "Astaghfirullahaladzim." 21s, This particular rite builds up a magickal iron shirt making one invulnerable to the strikes and blows of sharp weapons. Method 1) Ona Friday at dawn, write upon a piece of deer-skin the following, jaljalut prayer 19 times and consecrate it with the smoke of benzoin incense. Use za'faron ink for the inscriptions Mes Boess via gy a7 oe 9 fo, x Ee SHG SSN pe pede 4 aL 2) After the above is done, fold the deer-skin and tie it up. When you wish to use it, fasten it to the right arm. By doing this you will be strengthening your body and making it a great shield against sharp weapons. 3) For extra power recite the jaljalut verse for countless times after one's obligatory prayers. The Jaljalut prayer : "Naruddu bikal-a'daai min kulli wijhatin wa bil ismi narmiihim minal- bu'di bisy-syatat." TOP Banishing Jinns The following talismans banishes mischievous spirit entities such as jinns, elementals, etc. from a certain place 1) Write the following inscription on a piece of virgin paper and bum it where jinns may be found. EEE ANE Lot Yee e DAV SSSI ad 2) Inscribe the characters below on a piece of sheep skin and bury it in an area where jinns dwell. The mantra “Naruddu bikal a'daa-a min killi wijhatin, wa bil ismi narmiihiim minal bu'di bisy syatat." TOP Personal Protection Against Negative Entities The mantra below protects one against all negative entities. It is to be recited 10x every day at dawn. "Bismilahirrohmanirrohim. Laa ilaaha il lallaahu wahdahuu laa syarika Jah, lahul mulku wa lahul hamdu yuhyii wa yumitt, biyadihil khaiir, wa huwa'allaa kullisyai-in qadiir." TOP Mantra to Tame Poisonous Snakes When you are suddenly faced with snakes of the lethal kind, simply recite the mantra below. It will tame even the wildest species and they will cease to molest you. The mantra is to be recited continuously while facing a snake. If it pleases Allah, you shalll be protected from the attacks of the creature. Prior to the recitation of the mantra recite the Basmallah verse: The Basmallah verse "Bismillahirrohmanirrohim." The mantra "Salaamun'alaa Nuuhin Fil'Aalamiin, Salaamun'Alaa Ibrahim, Salaamun ‘alaa Ilya asiin, Salaamun ‘Alaa Muusaa Wa Haarun, Salaamun Qaulam mir Rabbir Rahim." TOP Mantra to Tame Wild Animals The mantra below tames wild beasts. When you are faced with any wild creature, simply recite continuously the mantra below. Recite the Basmallah verse prior to this. The Basmallah verse "Bismillahirrohmanirrohim." The mantra "Wa Ashmim Wa Abkim Tsumma A'mi Aduwwanaa, Wa Akhris- Humaa Yaa Daaljalaali Bi Hausamat." TOP Mantra to Protect One Against Lightnings To protect oneself from lightning. recite the following prayer "Subhaanal Ladzii Yusabbihur Ra'du Bi Hamdih, Wal Malaaikatu Min Khifatih. Allaahumma Laa Taqtulnaa Bighadhabika Wa Laa Tubliknaa Bi'Adzaa Bika Wa'aafinaa Qabla Dzaalika." TOP The Generation of Magickal Power The activation of magickal power may be accomplished by the following rite 1) Sit in the lotus position or cross-legged on the ground facing west. with the back bone straight but relaxed. and the eyes closed. Place your hands before you, palms facing outwards. 2) Inhale while reciting "A'uudzubillahininasy syaithonirrojiim." 3) Hold the breath and focus upon the point below the navel while reciting : "Laahaula walaa quwatta illabillahil ‘aliyyil 'adzim." 4) Transfer your focus to the chest while still holding the breath and recite : “Allah-Allah-Allah." 5) Constrict your whole body while refocusing on the point below the navel while reciting : "Ya Jabbar-Ya Jabbar-Ya Jabbar." 6) Then exhale, directing your breath to your hands while reciting "Ya Rohman Ya Rohiim." 3x 7) The next step is to rub your face with your hands while inhaling and willing that energy from the cosmos blends with your body and soul. Do this while reciting "Yaa Hayyu Yaa Qoyyum Birohmatika Astaghiz."" 