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Client Proposal

For this Assignment I am making a website selling and advertising BJJ

clothing Gi and No Gi, I will be using multimedia assets in this product
such as rollovers, animations and images.
An idea for my logo is to have #1 with BJJ underneath in some kind of
square. The colours of the square will be black and the and text will be
white I think. I will make the logo in Photoshop and use all the tools within
Photoshop to create it.
For the layout of my website I think I would like a navigation bar at the top
consisting of the categories within the shop section and then also things
like about and a Contact us section as well for example. Below the
navigation bar I want to have to just have images of what is being
advertised on that specific page and each image will be a rollover where
text would appear over with a price and then an option to click a View
button to take you to the individual page for that certain product. Also for
the layout for each page I would like to put my social media icons in the
top left so they will be noticed more easily compared to if they would at
the bottom of page.
I want my navigation on my website to be simple and not over
complicated, a simple navigation bar in the top centre and a basket
button in the top right so you can always see what is it your basket all the
time. On my navigation bar for each category you can hover your cursor
over it and you will get a drop down list to search for more specific things
with in that category. Once you have navigated yourself to a certain
category there will be a list on the left hand side of more specific option
that you can chose to search.
For my background of my website I want to use a pale blue or a light blue
with low opacity so its light and has a mix of white in there to. My
background will be the same throughout the whole website.
Text & Accessibility
For the text and accessibility within my website I want to my size to be
between 12-14 and I will use a simple font which is easy to read, similar
styled font to Calibri. I want my text to be easy to read because if it isnt
then people will struggle to read it and once they see it is an unorthodox

text they wont bother to try and read it so a simple bold font is really
On my website I think I will only use one animation with in the whole
website and this will be on the home screen, this animation will involve 35 images of things like the latest news with in the website and when there
is a sale or when new products are being released. This animation will be
below my navigation bar and will cover from the left over to the right hand
side of the page.
The target audience for my website is for people at any age, male and
female and mainly people that already do Brazilian jiu jitsu and are
looking for a new Gi for example. We are also trying to attract people who
are new to BJJ to buy their gear here just before they start.
Copy Right Law
Producers of a website need to know the rules against the Copyright laws.
As website have the uses of Text, Graphics, Audio, Video and Animation
and many different softwares and program being used in the making so it
would be very helpful knowing the website copyright laws as the is a lot of
areas you could fall into copyright at.
The Copyright law originated in the United Kingdom in 1988 covering
intellectual right and the work which it applied to. The law gives the
creators production of;

Broadcasts, films and video productions.
Published Editions
Magazines and papers.
Artistic work
Photography, sculptures, drawings and paintings
Drama productions
Dances and scripted plays
Literacy and writings
Computer programs, song lyrics, Scripts, articles and leaflets.
Sound recordings and musicals
Musicals and Literacy that has been recorded.

The right to cover their products from copying, editing, publishing, lending
and giving out to the public and also selling. Most people who create their
multimedia product are registered as an author of their product so they
can then be protected by the International Conventions which applies in
most countries and which is subjected to national law.

People are still allowed to publish something very similar and based
around the same topic as long as they do not directly copy any of the
following from your piece of work;

Sentences / parts of Text.
Logos (even if in different colours).

In some cases, there are Fair Dealing terms which allows you to almost
commit copy right but this usually occurs for personal and educational
use. These are the acts which copyright is allowed in;

Research and study purposes.

Performance and lending out for educational use.
New reporting and Criticism.
Copies and lending to and from Libraries
Court proceedings and parliamentary purposes.
When partaking in any kind of Media production you need to be
aware of the phrases and topic you talk about as it could people
from different backgrounds for example. The Ethical Considerations
means that in any type of Media production created there can be no
remarks of discrimination against people Race, Religion, Sexuality
and Gender. Every company making a Multimedia product knows
about the ethical considerations but sometimes companies try and
push these boundaries, not writing directly at one Race or Disability
for example but still quite discriminating in some ways.
If companies break the Ethical consideration rules this will not just
give the specific company a bad reputation, the people which the
article is discriminating will stand up and speak out, often causing
rallies and protests etc. The worst things that have happened when
a Multimedia company has broken the ethical considerations law is
the authors / writers of the article or product will be targeted with
hate offenses, which also gets a lot of Media attention.

One place people like to avoid these rules is on the internet.

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