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Rodriguez 1

Cynthia Rodriguez
Professor Jackie
English 113A
November 5, 2015
You cant do that
Feminism has advantages and disadvantages. Some advantages it has are gender equality, less
discrimination, and helps create equal gender society where gender does not have to be attached to any
significant role that society creates. The disadvantages that feminism can cause is that men can be
targeted and victimized, women can get away with things, men will target the term like a man more,
and cause men to be more competitive and aggressive. The following script takes place in an auditorium
where there are two students of each gender. A girl by the name of Annie, who is strongly with feminism
and has nothing but positive things to say about it is at a debate in their college class with a young gentle
man Dereck, who is against the idea of feminism and believes that both women and men should not be
Teacher: Okay class today we are going to do a free speech debate on any topic that you guys would
like Any volunteers?
Jesse (Annies Friend): Annie, you should go up there and speak of your belief on why women and men
should be equal.
Annie: You are right. The class can learn from me.
Annie: I volunteer!
Teacher: Okay Annie, what is your topic?
Annie: Equality within men and women
Dereck: I volunteer against that!
Teacher: Okay you two go up there and start your discussion.

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Annie: I believe that women should be treated the same as men.
Annie: Women dont get paid the same equal pay that a man does.
Dereck: Thats because she is a girl and she is not as strong as a boys.
Annie: What does strong have anything to do with it? If a women is working the same job as a man she
should be getting paid the same not getting paid any different for doing the same job
Dereck: There is a lot of things girls cannot do that men can
Annie: Like what?
Dereck: Be physically strong
Annie: That isnt true, a woman can be physically strong along with being mentally strong
Dereck: That isnt true, a women cannot pick something up that is as heavy as 45 pounds all by herself.
But a man can. That is why women dont get the paid the same!
Annie: Why is that women are discriminated because of their gender?
Dereck: So, let me see youre saying you want the same equal opportunities for both men and women
Annie: Yes
Dereck: Okay, so does that mean that if a man takes a woman out to eat. Should he still be expected to
pay if they have equal opportunities?
Annie: It would be nice if the man paid because he is a gentleman.
Dereck: But you are saying equal opportunities? The girl can pay too
Annie: The girl can pay. Girls can depend on themselves they dont need the support of a man to succeed.

Dereck: Girls arent supposed to be working theyre supposed to stay at home and take care of the kids, if
they go to work they are allowing other people to take care and raise their kids?
Annie: Girls can be successful. I am sure there can be relatives willing to watch over their kids while they
work hard to responsibly provide for the family.
Dereck: Nope, it is better for the man to be the one to work because he is the hard worker in the family

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Dereck: If the women were to work and the man allow her to have other strangers watch over his kids,
then he is a weak man
Annie: No he isnt.
Dereck: Yes he is. She makes him look weak that way
Teacher: Okay any other facts that you would like to share?
Annie: Yes, why is it when a woman has sex before marriage she is considered a slut but if a man does
it, there is no problem with that?
Dereck: Because women should take care of them more and not be just having sex with every guy.
Annie: Sex is a natural thing for anybody to do. It is more likely for man to have sex with a stranger than
Dereck: (stay quiet)
Annie: Yeah, Dont be so quick to judge. Instead try to understand how women and men do not have the
same equal treatment
Dereck: I still believe that they both should not have equal treatment or else the world would discriminate
more on men for things
Annie: What does that mean?
Dereck: Yeah, men should continue having the privileges and have their voices be heard than women.
Annie: Why?
Dereck: Because men are the ones that are the strongest, work the hardest and most importantly have to
be shown as the hard man in any situation.
Annie: A girl can be strong too
Dereck: If this world revolved with both genders being equal to one another there would be no point in
certain jobs and responsibilities.
Dereck: Women are more understanding and of course have a different physics and emotions to things
than men do
Annie: Just because were different on the inside doesnt mean were any different than being both humans

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Dereck: Women just shouldnt be the ones to do work like men
Dereck: There are certain jobs that women do that men cant, Like be construction workers, factory
workers, etc... All that requires muscle and weight lifting work that a woman cant do. Another man
employee is not going to stop what he is doing to go and help the woman pick something up for her.
Annie: (stays quiet)
Dereck: Another reason why they should not have equal opportunities is because what are you going to do
the cultures that people believe in?
Annie: Culture doesnt make people. People make culture.
Dereck: Youre not going to change the way people believe and have been practicing their structures for
years such as a common topic like women being the ones to do the house work and stay at home and raise
the children instead of working at a job where theyre making their husband look like he is weak and
cant seem to manage providing for a family on his own.
Annie: A man should not get offended over a womens success.
Dereck: They shouldnt? Society sees that way the same way he does and the same way most cultures do
Dereck: I have nothing more to argue with you about. Things are good the way they are now.
Annie: Women should have their voice heard.
Dereck: It can be heard but wont solve anything all its going to cause it more aggressiveness and
competition between a man and a woman. Therefore, a woman can have little power but not as much as a
Dereck: because when it comes down to it. The man is always the one with the power in his hands
*bell rings*
Teacher: Okay class, thats it for today. Good debate! See you guys tomorrow.
Annie (goes up to Dereck to shake hand): Good debate today, those are some strong points you have but
they dont change my opinion or the way I feel about this topic.
Dereck: Its alright; we both have our own beliefs.

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Annie: Bye
(As Annie walks away she adds these points to her notebook)

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Work Cited:
"The Idea of Liberal Feminism." <i>Feminist Critics</i>. N.p., 31 May 2008. Web. 05 Nov. 2015.

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