3x Repeat No. 2--7 3x. Do this for seven nights and regularly thereafter, especially before a magickal rite or ritual. TOP Acquiring Treasures Magickally with a Spirit's Aid This rite evokes the presence ofa spirit that would acquire from the magickal realms treasures for you. Method : 1) Conduct two rakaat of prayers (non-muslims: offer a prayer of devotion to the Deity) Recite "Illahadrati Nabi Mustafa Muhammadin salla'llahu ‘alaihi wasallama Al- Fatehah." Recite the Al-Fatehah verse. "Tlahadrati malaikat Jibril, Mikail, Israfil, Iszrail Al-Fatehah." Recite the Al-Fatehah verse. "Ilahadrati sadatina abi bakrin waumara wausmana wa'ali Rodyallohu Anhum Al-Fatehah." Recite the Al-Fatehah verse. "Illahadrati nabiyil Hidzir ngalaihi Salam Syaiulillahi lahul Fatehah." Recite the Al-Fatehah verse. "Illahadrati Syech Abdul Qodir Jaelani Syaiullillahi lahul Fatehah." Recite the Al-Fatehah verse. "[lahadrati muslimin muslimat, Mu'minin Mu'minat Al-Fatehah,." Recite the Al-Fatehah verse. "Khususuon Cikal bakal dusun . . . (state where you live.) Al-Fatehah." Recite the Al-Fatehah verse. Continue with "Ya Hu." 1511x "O Allah, we request . . . (state request.)" "Ya Mughit Zu." 1670x "Ya Wahab." 41000x Note: The above recitations should be completed in a single night before 4.15am. Begin the ritual in the late evening (during the "Isya" prayers.) Conduct the ritual in a spiritually prepared room. Anoint yourself with aromatic essential oil. When the spirit appears and questions you, reply "My desire is to request your aid in acquiring bountiful treasures for our sustenance in this world and in the next." The Al-Fatehah verse : "Bismillahir-rohmaanir-rohiim. "Al-hamdulillahi rabbil 'aalamiin, ar-rahmaani ar-rahiim. "Maaliki yaumid diin, Iyyaka na'budu wa iyyaaka nasta ‘iin "Thdinash Shiraathal Mustaqiim. "Shiraathal Ladziina an'amta alaihim "Ghairil Maghduubi Alaihim Walaadh Dhaalin "Amin." TOP Secret Ritual for Attracting Luck I This secret ritual attracts luck : Method : Face the ka'ba and recite 1000x : "Bismillahirrohmanirrohim. Sedulur papat lima pancer, nunggal pertapan siji panggonan amarah Sufiyah lawwamah, mutmainah, sembodanono kekarepanku, jasmani rohani, nyuwun rejeki ingkang agung, rewangono anggonku nyambut gaw-e." Next face north and recite the verse above 1000x. Continue facing east and repeat the recitation 1000x. Lastly face west and recite for another 1000x. TOP Secret Ritual for Attracting Luck II This is another secret ritual for attracting luck. This ritual is to be executed for three consecutive nights after midnight Recite for 5000x the following mantra "Walau Anna fii miiryaatin mil liqoik." TOP Secret Ritual for Attracting Luck III Another method to attract luck and improve one's financial position is to recite the mantra below 7x at 5am in the morning. This ritual is to be recited for a total of 40 days. Before the recitation sprinkle salt all over the front portal to your home with your mouth (not an impossible feat). The mantra : "Sebrot kumolo jati, roso ono kalbu, "Sebrot gunung emas, roso ono ing tangan. "Sebrot rejeki wong sejagad kabeh. "Aku njaluk lilamu, "Mugi gusti paring wilujeng." Translation/Interpertation "T snatch treasures. and feel them in my heart, "T snatch a mountain of gold. and feel it in my hands, "I snatch the luck from all people of the world, "I request your willingness (to come to me). "May God bless us with salvation." TOP Asma! Air Mawar for Blessing Someone with Invulnerability and Strength This rite fills someone with strength and an invulnerability to sharp weapons, Method 1) Commence with a Holy Wash 2) Start-off the ritual with the "Generation of Magickal Power" rite above. Then continue the recitation with the following "Liridhoillahi ta'angala Al-Fatehah." 