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SAMR Model

Presenter: Aaron T. Cleveland

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Google Classroom. (4 Questions) - do this before you watch the rest of the screen
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Framework for 21st Century Learning

1. Critical Thinking
2. Communication
3. Collaboration
4. Creativity
The 4Cs are...

Framework for 21st Century Learning

SAMR Model

Substitution- Technology acts as a direct tool

substitute; no functional change

Augmentation- Technology acts as a direct tool

substitute, with functional improvement

Modification- Technology allows for significant task


Redefinition- Technology allows for the creation of new

tasks, previously inconceivable

SAMR Scenarios

A student uses a word processor to replace a
pen/pencil in a writing assignment.

Students design a brochure online and
embed/hyperlink sites and videos in various
places of the brochure.

The coach/teacher films the lesson and flips
the lesson, has the students watch it as
homework , and uses the class time to practice
and reinforce techniques and provide feedback.

Students watch video examples and practice the
techniques, then the coach/teacher films them
hitting balls and then provides feedback about
their techniques.

Write an example of substitution you've used or have learned. After
you have presented your level of substitution, please comment on
someone's post and improve their post to at least meet a level of

Note taking- Google

Docs, Skitch, Quizlet
Research- Internet

Technology acts as a direct tool
substitute, no functional change

Presentation- Google
Content authoringWhiteboard app
File management- email

Note taking- Students choose

their own app for notes
Research- Bookmarking

Critical question- What new
features improve the task from

Presentation- Sharing with

others, limitations as to extent
File sharing- Shared folder
Reading- Ctrl + F to find words,
sending reminders (Remind101)

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