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Noor Kheirieh
Educating The Future
To be a teacher is to be a guide, whom will prepare hundreds of
souls for their journey of life. I want to be that influential being that
helps that student who is too blinded by what they think is stopping
them reach their potential. I want to be that individual who prepares
that student with the fundamentals they will need to be successful in
life. I believe everyone should have an opportunity to be someone
greater than ever imagined; however, along with that they will need
teachers to prepare them for what their futures will hold so that they
can be all that they ever dreamed of being. My philosophical belief is
that every student has the ability to be proficient given the proper
education. I believe students learn through trial and error and they
become the people they are through the experiences they have
endured. I believe each student has something unique about them that
they can bring forth to the classroom, which will enlighten everyone
including myself, but it is the job of the educator to create a welcoming
environment where students feel free to connect to the material and
share their ideas openly.
I believe the purpose of Education is to infuse the essentials
required for students to be successful in their future academics so that
they can be successful in their lives. Therefore, I think it is crucial to
relate academics to what is considered real life so students
understand how everything they are exposed to in school will benefit

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them in the future. Students will want to participate more in the
classroom once they have established how they will benefit from
participating. Telling students they will receive a good grade if they
participate is going to give students reason to do the minimum work so
that they can say they have participated. However, if the lessons are
designed in a way that show students from the beginning how this will
benefit them in the long run, they will want to put their full effort so
that they can gain as much knowledge as possible. I believe every
student desires success academically, they just need that push to
allow them to believe they are all capable of succeeding. Connecting
their past experiences to their present and explaining how it will build
their future is how to give students the right state of mind when
walking into the classroom everyday.
In my opinion, students learn through experience. They learn
academically through trial and error, and they learn life skills through
events that occur in their lives. Much of what I believe in is related to
Aristotles idea that learning happens throughout ones life. People go
through stages where occurrences take place that require their minds
to expand in ways they never have before. Through these experiences,
they learn to deal with matters, which changes them as a person. This
idea is critical to keep in mind when thinking about the development of
students as they progress through their academic career. The
individuals mindset that was seen when the student was in ninth

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grade is not going to be the same mindset they will have when they
are in twelfth grade. Their minds will expand as they are more exposed
to the world and they will begin to have questions they never thought
of before, and will want to know more then than ever how what they
are learning in the classroom applies to real life. As a teacher, I want
to be able to answer that question for them.
I will arrange my lessons in a way that engages my students and
asks them to seek their own experiences that have changed them and
relate it to the content I present to them. Students carry ideas that are
so unique and are wiling to share and expand their classmates as well
as my mind in the classroom. This correlates with John Deweys idea
that students and teachers must learn together. English is a subject
where students ideas can be explored through novels, writing, and
communication. Dewey believed that students need to learn through
experiences. With this in mind, I want to create a variety of lessons
that have students express their ideas through different ways. As a
result of this, I will learn from my students what works best for them
and triggers their interests, and they will learn new ways of expressing
themselves that they may have not experienced before. I believe
students can benefit greatly from one anothers ideas because
everyone has had different events in their lives that have made them
who they are, and to be able to share that with classmates would
create the open-minded environment I hope to one day instill in my

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classroom. Being open-minded is a quality I will implement in each of
my students because not only is it something that is essential for a
classroom environment, but also something that is a great overall
character quality to possess. Along with, looking at things from
someone elses perspective is another life skill and classroom skill I
expect each of my students will develop.
Phenomenology is the idea that people make their own meaning
out of what surrounds them. With this philosophy in mind, it reminds
me that all my students could be reading the same novel; however,
they could each interpret it differently. By sharing the different
interpretations and discussing everyones thoughts, every students
minds will be expanded and they will learn to look from other peoples
perspectives, which is also a life tool they will be able to learn and take
with them when they leave the classroom. Post Modernism
philosophers believe that knowledge is created socially. I agree with
this idea because I strongly believe that people can learn substantially
through communicating with others. Group work is something I will
incorporate to my classroom frequently because I love the idea of
people bouncing ideas off on another to create something greater.
Teachers should give these students enough information so that they
can explore but then it should be up to them to put the effort into
expanding on the information using their own ideas.

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I do believe that the teacher is required to set up the
fundamentals for the students to obtain a good education. The
existentialism theory believes that people have the freedom to do as
they please, but they must also be responsible for the consequences
that come with their decisions. This is an idea I will present to my
students from the start because a lot of students believe that there will
be no consequences for them not doing what I will expect of them
besides a bad grade.
However, settling for a bad grade is not something I will accept. I will
make myself available to help them as much as they need it. I refuse
to allow my students to slip, so I will be that teacher that will keep up
with each student and ensure that they are doing what is expected of
them. However, that does not mean there will not be a consequence
for not doing the work. The consequence will be that they will continue
to redo the work until it meets what is expected because I believe each
student has the ability to be proficient; they just may need that extra
assistance to motivate them. Students play the largest role in their
education because they decide how much effort they are going to put
in, and the more effort they put in the more knowledge they will get
back. It is my job as a future educator to meet the needs of each
individual student so they are able to get back as much as possible
from my classroom.

