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Township of Chatsworth Council Agenda Wednesday November 18 at 8:30 a.m. 1) Call to Order 2) Opening Ceremonies: 3) Adoption of Agenda: 4) Disclosure of Pecuniary Intrest: 5) Minutes of Previous Mectings: 54 Regu Mosting Noverber 4 2015 52. Planning Mooting Soper 23, 2015 33 BloGrd.Jomt Board Mooung Soper 11,2015 4. BoGrd Jit Board Meeting Soptomber 25,2015 6) Public Meetings: 61 Counct Expense Alowarce 17) Deputations: T4945 am. Bob Delong — Biosigodor update 72 1000am Baro Sit Accotsble Bus Sevice 73 10:18am Jon Radokovc~ Second Oweling disance 8) Accounts: $78,795.25 {) Reports RecommendationsiQuotes/RFP: 284 RDS 19:45 Roads Report Sideroad 2 Speed Lint 82. Chalewoah Fre Department Incident Repo October 2015 83, FIN‘6.95" Finance Roper — Audt Servis RIP 54 WIR 1-15 Water Tower end OCWA 85 CLRKOS-15 Jont By-law Enforcement Officer 10)Unfinished Business: 10.1 Counc Expense Alowance 402. Comprehensve Zoning By Law {1New Business: 414 Township of Pustnc regarding tal 12 Deskter Mayors Offes 113 Terms ofReterence Mut-nunicipal wind tine group 14 Chatsworth Agioatura Socery -Upsars Washroom and Sta Rangs. 115. Aeossabilty Stancares PoseyPro 42) Information tems: 43) Closed Meeting Session: 13:1. necessary regarding BioDigester 132 rnecessary Employesemeleyer negotiators 14) Agreements 141 GWA Agreement 416) By-Law: 15.1 20151 Comprehensive Zoning By-Law Y8.2 2018-70 Counel Expense By-law 48 2016-63 Water Acrooront with OCWA 184 201584 Confiming By-Law 16) Adjournment:

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