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Author and commentator Nayantara Sahgal regards her uncle Jawaharlal Nehru «daughter of Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit Speaking to Atul Sethi at her home in Dehradun. Atul SethisINN | Sep 27, 2015, 12.01 AM IST So you fear that the younger generation may grow up with a different version of modern history? Absolutely. And it's being done to suit a very dangerous ideology. In this scenario, how can Nehru's — or anybody else's — genuine image survive? We are under a fascist regime which has put a clamp on freedom of thought and expression. If anyone disagrees or they are out of favour, they are killed. Look at the number of writers who have been murdered in recent times by so- called Hindutva forces. I want to say here that Hindutva has nothing to do with Hinduism. I am a Hindu and I'm very upset at what they have done to the meaning of Hinduism. Hindutva is something that no real Hindu would subscribe to.

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