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Daniel Barlow

Family and Marriage
U2 Essay 2
Gender Equality
Gender equality means to me to have same opportunities or rights regardless if youre
male or female. What Gender Equality is mistaken for a lot is a women and a man switching
roles in society. Which is false because equality means to be equal, not switch roles for one to
have an upper hand.
Some may argue that gender equality is a problem for only women. I would say its an issue for
men and women, with such stereotypes as, a women must be feminine and stay at home
mothers and maybe having a job but not making more than the men. Men must be masculine,
the breadwinners; not stay at home dads. over years, (Let's say between about 1960-2015.) its
been much more common for either men or women to take on the different roles such as men
becoming stay at home dads taking care of the children and the house, and woman having the
job and being the big earners.of the household. Instead of seeing it in a way as women
becoming more like men; or men becoming more like women, its more about breaking certain
stereotypes or gender roles men and women are coded by society and media. Gender roles are
definitely better than they have ever been today then back then. but I think there is still ways to
Some would say religion has a huge impact on Gender roles making inequality and
encouraging gender stereotypes. I would have to agree with the statement that religion has
impacts on roles and stereotypes on each sex. On Chapter four page 130. in the Marriage and
Family textbook, it says, Conservative Protestants tend to endorse more traditional gender
roles for both male and females. Christian Religions tend claim god to be a male and his words
to be masculine. in the Genesis, it says basically men to rule and be in charge over women.
Women shown from statistics have been shown to be more religious and go to more religious
services than men do.
Does Society think a woman can lead as well as a man? I remember in my humanities
class last year we had a topic where we discussed if a women should and could be a president
or not, and I remember a girl speaking up and saying, A women should not be in charge
because women are too emotional unlike men and might start an unnecessary war if she gets
on her period. I personally think that is an extremely stupid claim. (she said that about her own
gender? My god.) But I think society doesnt really think a women can lead a white house or a
house for that matter. I think women could. and I think a man can be just as nurturing as a
women. but society definitely doesnt. I truly believe gender does not define or affect how an
individual can lead or be more nurturing, its the personality that matters not the sex of the

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