1x Recite the Al-Fatehah verse "Bismillahir-rohmaanir-rohiim. "Al-hamdulillahi rabbil 'aalamiin, ar-rahmaani ar-rahiim. "Maaliki yaumid diin, Iyyaka na'budu wa iyyaaka nasta ‘iin solution. 3) Before drinking the solution (on any day after the above operations) conduct a Holy Wash. 4) Now drink the solution and recite the following (if the solution is for another, have them follow the same steps: cleansing with a holy wash, drinking of the magickal solution, and the recitation of the following, including doing the concentration exercise) : "Liridhoillahi ta'angala Al-Fatehah." 1x Recite the Al-Fatehah verse "Bismillahir-rohmaanir-rohiim. "Al-hamdulillahi rabbil 'aalamiin, ar-rahmaani ar-rahiim. "Maaliki yaumid diin, Iyyaka na'budu wa iyyaaka nasta ‘iin "Thdinash Shiraathal Mustaqiim "Shiraathal Ladziina an'amta alaihim "Ghairil Maghduubi Alaihim Walaadh Dhaalin. "Amin." Continue with "Illahadrati Nabi Mustafa Muhammadin salla'llahu ‘alaihi wasallama Al- Fatehah." Recite the Al-Fatehah verse (as above). "Illahadrati malaikat Jibril, Mikail, Israfil, Iszrail Al-Fatehah." Recite the Al-Fatehah verse (as above). "Bibarokati kamukjizatanipun ruhipun Nabi Khidir alaihissalam Al- Fatehah." Recite the Al-Fatehah verse (as above). "IHahadrati Nabi Sulaiman alaihissalam Al-Fatehah." Recite the Al-Fatehah verse (as above). Followed by the Al-Ikhlas verse, “Bismillahir-rohmaanir-rohiim "Qul huwallahu ahad "Allahush shamad "Lam yalid wa lam yuulad "Wa lam yakul lahuu kufuwan ahad." 3x The Al Falaq verse, objects or creatures into a person's body causing grave and unusual illnesses. This rite is effective in removing these things. TOP Talisman for an Authoritative Presence The power of the talisman below bestows upon the user charisma and an authoritative presence. Fashion the talisman with the proper techniques of talismanic construction. Consecrate it with the recitation of the mantra for 319x. After the recitation blow upon the talisman visualizing the power of the mantra flowing with the breath in the form of brilliant light permeating the magickal diagram SS Se Sy The mantra : "Ya Syakuru Ya Sahidu." 319x TOP Protection of the Home with an Illusory Ocean The talisman below protects a house from robbers and thieves. It causes intruders to hallucinate themselves being in the middle of a vast ocean. Method Construct the talisman and place it above the front door. a Ladi caliyall aa ota, Ea Le es 3) ekovs Mls pales Ae ¥ ab Lite Vor oe TOP Gendam Smorondono--The Deadly Handshake for Attraction The mantra below builds a powerful handshake used to attract a specific person of the opposite sex Method : 1) Conduct a 24 hour fast in a retreat, neither consuming any food nor drinking any fluids. While fasting recite the mantra below for the whole day and night “Bismillahirrohmanirrohim. Ingsun matek ajiku, si Gendam smorondono, ingsun kongkon ngoleki blumbung pang gaw- sari, sun kongkon ngleboni guwo garban-¢ si. . . (state name of target) temu turu tangekno, temu tangi lungguhno, temu lungguh dekno, temu ngadek ririnen mripat-c benyawang aku, sing becik ririnen irung-c ben nggondo-nggondo aku sing becik ririnen kuping-e ben ngrungokak-e suwaraku, sing becik ririnen atine ben eling marang aku rina kelawan wengi, mirinen sikil-e ser serental teka ngarepku, teko welas teka asih dudu asih si... . (state name of target). Soko kersaning Allah, jabang bayi si ratu ndali legek-legek koyo ‘golek, tak tak dumuk potel tak grayang grumewel, ndelek grewel ketekan rasaku saking kersaning Allah." Translation/Interpretation : "Bismillahirrohmanirrohim. | release my power, the Gendam Smorondono. | command you to attract a womb for my essence, I also command you to enter the cave of . . . (state name of target); if you find her frigid, please stimulate her, if she is cold (like a stone), arouse her; if she is awake, make her focus her eyes on me. Preferably, direct her sense