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No se arrepiente en la vida. Slo lecciones aprendidas.

No Regrets in life. Only lessons learned.

Loren Li Cloes
Para m, este refrn significa que una buena cosa a cometer errores porque era algo que necesitbamos para ser enseados.
Yo aprend esta
leccin cuando tena
Pens que personas estaban permanentemente en mi vida hasta la muerte. Que las personas entran en tu vida para mejorarla y no para
Pens que la gente es amigo con usted porque quiere no porque se siente como tienen que ser.
Cuando estaba en el cuarto y quinto grado


Aprend que slo estaba siendo mi amigo porque ella se senta lstima por m as que se s
obligada a ser mi amigo. Mi mam me
ayud a aprender esta leccin porque inmediatamente me arrepent de llamarla mi amiga.
Aprend a valorar la amistad de todos y nunca lamento hacer relaciones con personas.Tambin me ense a ser ms prudente cuando se
trata de personas y hacer otros amigos.
For me, this proverb means that a good thing to make mistakes because it was something we needed to be taught. I learned this lesson
when I was eleven.
Before this lesson, I thought people were permanently in my life until death. That people fall into your life to improve it, not to make it
I thought that the people were friends with you because they want to not because it feels like they have to be. When I was in the fourth
and fifth grade I called the wrong girl my best friend.
I learned that she was only being my friend because she felt sorry for me, so she felt obligated to be my friend. My mom helped me learn
this lesson because I immediately regretted ever calling her my friend.
I learned to value all the friendships I had and to never regretted making relationships with people. Also this lesson taught me how to be
more cautious when it comes to people and I may call my friends someday.

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