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I must first contend that God does not send anyone into hell . Hell is a
personal decision that God will not take from us. God gave us free will when
He created us in His image. At the final judgment God will confirm what our
choices and decisions have rendered. Therefore, we actually pick our eternal
destination, rather than God condemning us to hell.
One might ask, why would anyone pick hell? I often wonder about that
question myself. Why would anyone pick hell? First of all what is Hell? Hell is
where we will find that the earthly fractures of the self, give way to full blown
psychosis of self, and without a trust, or love of God, there is even less room to
trust, or love others, or even ones self for that matter. Hell is unique to each
person, much like the nightmares of our earthly life, everyone has their own
personal nightmares that make up their personal hell. Hell is the choice of self
as ones god, and there is no room for anyone or anything else. Hell is a place
of solitary confinement, especially since all the good, such as loving
relationships are taken away and placed in heaven. Ones personal hell is thus
limited to whatever remains of the self after all the good has been removed.
An analogy for hell would be like an astronaut lost in space, powerless,

floating, and unable to do good or harm, like one that is blind, deaf, mute, and
without limbs. Hell is the ultimate isolation, with no pleasure, no
communication, or relationships. Distrust and paranoia isolate, therefore, in
Hell there is a total lack of relationships! Hell is felt, to a small degree on earth
when we have bad dreams, pain and unpleasant experiences. These dreams are
to warn us of what hell will be like.
One such example would be when one loses a limb, and sometimes, for
some people, they experience a thing called phantom pain. This experience is
felt when a limb has been severed and the individual feels pain coming from
the place where the limb once was. Hell must be a lot like phantom pain,
and bad dreams, where one does not need a body to feel pain or
experience torment. Hell must also be like a black hole in outer space, where
the compressive weight of sin that the individual refuses to release to the
forgiveness of Christ, pulls them downward into outer darkness where there is
no light. Hell is not the place where drinking, dancing or partying will take
place. That location will be in heaven.

Judgment of God HEAVEN - YES!

The Christian is part of the body of Christ and therefore, the bride of Christ.
At the wedding feast of the Lamb, when the bridal veil of our flesh is lifted,
and we are married to the Lamb, we will have new bodies to experience an
intimacy that will make our earthly lovemaking pale in comparison. In
marriage the bride takes on a new name, we too as the bride of Christ will
receive our new name that no longer bears the mtDNA that gave us death
and pain. (Rev. 21:9). At the consummation we will receive the seminal fluid
of Christ that replaces the old energy source of mtDNA, and our new heavenly
bodies will no longer have programmed death, disease or pain.
On earth we had sex as a foretaste of the marriage bed in heaven. In heaven
an even greater climax awaits us as the bride of Christ. Now unhampered by
the veil of our flesh that had limited the chance of intense pleasure, in heaven
we will experience unbounded pleasure and joy. At the wedding banquet, as
the bride of Christ, we will join others and delight in the foods of heaven which
will tantalize our senses, and satisfy us with great intensity.

This is the

intensity that we sought for, but which always came up short on earth.
In some ways I imagine that pleasure in heaven will be similar to the delight
a child experiences in a first taste of a pleasurable food. Or, maybe it would be

like the garden before the fall, and yet this pleasure will far exceed what we
could have only imagined in our earthly limitations.
At the banquet, as well as for eternity, we will experience all inclusive,
intimate relationships with family, friends, and others that we have never met
on earth. Language on earth was often a barrier, and we were unable to
communicate with others of various ethnic backgrounds. In heaven we will
regain what was lost at the fall, and again later at the tower of Babel. We will
experience oneness in our communications and achieve that which was only
previously hoped for. In the same way that Christ in His risen body could walk
through walls, and ascent skyward into heaven, and yet retain a physical
presence which enabled Him to walk, talk and eat with the disciples, we too
will no longer be confined by earthly flesh. In childlike innocence and joy and in
the completeness that our heavenly bodies will bring, we will fully explore the
new heavens and the new earth. We will experience music and colors in heaven
more deeply, and we will be able to dance in bodies without the limitations of
flesh, and finally disease, pain, & death will be no more!



As I mentioned previously, I am a mutable human being, and obviously I do not

have the attributes of God. Therefore, I cannot fully understand the words or
thoughts of another, let alone God. Scientific, philosophical and historical
events of the past and present will remain somewhat allusive to me, even if I
should have decades of education, research and study in each field. For now
we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. (1 Cor 13:12-13) Like all
human beings I am subject to error, I have limits in my personal DNA name.
Therefore, I hope and pray that this gift of knowledge from God will continue to
grow through the reading of His word, and from learning through others whose
DNA letters are missing from my personal DNA name. Consequently, I welcome
all peoples, which of course would include, but not be limited to, Christians,
scientists, theologians, atheists, as well as others of all faiths to help me grow
in my understanding with new knowledge that I personally lack.
On this website you will find opportunities to ask questions, provide
comments, or let me know if you should have an interest in a group
presentation which, according to your preference, could include a question
and answer session at its conclusion.

You will find these options on the

Facepage of the website. Now may the peace and love of God, the Father,

Son and Holy Spirit be with you always. Amen and Amen, come dearest

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