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To be used by the teacher candidate after observation by the Field Experience instructor and
post conference

Name ___Kristin Foster_______________

Date ___October 23, 2015____

Each week the students have the ability to earn the reward received on Fridays. The students earn
daily points based on their behavior. Each day adds up and if they have 40 or more points at the
end of the week they get to participate in the Friday reward. This is a reward in which the
students vote on and is a highly preferred activity. However, it is also the time that the
occupational therapist and speech language pathologist also join in with out group to meet their
hours. As a team we think of strategies and activities that incorporate fine motor skills as well as
expressive and receptive language skills. We also aim to incorporate academic content. This
week we decided that instead of given the students steps, they would need to collaborate and use
accountable talk in order create the steps to make smores. The students will also practice
sequencing events and using problem solving skills.
The students were very very engaged. The materials were set up nicely and we had done a test
run earlier that day. Once the students had their materials, we reviewed how to collaborate and
use accountable talk. The speech pathologist and myself modeled how to use accountable talk.
Then she reviewed the concept a group plan. We established the difference between talking in
class and talking with friends. As students talked with each other they were able to use
accountable talk and ask each other what the next step should be.
Next time, I may a point a group leader to help move the steps along.

Using nonverbal signals to get student attention was beneficial. The nonverbal signal also acted
as a closing to one step. Give me a thumbs up once you have completed step 4 this allowed for
each students to complete the needed task, attend to the group and receive instruction.
I would like to continue to use accountable talk with the students. They responded well to
the prompts and used a few of the sentence stems naturally. Seeing such a good response to the
few sentence stems that were used, encourages me to use more accountable talk and sentence
stems during group work.
I would like to make the collaboration with the speech language pathologist and the
occupational therapist more formal. This way we can really use each other's expertise to teach
student important skills. So far collaboration has been easy and natural. So easy that it can be
done in the moment, I bet it would be ten times better if we sat down and planned together.

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