of smell in my direction, direct her ears to my direction. Also, mellow her heart that she remembers me day and night. Move her legs that she walks towards me. May . . . (state name of target) come and give affection not only of her own volition but also by the will of Allah--the child of the fairy queen shakes her head in wonder like a wooden puppet: when touched, falls hopelessly for me, when caressed, feels excited--this is caused by my feelings, with Allah's permission." ‘When you are about to meet the person you wish to attract, recite the mantra 3x. Then greet the person with a hand shake. Note: This is a powerful rite of attraction. Love spells such as this are not to be fooled around with. There are karmic consequences if misused. TOP The Generation of Magickal Power II The magickal rite below assists the metaphysical practitioner to generate occult power--this power is accumulated and stored in a talisman. The energy generated may be used for any occult purpose desired by the practitioner. In itself, it forms a strong protective shield against any form of physical or psychic attack Method 1) Begin with ablutions--wash every part of the body, then wear clean clothings, special robes or protective vests 2) After sitting comfortably and relaxing recite the following prayer for 3 cycles: "Bismillaahir-rohmaanir-rohiim. 1x "Bismillaahil-ladzii laa yadhurru m mihii syaiun fil ardhi walaa fis- samaai wa huwas-samii'ul aliim" 3x "Thaahaa yaasiin thaasiimmiim alif laammiim alif laammiimraa qaaf nuun kaafyaahaa' aiinshaad alif laammiim shaad." 3x “Allaahumma shalli 'alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad, wa 'alaa aalihii washahbihi wa saliim." 1x 3) Next, write and draw the following magickal diagram on a piece of white virgin cloth, with ink made out of Misik oil and Za'faron ink % Gg mae, & Tt ee pe OG 5 Sb lias iss eV cHHH dS) ppp pe 4) After writing/drawing the magickal diagram, wrap it up ina piece of cloth and sew it up. 5) Then at night around 2 or 3 a.m., perform the obligatory prayers on your prayer mat. Before doing so, place the talisman that you made on the mat. After the obligatory prayers, recite the prayer above for countless cycles, while holding the talisman. Conclude with a personal prayer of thanks to God, requesting that the talisman would bring much benefit to the bearer, especially in times of physical threats. 6) The talisman may then be carried about in one's wallet, purse or pocket as a reserved energy source for drawing power from. It is also useful to attract customers should you own a shop. Just place the talisman near the items to be sold. If it pleases God, your sales would increase TOP Nyepi Gaman--Unfolding the Hidden Remains of a Historical Site The secret rite below reveals the buried and hidden objects in a historical site--of their existence or non-existence Method : 1) Conduct a Holy Wash, then recite the following statement together with the Al-Fatehah verse "Al-Fatehah khushuushon ilaa ruuhi sayyidi 'umar syathoo al makki, wa ilaa hadhrotin nabii muhammad shallallaau alaii wa sallam, Al-Fatehah." The Al-Fatehah verse : "Bismillahir-rohmaanir-rohiim. “Al-hamdulillahi rabbil 'aalamiin, ar-rahmaani ar-rahiim. "Maaliki yaumid diin, Iyyaka na'budu wa iyyaaka nasta ‘iin. "Thdinash Shiraathal Mustaqiim “Shiraathal Ladziina an‘amta alaihim. "Ghairil Maghduubi Alaihim Walaadh Dhaalin. "Amin." 2) Next stroll along the historical site suspected of having buried archacological treasures while continuously reciting : "Saking kersaning Allah, "Laa ilaaha illallaah, muhammadur rosulullah." “Bismillahirrohmanirrohim, [intend to wear this powder, "My powder covers my face, "IfT look to the left Iam seen as a knight (or lady), "If I look to the left, lika a flash of light, "Sympathy comes because of the will of Allah. "Laa ilaaha illallaah, muhammadur