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Medford City Couneit The Thirty third Regular Meeting Medford, Massachusetts, ‘November 10, 2015 City Council Frederick N, Dello Russo, Jr, President Breanna Lungo-Koehn, Vice President Paul A. Camuso Richard F. Caraviello ‘Adam Knight Michael J. Marks Robert M. Penta President Frederick N, Dello Russo, sr. called the Thin third Regular Meeting of the Medford City Council to order at 7:00 P.M. at the Howard F. Alden Memorial Auditorium, Medford City Hal ROLL CALL SALUTE TO THE FLAG ‘The Records of Oclober 27, 2015 were passed to Councillor Penta, MOTIONS, ORDERS AND RESOLUTIONS. 1 fered by Councillor Marks Be It Resolved that the Medford City Council receive an update on the status of the two proposed raised crosswalks on Central Ave and Harvard Street. This was part of a raised crosswalk pilot program which included three raised crosswalks over which the Winthrop St raised crosswalk was completed. A speed bump was placed on Central Ave several week back and area residents would like to know when the raised crosswalk will be installed. 1-729-Offered by Councillor Marks Be It Resolved that the city's new water monitoring program be discussed 416-730-Offered by Councilor Knight Be It Resolved the Superintendent of Schools and Budget Director provide the Council with a cost estimate relative to the hiring of security guards in our public schools. Be it further resolved that school departs security policies and protocols be forwarded to the Council, 16-731-Offered by Councillor Knight Be It Resolved the cost associated with the bi-annual street sweeping program be forwarded to council Be it furlher resolved a breakdown of what portion is handled internally and what portion handled by way of contracted service be included in the analysis. PETITIONS, PRESENTATIONS AND SIMILAR MATTERS Petition for Common Vietualer License by Robert Bouley, Pres., 17 Everett St, Medford, MA of Nourish and Delight, LLC dba Fruition, 472 High Si, Medford, MA ON FILE Business Certificate #205 Lotter of Compliance Building Dept. State Tax ID Fire Dept. Workmen's’ Compensation Police: Traffic Impact Application Health Dept Treasurer 15-733. Petition by Joseph Viglione, 59 Garfield Ave, Medford, MA to address the Council on a new tule to ensure free speech rights for petitioners. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR November 5, 2018 To: The President and Members ofthe Medford City Council From: Michael J. MeGlyan, Mayor Re: Loan Order- Additional DPW Facility Project Funds Dear Me, President and City Councilors respectfully request and recommend that your Honorable Body approve the following Loan Order: CITY OF MEDFORD, MASSACHUSETTS LOAN ORDER (Additional DPW Facility Project Funds) BEITORDERED: That the City appropriates Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300,000) to rs ty Project, which project was previously approved by this Council on October 9, 2013, and that to meet this appropriation, the City Treasurer, with the approval ofthe Mayor, is authorized to borrow said amount under and pursuant to Chapter 43, Sections 73) and 7(3A) of the General Laws, or pursuant to any other enabling authority, and to isaue bonds or notes ofthe City therefor. AND FURTHER ORDERED: ‘That the City Treasurer is authorized to file sn application with The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Municipal Finance Oversight Board to qualify under Chapter 44A of the General Laws any and all bonds or notes of the City authorized by this vote or pursuant to any prior vote of the City, and in comnection therewith, to provide sueh information and execute such documents as the Municipal Finance Oversight Board of The Commonwealth of Massachusetts may require Very truly yours, (SIGNATURE FILED/PAPER) Michael J. MeGilynn, Mayor 15-735. November $, 2015 ‘To: ‘The President and Members ofthe Medford City Council rom: Michael J. McGlynn, Mayor Re; Loan Order. Carriage House/Brooks Estate Remodeling, Dear Mr, President and City Councilors: [Lrespectlly request and recommend that your Honorable Body approve the following Loan Order: CITY OF MEDFORD, MASSACHUSETTS LOAN ORDER (Cariage Heuse/Brooks Estate Remodeling) BEITORDERED: That the City appropriates Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000) to pay costs of remodeling and making extcordinery repairs to the Carriage House/Brooks