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The Critical Theory is the idea that education must meet the
needs of each individual student. Students learn in all different ways,
and they all have a variety of interests. However, it is possible to meet
in the middle of them all and to teach students in a way that intrigues
them. In order for me to meet such a variety, I will create assignments
that can be done in several different ways. For example, assignments
will not always be essays. Some instances I will take student opinions
for how they wish to share their ideas, and as long as it is appropriate
we could try different ways. If students are including the materials they
will include in an essay through a different way, there is no reason that
it always has to be an essay. For students requiring additional
assistance, I will make myself available so that I can meet such needs.
I expect to teach such a variety of students because each student has
a different background. They all have something unique about them
that will make them have different necessities, and the best way to be
aware of this is to get to know my students. I will do this through
community building exercises that I will implement in my classroom. I
think it is imperative to the education of my students that they feel
comfortable in their classrooms. The best way to ensure they feel
comfortable is to give them an opportunity to get to know each other
and myself so I can create a safe and healthy learning environment
where each student feels free to express their ideas. This type of

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environment will be useful for occasions where I want to use the
Socratic method, which I also will want to incorporate into my lessons.
Rousseau believed that educators must facilitate opportunities
for learning. I agree that it is up to teachers to seek different ways in
which students can learn so that students are not bored of the same
traditional methods. The Socratic method is something I will utilize
because it gives an opportunity for those students who are shy to
speak up and share their ideas. This is another way I will be attending
to the needs of the many different students I will encounter. Each
student has something to share, and it is the teachers duty to ensure
they each have that opportunity to explain their ideas. I also like that
the Socratic method asks that the students that are not asked to speak
to listen, and to make sure they are listening I will have some sort of
listening assignment for them. Listening is a crucial part of learning
and a life skill I will teach my students.
I will incorporate life skills into my lessons as much as possible,
which is one of the main ways my philosophical belief will influence my
teaching. Not only do I want to develop my students academically, but
also I want to influence their characters so that they become strongminded people. I want students to realize that what they are learning
at that present moment can be connected to what they have learned
and experienced and what they will learn and experience. Part of my
philosophical belief is that students learn best through experiences, so

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I want to teach students how to analyze these occurrences so they
benefit from them. Another aspect that my philosophical beliefs will
influence is how much I will stress the importance of analyzing. In
English, students are constantly asked to analyze, especially the novels
we will be reading in class. They will be asked to analyze themes, the
events that are occurring, characters, the results of causes, etc. When I
ask students to connect to these novels they are analyzing their own
lives and bringing their previous experiences to the present. The ideas
that they come up with while analyzing are going to be different,
because students provide different insights given their different
backgrounds. This is the key to how all of their minds are going to
expand and how they are going to gain extensive knowledge. These
skills that they will learn in my classroom while listening and sharing
ideas will build their character because they will learn to be
compassionate, open-minded, and understanding individuals. Socrates
and Platos believed that educators must have a deep care for the well
being of their students. I agree with this completely because if
teachers care about their students as people, they will work extra hard
to do all they can to make them well prepared for society and their
future. I will care for my students well being and will make sure they
are aware of this so that they believe I am on their team to help them

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My goal for my students is that they put forth all of their effort
when they come into the classroom each day, not because they feel
obliged to but because they have the desire to. My goal is that my
students will want to learn and share their ideas because they
understand how this will all benefit them in the future. My final goal is
that my students leave my classroom more well rounded than when
they walked in and that they feel like they have learned new ideas that
they will carry with them for the rest of their lives. I hope that the
experience they have in my classroom will put them on the road to
succeed and that they will reach all of their personal goals. I plan to
teach in a welcoming school that has other teachers and students that
share the same goals as me. I expect that other teachers are mindful
that we are all there to set these students up for success. My
classroom will be an enjoyable environment where students feel safe
and comfortable. It will be a place where each student understands the
uniqueness we will have in our classroom given all the different
students. This environment will be opened to parents because I believe
parents have a right to know all that goes on in their childs classroom.
I expect to have a good relationship with the community, parents,
colleagues, and administration and will present myself in a way that is
welcoming to any questions, concerns, or advice.
In conclusion, I believe that it is my role as an educator to create
an educational experience for students that will benefit them even

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after they leave the classroom. I believe that every student has the
ability to succeed given that they are taught in a way that intrigues
them. It is my philosophical belief that students learn through trial and
error and they become the people they are through the events in their
life. I believe each student has something unique about them that they
can bring forth to the classroom, which will enlighten everyone
including myself, but it is my duty to create a welcoming environment
where students feel free to connect to the material and share their
ideas openly. I will create this environment because I will care for my
students overall well being. It is expected of me to prepare these
students academically but it is my personal goal to prepare them for
the lives that lay ahead of them, and if I can do both hand in hand, I

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