rosuulullah." TOP Ritual For Getting Good Dreams To acquire pleasant dreams the following ritual is extremely helpful 1) Conduct a holy wash 2) Before getting to bed sit somewhere and recite the prayer verses below Recite the Al-Fatehah verse "Bismillahir-rohmaanir-rohiim. “Al-hamdulillahi rabbil 'aalamiin, ar-rahmaani ar-rahiim. "Maaliki yaumid diin, Iyyaka na'budu wa iyyaaka nasta ‘iin "Thdinash Shiraathal Mustaqiim. "Shiraathal Ladziina an'amta alaihim. "Ghairil Maghduubi Alaihim Walaadh Dhaalin. "Amin." Ix Followed by the Al-Ikhlas verse, "Bismillahir-rohmaanir-rohiim, “Qui huwallahu ahad "Allahush shamad “Lam yalid wa lam yuulad "Wa lam yakul lahuu kufuwan ahad." 1x The Al Falag verse, "Bismillahir-rohmaanir-rohiim. "Qul auudzu bi Rabil falak "Min syahrri maa khalaq min syahri ghaasiqin idzaa waqab "Wa min syahri naffaatsaati fil ‘ugod 22) Ja) J90 AM ASIEAS Sula th TU tbeNseeVe ald scl ya oN gl) pS Lyla nt wybiivbesys bay dein brs Ww be in 2) If you wish to travel to distant places, wear the sandals and recite the following continuously until you reach your destination. Then remove your sandals and cease with the recitation. "Wamaa qadarullaaha haqga qadrihii wal ardhu jamii'an qabdhatuhuu yaumal qiyaamati wassamaau mathwiyyaatun biyamiinihii." Note : We do not endorse the killing of animals for their pelts TOP Developing One's Spiritual Senses This rite when conducted everyday develops intuition, the ability to read the mind and feelings of others--one would develop a certain sensitivity to subtle vibrations. The power of the recitations blesses one with a keen mind able to receive and understand signs, omens, ete. Method : Recite the mantra below 47x every day. Do not get bored doing this. If it pleases Allah, in time, the occult powers mentioned above shall unfold within you. 1) Fast from dawn to dusk on a Thursday, and at night you must forcibly not sleep a wink until dawn. 2) Then in the morning offer some alms to the orphans and the poor. 3) Then have a handful of salt ready of which you recite over it the following mantra 21x : "Bismillahirrohmanirrohim. Allaahumma asmoro bumi ojo sito wuruk sudi gaw-e marang anak putun-e nabi sulaiman. Yen siro nganti sudi gaw-e dak karut marang ilmu kodim sang betutong aran-e, syetan kuwi tinitahak-e podo karo aku sekilan duwurmu songko lemah, tul ding gurun-e syetan jomo jujo gurun-e iblis kow-e manjing ajur ajir patimu patang puluh dino, Ojo siro wuruk sudi gaw-e marang ingsun, paningsun weroh asal kamolyananmu. Allaahumma innii 'auudzu bika min syarri syaithaanin wamin syarri kulli dzii syarrin wasyarri maa ya'tii bihi birahmatika yaa arhamaraahimin." 21x. 4) When the above recitation is completed blow upon the salt, visualizing power flowing with the breath in the form of a brilliant white light and permeating the salt. Do this 3x. 5) The salt may then be sprinkled over the place or tree where dwells mischievous entities. They will feel the heat of the power and salt and move elsewhere. Ifa jinn from a tree is to be moved recite the mantra above 7x followed by "Bismilaahi allaahu akbar." 3x TOP Acquire Gold and Money Magickally This rite acquires gold and money magickally from the unseen world. Method : 1) Fast for seven days from dawn to dusk. When you break your fast do not consume any meat or animal products. This is a vegetarian fast. Begin fasting on a Thursday. Fast for 7 days from dawn to dusk, while breaking the fast, do not consume anything with taste--just water and plain rice without any side dishes to it. Or you may eat plain bread or oatmeal without any condiments added. On the eighth day, continue with the fast for a 24 hour period, breaking the fast only on the ninth day at 6.a.m. On the cighth day (the 24-hour fast), you must not sleep for 24 hours and must remain indoors-in your room if possible. At night, no lights