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Name: ________________________________

Mr. Bexson

Name: ________________________________

Mr. Bexson

4. About how long was the DNA you extracted? How does it coil itself up so small?

Name: ________________________________

When you are done

Using your textbook, in topic 5, try to answer the following questions:

Mr. Bexson

Name: ________________________________

Mr. Bexson

ANALOGY: The relationship among chromosomes, genes and the genetic

code is like that between a cookbook, a recipe and the words.

1. Create a chart or picture that explains this relationship above.

2. Write definitions for the following :

a. DNA:
b. Chromosomes:
c. Genes:
d. Alleles:
3. What four chemicals make up the genetic code? Describe how these
chemicals are arranged in a DNA Molecule.

Name: ________________________________

Ss should be in pairs at max

Assign clean up roles so everyone helps

Mr. Bexson

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