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Biodiversity and Cultural Diversity in Germany

Germany has been described as a modern, cosmopolitan country (Facts
about Germany) and a diverse, open, and caring society (Making it in
Germany). But would any of this be true without biodiversity? Im here to
connect the dots, so lets get started.
To date, Germany has about 48,000 animal species (33,305 of which
are insects, EW!), 10,300 plant species, and 14,400 fungi species. Only 53 of
the 48,000 animal species and 85 of 10.300 plant species are endemic,
which means they arent found anywhere else in the world. 52% of Germany
is used for agricultural purposes and 31% is covered in forest (Germanycountry profile). So overall, Germany is pretty populated in the biodiversity
category. So lets take a look at the cultural aspect of Germany.
With about 82 million residents, Germany has become a modern
immigrant society with increasing ethnic cultural diversity (Making it in
Germany). Traditional gender roles have dissipated and forms of coexistence
have expanded throughout Germany (Facts about Germany). But one thing
that has kept its importance despite the social changes is the value of family.
Now lets try to connect the diversities.

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The main causes of specie loss in Germany are urban sprawl and
pollution, which are both mainly caused by human action (Germany-country
profile). But its not that the human population is out to get the natural
environment, so why is this happening and what is Germany doing to fix it?
Well, birth rates in Germany have dropped significantly but because they
have such high immigration into Germany, the population continues to
increase (Facts about Germany). When the population increases, more land
and resources are required for people to survive which leads to urban sprawl.
Urban sprawl leads to more construction which causes deforestation and
releases pollutants into the natural environment (Germany-country profile).
But there is a reason so many people are migrating to Germany, for
the biodiversity itself. So how do we maintain the culturally diverse
population without harming the biodiversity that was there first? The German
government adopted the National Strategy on Biological Diversity in 2007
which basically laid guidelines for the federal states, known as Lnder in
German, to follow and made the residents of Germany aware of what was
going on. Lnder plays an important role in preserving biological diversity
because of the responsibility given to them for nature conservation and

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landscape management and in 2012 a municipal alliance between Lnder

was founded (Germany- country profile).
Although there are things being done to help conserve Germanys
biodiversity, I believe more effort should be delivered. Having a modern
and open society is great but there is more to Germany than that. I think
the residents of Germany are being a little selfish and need to open their
eyes to the bigger picture. Humans were not the first organisms on Earth and
I think we forget that sometimes. After researching the devastating facts on
biodiversity and the amount of impact humans have on it, I believe every
country should do more to conserve the natural environment.

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Works Cited
Facts about Germany. (n.d.). Retrieved November 16, 2015, from

Germany - Country Profile. (n.d.). Retrieved November 16, 2015, from

Make it in Germany - Society. (n.d.). Retrieved November 16, 2015, from

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