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Marla Rodriguez

Argumentative Essay
According to UNICEF, over 7 million children are in institutional
care worldwide.There are many orphans in the world, but not
enough families to take them in because either they cant support
a child, they already have children or they simply dont want
children. So, if heterosexual couples just dont want children, the
solution to this problem can be to give homosexual couples the
right of adopting children. These couples have the same skills and
resources as other parents, and yet they are not allowed to give a
child everything he or she needs, such as love, protection and
security. Adoption to gay couples should be legalized everywhere
because anyone who is able to meet the requirements of being a
loving parent deserves to become a parent, despite their sexual
A persons sexual orientation shouldnt be a requirement of
being a parent, the main thing to care about when evaluating a
persons worth as a parent should be their attitude towards
children, their values, their love, support and stability as a couple.
A gay couple is willing to have children and they are making a
decision together of having a family in a loving and stable
environment, while some heterosexual couples dont even want to
have a family and dont give children the love they deserve. Gay
couples value having children and they fight for this right, this
shows how they could be great, loving parents.
Children that are raised by homosexual parents are more
open minded and this is very helpful to the society we are now
living in. There is a huge psicological growth in these children
because of the family that is raising them, this will help them in
their future because they will be more open minded, they will
accept differences and they wont be racist or be affected by
different sexual orientatios because of the environment they grew
up in. If homosexual couples were able to adopt more frequently,
these types of dicriminations would decrease and society would be
more open and acceptative towards gay adoption. Allowing these
couples the right to adopt everywhere in the world will open more
doors and orphan children will have higher chances of developing
themselves thanks to a loving, caring and protective family.

As a conclusion, the legalization of gay adoption would benefit our

society because orphan chidren will be given the blessing of
having a loving family. This right will make gay couples equal to
heterosexual ones, anyone who has the ability to raise a child in a
loving and secure home and most importantly, wants a child,
deserves to become a parent and should not be denied the
pleasure of raising a child.

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