should be burning. During the 8-day rite. recite at midnight the mantra below for as many repetitions as possible, preferably after a special prayer of request to Allah The Mantra "Bismillahir-rohmaanir-rohiim." "Tsun lanang jaya pirosa, saking kudrotulloh, gedong rasa ibu rasa. ya isun rasane kang mau jaya. Ismu tinggal kang jaya tanpa lawana, si kotal manik jati ning lanang, sang retna gumilang jati ning wadon, manik putra manik putri, lunggune ing orang- orang kiwa lan tengen, jujuluke prabu satmara, sajeroning lanang ana wadon, sajeroning wadon ana lanang, ya isun kang jumeneng lanang jaya pirosa, amengku rasane wong sajagat kabeh, roh inten jinabati, banyu bening isi rasa. rasaning zatulloh. Cahya-cahyaku kang ngemban cahya, cahyaku kang ngisep cahya, genyar-gebyar dadi purnamaning wulan, tes-tinetesan mulai mancur cahya langgeng, pajegku sajenenging urip cahya gilang- gumilang." Whenever you wish to activate the power, recite the mantra once while holding the breath TOP Ajian Halimunan--the Invisibility Spell This spell attracts a specific person and induces them to offer their love and affections Method Fast for 3 days from dawn to dusk commencing on the day and date of your birth (or according to the Javanese "Weton"). During the 3-day rite, recite the mantra below 100x at midnight, preferably after a special prayer of request to Allah. When you are conducting this rite for mastery purposes, there is no need to mention any names. After the 3-day rite when you wish to use the power recorded in your subconsciousness, you may mention a specific person in the spell Mantra "Bismillahirrohmaanirrohiim. Niat isun matek ajiku sarining wulan, sakehing nupada asih lulut. Lungaku tinangisan, tekaku kinasihan, Take welas teka asih maring badan saliraku, Ajamaneh atine si jabang bayine [state name of target]. Ora asiha marang-marang badan saliraku, nadyan gustimu jeng Ratu Panggendongan Swadya balane pada asih maring aku, ya aku si tunjung putih, manik ing sitaresmi kang dadi pupuja nira.” Whenever you wish to activate the power, recite the mantra 100x at midnight mentioning the name of the target in the spell. TOP Ajian Bala Sewu--The Thousand Friends Spell This spell helps one to be honored by society--it gives one a powerful presence; the power of this spell also increases physical and moral strength. Mcthod Fast for 6 days from dawn to dusk commencing on the day and date of your birth (or according to moming (the eighth day) at six. On this seventh day you must not sleep for 24 hours and must remain indoors--in your room if possible. At night, no lights should be burning. During the 7-day rite, recite at midnight the mantra below for 100x, preferably after a special prayer of request to Allah. When you are conducting this rite for mastery purposes, there is no need to mention any names. After the 7-day rite when you wish to use the power recorded in your subconsciousness, you may mention a specific person in the spell. Mantra "Bismillahir-rohmaanir-rohiim." Tsun matek ajiku si jaran goyang, tetegar tengah ing pasar. gegamane cameti sada lanang saking swarga. Sun sabet aken gunung gugur, segara asat, bumi bengkah. Sun sabet aken langit butul kang langitsap pitu. Sun sabet aken atine si jabang bayi . [state name of target] Teka welas--Teka Asih ndeleng badan saliraku, manut miturute sakarepku." Whenever you wish to activate the power, recite the mantra 100x at midnight mentioning the name of the target in the spell TOP Jaran Goyang--the "Swaying Horse" Love Spell II One other version of the Jaran Goyang love spells. Spells such as these attracts the love and affections of a specific person Fast for 6 days from dawn to dusk commencing on the day and date of your birth (or according to the Javanese "Weton"). Do not consume anything with taste--just water and plain rice without any side dishes