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1 Alsaihati Farouq

ID: 800843719
UWRT-1101: Genre Analysis & Criteria assignment
Dr. Robert Arnold
Video Games

Assassins Creed series was produced in 2009, generally as one of

the greatest games in the world. And all the gratitude goes to Ubisoft for
making this game, it is an amazing game in historical action and stealth
genres, where you walking into Italy during the 15th century, while actually
the player can explore Florence, Venice, and Forl . Beside with the
enjoyment that comes from going around in the street and picking up
fights the knights, also claiming the building and exploring the culture of
the old ancient Italy.

The criteria to establish the basic characteristics of my writing text:

A. The specification of the topic
B. Very clear Introduction and background information about the
C. Why the topic is important
D. What is the things that the topic discuss and why?
E. Where is the topic taking action nowadays
F. What is the impact that the topic make or leave on people

2 Alsaihati Farouq

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