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NGINEERING RADAR ee sr Pasmanand Non- CoHeRENT MTT 2— the eche signal received fiom a moving forget ov focrn utter fluctuates both fr amplitude and phase: When the MTX Wakes use ef the phase -fluduation than “tt %& catied Coherent MTT amd where the amplitude fluctuation & be Considesed than Wt-i3 cated non- cohesent MTZ: Gm nom- coherent MTT, the amplitticle fluctuation % used do necqgnize tthe doppler combonents produced by o moving tanger. & also cated Sxtematty cohesert - {or a9] Magnetion FS) Modulates | Beas Mixer Poinciples ) “Technol ogy | Applicoction = i

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