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Council of

Unitarians and

Office of the Secretariat

345 Addiscombe Road

Croydon, Surrey

+44 20 8407 2866

Global Chalice Lighting for November 2015

ICUU announces the 147th in its monthly global chalice lighting readings. Congregations worldwide are invited to use
the reading for at least one worship service in the designated month, identifying it as the ICUU Global Chalice
Lighting for that month. This Global Chalice Lighting was originally submitted by the General Assembly of Unitarian
and Free Christian Churches in the UK.

Bless the work that we do,
And the silence that falls upon us,
And the joy that stirs within us.
And let praise rise to our lips
Naturally out of the fullness of our hearts.
-Sheila Crosskey
British General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches


Bnis le travail que nous faisons,

Et que le silence nous enveloppe,

Afin que la joie se rveille en nous.

Et laisses la louange slever de nos lvres

Venue tout naturellement de la plnitude de nos curs.

- Sheila Crosskey, Assemble gnrale britannique des Eglises unitariennes et chrtiennes



Segne die Arbeit, die wir verrichten

und die Stille, die auf uns hernieder fllt.
Die Freude, die sich in uns rhrt.
Lass einen Lobgesang zu unseren Lippen aufsteigen.
Natrlich aus der Flle unserer Herzen.
-Sheila Crosskey

British General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches


Bendito sea el trabajo que hacemos

Y el silencio que nos envuelve,
Y la alegra que se agita dentro de nosotros.
Y que la alabanza suba hasta nuestros labios
desde la plenitud de nuestros corazones.
-Sheila Crosskey
Asamblea General Britnica de Iglesias Unitarias y Cristianas Libres
(With many thanks to our volunteer translators: Jean-Claude Barbier (French), Freya Bednarski-

Stelling (German) and Jaume de Marcos (Spanish).)

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