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Area of Study 2, Outcome 2, School Assessed Task

Realisation and Resolution
Now you have completed Unit 3 its time to move into Unit 4 of your folio and final artwork.
In this unit you should be trying different directions to that of Unit 3. To begin ask yourself the
following questions in relation to your Unit 3 work:
Was there a technnique I wanted to explore further?
Was there an artist or art movement that intrested me that I didnt get a chance to explore further?
Was I happy with that I created in Unit 3? Why? Why not?
Have I manipulated the formal elements to create a new effect/meaning/feel to my work?
Can I approach my concept/idea from a different angel?
Has any concept/idea evolved into something new or different to what I thought it would be?
On completion of this unit the student should have progressively communicated ideas, directions
and/ or personal concepts in a body of work that includes at least one finished artwork, having
used selected Analytical Frameworks to underpin reflections on their artmaking. VCAA Study
Design - Art.
You are required to complete at least 1 finished artwork
You must annotate this process applying the appropriate frameworks (Formal, Personal,
Cultural, Contemporary)
You cannot recycle artwork from Unit 3.
This unit asks you develop and refine your work. Here are some examples of how to develop and
refine your art making practice.
When asked to develop your work this means you need to take your initial concept/idea, explore it,
research it, trial different materials, use various techniques, critique your practice etc.
Ask yourself the following questions:
Have I explored various potential directions before planning my final artwork?
Have I demonstrated this in my visual diary? Have I annotated my progress?

Area of Study 2, Outcome 2, School Assessed Task
Realisation and Resolution
So what does refine mean in this context? A quick referral to a dictionary will tell you that refinement is the improvement or clarification of something by the making of small changes.
Knowing when an artwork is completely refined and finished is no easy feat. Below are some suggests to help you figure it out.
Its important to still acknowledge the role intuition plays in our creative process.
Ultimately, I describe a refined or resolved artwork as a creation where no further alterations or
changes to the work will enhance the final product. There is a point in every artwork where adding
more starts to detract from the finished work. So, how do we know if our creation needs additional
Here are three strategies to guide your creative process:
Find peers to conduct group critiques,
Take time away from your creation, and
Create situations that allow for new ways to interpret and view your creation. (Artist Think, 2015)

When refining your ideas you could:

alter the size or scale of your studies
review and refine composition, layout or design
experiment with the relationship between shapes or forms, the framing edge or surrounding
change the technique from a precise, cleanly outlined drawing or cutting method to a looser or
torn technique
experiment with different shapes and sizes of brushes, different thickness of paint, fabric or wire
shift the tonal contrast from hard to soft or vice versa
alter the balance between positive and negative shapes
change colour hues or saturation by scanning your image and manipulating it on a computer
make a small 3D maquette and then draw or photograph it
When refining your ideas have you:
- used a range of different media, processes and techniques?
- produced a series of studies showing your developing ideas?
- produced work on different scales?
- practised and refined your control of your chosen media over a period of time?
- made links to relevant artists and designers?
- kept a record, log or examples of your different approaches and experiments?
(BBCE Bizesize, 2014)

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