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© Fences apan rn teeny ere FIREPLACES Every open fire must be connected to its own separate flue and should be immediately adjacent 10 the next =) = Flue cross-sections must ba matched to the size of the open fire © The offectivo height of the flue from the smoke hho0d tothe chimney mouth should be > 45m. The angle of ‘8 connecting flue to the main flue should be 45°. 3) 90 (Open fires must not be sited in rooms with less than 12m? floor area, Only wood with a low resin content, and bevch, ‘oak, birch or fruit tee timber with few knots, should be use for burning, In the case of the use of gas appliances, reference should be made to the relevant regulations. ‘Air for combustion must come from outside and neods to be ablo to enter even if the doors and windows are airtight. Air admission openings can usetully be sited in the base ofthe fire, or at the front, and duets that introduce air to a position close to the fireplace opening should be provides ~ The fireplace opening must be separated trom combustible materials and builtin furniture by at least ‘800{tImm tothe front, above and tothe sides. «6-7. Open fires must be constructed from non-combustible materials that ssatisty local regulations and must be of stable construction, The floor walls and grate and the smoke hood should be made from fire clay bricks/slabs, fire resistant concrete or cast ron (although the grate and hood are often metal), Any bricks or stones usad must be of suitable type for chimney construction, Smoke hoods ean bo made from 2mm steel brass, or copper sheet Seperation of fcpnce © Feepace open on one side 68 @D Freptace open onthe siden

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