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YOUNG FILMMAKER: So the movie opens, and were on this spooky

deserted country road

STUDIO EXECUTIVE: No good. Have it take place in the city.
YF: Uh, ok, so were in the spooky city alley and all of a sudden this
guy walks into the shot and hes all nervous.
SE: Make it a girl.
YF: Ok, suddenly a girl
SE Has to be blond.
YF: Suddenly a blond girl
SE In her 20s.
YF: Suddenly a blond girl in her 20s
SE She has to be wearing high heels.
YF: Ok, a 20-something blond in high heels is walking nervously down
the alley. Then, this guy comes out of the shadows
SE So what does he look like?
YF: Well actually sir, I was thinking he would look a lot like you.
SE Really. Im flattered. So what happens next?
SE (in the movie): Excuse me maamisnt it a little dangerous to
be walking alone so late at night?
Girl in the Movie: Heeeeeeeeehhhhhhhh(VAMPIRE MUSIC)

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