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Kristin Foster

EDSE 321
Reflection #5
Progress monitoring is so important! There are so many great useful tools to use. I like
to hear that progress monitoring should be a brief assessment of the same exact measure.
Always checking to see, did you get the information? What did you learn today? I see how great
a mastery measurement can be for a general education classroom. You can break up each unit
into specific skills and track each childs progress on each skill. I was extremely excited to learn
about more tools for formative testing. I didnt know that dibbles was a formative test. Nor did I
know that PARK (CSAP) was a summative test, but it makes sense.
I love the saying Whats so special about special education?. I have witnessed
teachers (especially in a center program) who do not look the IEP until it is time to reevaluate
the student. For children in a center program I think it is extremely important that they have 1-3
large goals over the year and step by step objectives to meet their goals. I dont have that much
experience in mild/mod but I hope that those goals are being meet, interventions are being tried
and changed if needed so that the student may meet their goal.
I also now understand why so much testing must take place at the beginning of the year.
You have to know where the students are at in order to know where to start and what instruction
they need.
For RtI, teachers must be on top of providing interventions in the class. Every teacher
should take sped classes! Co-teaching is such a powerful thing! It allows all students to receive
optimal instruction.
It is good to know that a baseline should be comprised of 3 separate test scores. It is
also good to know that having 4 points below the goal line the instruction needs to be changed.
After gaining 8 data points you may create a trendline to find out if the child will meet their goal.

In order to identify a child for SLD they must have two interventions lasting for 6 weeks each,
each containing 6 data points (12 weeks total).

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