to it. Or you may cat plain bread or oatmeal without any condiments added.On the Method : Fast for 6 days from dawn to dusk commencing on the day and date of your birth (or according to the Javanese "Weton"). Do not consume anything with taste--just water and plain rice without any side dishes to it. Or you may eat plain bread or oatmeal without any condiments added.On the following seventh day. continue with the fast but this time do not eat or drink until the following moming (the eighth day) at six. On this seventh day you must not sleep for 24 hours and must remain indoors--in your room if possible. At night, no lights should be burning. During the 7-day rite, recite at midnight the mantra below for 313x, preferably after a special prayer of request to Allah. Mantra "Laa tudrikuhul ab-shaaru wahuwa yudrikul ab-shaara wahuwal la-thiful khabir." 313x Whenever you wish to activate the power, recite the mantra 51x. TOP Invisibility Talisman There are many spells of invisibility or veiling oneself from one's mortal enemies, or from those with negative intentions. This one makes use of a prayer in conjunction with a sacred talisman. Method : Fast from dawn to dusk for three days commencing on a Saturday. This is an ordinary fast--any food may be eaten while breaking the fast. During the three days of fasting. after the morning and evening obligatory prayers, recite the verse below 51x : Mantra : "Wa-ashmim wa-abkim tsumma a'-mi 'aduwwanaa wa-ahrishumuu yaa dzal jalaali condiments added. During the 7-day rite, recite after the moming and evening prayers the mantra below for 100x, preferably after a special prayer of request to Allah Mantra : “Bismillahiroohmanirrohim. Wa lagad aatainaa daawuudu minnaa fadh- laa, yaa jibaalu awwibii ma-'ahuu wath-thaira wa alannaa lahur hadiid." 100x Make it a habit to recite this prayer 3x everyday after the morning and evening prayers. Whenever you wish to activate the power, recite the mantra Lx TOP A Talisman to Have Stolen Objects Returned to You With the help of the virtues of this talisman and the grace of God, stolen objects may be returned to you. Method : On a Thursday night, inscribe the verses below on a virgin piece of parchment in the hours between the evening and the last prayer of the day. Then hang the talisman somewhere along the route used by the thief to make his getaway. When all is done, all you have to do now is wait. If God be willing, it will not be alas before the stolen objects are returned see cee ease shee tees Sah + gobs ase res SEN SH irliss eels bss Turan Targab Ghalmash Qalnahud Barhayula Qazmaz. Qabarat Kaydahula Shamhahir ERECT A PROTECTIVE SHIELD There are various ways to do this in this way the recitation of such verses awakens Ruhaniah for this purpose The most common Quranic verse used in Protection is Ayat al-Kursi( verse of the throne) numbered 255 from the second Chapter in the Quran. Allahu la ilaha illa Huwa, Al-Haiyul-Qaiyum La ta ‘khudhuhu sinatun wa la nawm, Lahu ma fis-samawati wa ma-fil’ ard Man dhal-ladhi yashfa’ u indahu illa bi-idhnihi Ya lamu ma baina aidihim wa ma khalfahum, Wa la yuhituna bi shai’ im-min ‘ilmihi illa bima sha‘a Wasi'a kursiyuhus-samawati wal ard, Wa la ya‘uduhu hifdhuhuma Wa Huwal' Aliyul-Adheem(X3) Say the following in a firm strong voice:- O Rouhaniat and khodam of this verse and O Kehial(X3). Hial(X3),Qamuial(X3), Qial(X3), Gheyyal(X3),Remhial(X3), Qemuial(X3),Nezial(X3) and your aids; I call and command you to erect an impregnable shield from before me, behind me,on my righton my left,above me and below me against every evil creature from human and jinn kind and all other manner of shiateen and the creatures of Tartarus. O Shenial(X3) and O you angels and spirits manifesting the power of the Divine Throne shield me and protect

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