Estate, ‘nclading the payment ofall cost incidental and related thereto, and that to meet this appropriation, the City Treasurer with the approval of the Mayor, is authorized to borrow said amount under and pursuant to Chapter 44, Section 7(3A) ofthe General Laws, o pursuant to any other enabling authority, and t issue bonds or notes ofthe Cty therefor AND FURTHER ORDERED: That the City Treasurer is authorized to file an application with The Commonwealth of Massachusetts’ Municipal Finance Oversight Board to qualify under Chapter 444 of the General Laws any and all nds or notes of the City authorized by this vote ‘or pursuant to any prior vote of the City, and in connection therewith, to provide such information and execute such documents as the Munieipal Finance Oversight Board of The Commonwealth of Massachusetts may require. Very truly yours (SIGNATURE FILED/PAPER) ‘Michael J. MeGlynn, Mayor 15-736: November 5, 2015 ‘Tor The President and Members of the Medford City Council From: Michael 3. MeGlynn, Mayor Re: Loan Order- Winthrop Steet Deainage Project. Dear Me, President and City Councilors [respectfully request and recommend that your Honorable Body approve the following Loan Order: CITY OF MEDFORD, MASSACHUSETTS LOAN ORDER i hrop Street Drainage Project) BEITORDERED: That the City appropriates Three Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($350,000) to pay costs of drainage improvements inthe vicinity of Winthrop Street, including the payment ofall costs incidental or related thereto, and tha to meet this appropriation, the City “Treasurer, withthe approval ofthe Mayor, is authorized to borrow said amount under and pursuant to Chapter 4, Section 7(1) ofthe General Laws, or pursuant to any other enabling authority, and to issue Bonds or notes ofthe City therefor. AND FURTHER ORDERED: That the City Treasurer is authorized to file an application with ‘The Commonsealth of Massachusetts’ Munieipal Finance Oversight Board to qualify under Chapter 444 of the General Laws any and all bonds or notes of the City authorized by this vote ‘oF pursuant to any prior vote of the City, and in connection therewith to provide such information and execute such documents as the Municipal Finance Oversight Board of The Commonwealth of Massachusetts may require. ‘Very truly yours (SIGNATURE FILEDPAPER) Michael J. McGlynn, Mayor 18.737: October 28, 2015 To the Honorable President and Members of the Mediord City Coun City Hall ‘Medtord, MA 02153 Dear Mr. President and Councillors: | respectfully request and recommend that your Honorable body approve for payment prior yen’ bills from the Building Department totaling $2006.74 in accordance with Chapter 44 § 64 Due to oie oversight these bills fom March and June of 2015 inadvertently went unpaid. ‘The Building Commissioner is present to answer any questions you might have. Very truly yours, (SIGNATURE FILED/PAPER) Michael J, MeGlynn, Mayor MIM:Ime UNFINISHED BUSINESS 13-633 Acceptance of GLC. 48 598, 59C, 59D establish Reserve Fire Force IN CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 6, 2013 TABLED 44.640 Show Cause Hearing CTC Gold Refinery, 6 Salem St INCITY COUNCIL JUNE 17, 2014 TABLED INCITY COUNCIL JULY 18, 2014 TABLED 44-568 Solio’ information Channel 3 INCITYCOUNCIL JULY 16, 2014 TABLED “4g Tax Rate & Surplus Funds IN CITY COUNCIL, DECEMBER 23,2014 TABLED. "15-551- 18-556- Mary K. Benoit address Council on Medtord Senior Center INCITY COUNCIL JANUARY, 2016 ——TABLED ‘Auditor provide updated breakdown of bonds, IN CITY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 17,2015 TABLED Robert Cappuccl |, 71 Evans St Medford Jobs & Infrastructure IN erry couNeIL APRIL 14, 2015 TABLED Mass Dot Appear & explain Craddock Bridge IN CITY COUNCIL MAY 5, 2015 TABLED {$75,000 Appropriate for potholes and repairs IN CITY COUNCIL JUNE 23, 2015, SECTION 22 Rovised amendment to Fiscal 2016 IN CITY COUNCIL JUNE 23, 2015 TABLED Update on Medford Cable Access IN CITY COUNCIL JUNE 90, 2015 SECTION 22 Hearing National Grid & Verizon Canal St INCITYCOUNGIL AUGUST 11, 2015 TABLED Luis Morales, Chevalier Theater IN CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 22, 2015 TABLED PUBLIC PARTICIPATION COUNCIL PAPERS IN COMMITTEE Reports Due / Deadlines Records: The Records of October 27, 2015 were passed to Councillor Penta. Adjournment:

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