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Sutherland Springs Condominium Association!

Minutes of the the Board of Directors!
Meeting Date: July 22, 2013!
Date of Approval: July 22, 2013

Call to Order: A regular meeting of the Board of Directors, Sutherland Springs Condominium Association,
was held in Thurkettles condominium on July 22, 2013. The meeting convened at 6:30 pm., President
Steve Barnard presiding; Julie Sweers, Secretary. !

Members of the Board in attendance: Steve Barnard, Sherry Bava, Karen Jenkins. Julie Sweers, !
Norm Thurkettle, Dave VanBeek, and Jack Wabeke. !
Visitors in attendance: None!


Approval of Agenda: The agenda for the meeting was approved.!

Officers Reports:!
Treasurer: !
A. Van Beek presented the balance sheet and profit and loss statements.!
Motion: Moved by Bava and seconded that the treasurers report be approved. !
Motion carried.!
B. Request for review!
The treasurer will have the books reviewed by an independent party. !

Other Reports: !
Maintenance Committee:!
A. Maintenance committee report on a number of items: !
Motion: Moved by Thurkettle and seconded that the board accept the ! !
resignation of DOM, Dave Beurkens.!
Motion carried.!
Motion: Moved by Bava and seconded to hire Dave VanBeek, George Cooper, !
John Hoeksema, and Norm Thurkettle for additional help on the Maintenance ! !
Motion carried.!
B. Report on driveway sealing!
Thurkettle will investigate further to determine time frame and cost of two options!
C. Maintenance program: Draft of proposed policy!
Motion: Moved by Thurkettle and seconded to accept the maintenance program
revisions presented on July 22.!
Motion to amend: Moved by Wabeke and seconded to amend I.A.4 to add that !
The DOM is preferred to be a resident of Sutherland Springs. !
Motion carried.!
Motion: Moved by Wabeke and seconded to accept the amended document as !
the new maintenance program document.!
Motion carried.!


Sign committee:!
Thurkettle reported on the progress of the sign committee.!

Unfinished business: !!
A. Spending priority list for budget surplus !
Motion: Moved by Bava and seconded to make a budget adjustment to reflect !
the association dues receipt and adjust the Macatawa dues receipt to actual and !!
adjust the maintenance and repair line to reflect expected expenditures offsetting !
the received income. !
Motion carried.!


Sutherland Springs Condominium Association!

Minutes of the the Board of Directors!
Meeting Date: July 22, 2013!
Date of Approval: July 22, 2013

B. Board policy re co-owners attending meetings!

Motion: Moved by Barnard and seconded that draft of the proposed policy !
statement regarding co-owners attending meetings be accepted as written:!
Association board meetings are open to all co-owners of Sutherland
Springs. Anyone wishing to attend a meeting is asked to notify a
board member well in advance so that sufficient seating will be
provided. Any co-owner requesting board action is asked to notify
the board president in writing at least four days prior to the meeting.
Board actions regarding requests or concerns will be handled
consistent with Roberts Rules of Order and granted or rejected upon
review of the controlling documents and board precedent.
Motion carried.!



C. Reserve study report!

Requests for proposals have been sent out.!






D. Satellite TV systems:!
Wabeke reported on the committees findings; Barnard directed Thurkettle to !
investigate options and report back to the board. !

New Business:!



A. Remove damaged tree behind 6694 Munstead Woods!

Motion: Moved by Barnard and seconded that the damaged tree behind 6694 !
Munstead Woods be removed.!
Motion carried.!

B. Removal of trees behind the new unit on Barnsley and Munstead Woods !
Motion: Moved by Barnard and seconded that Tibbe Builders be allowed to !
remove all living and dead trees within twelve feet of the east side of the !!
condominium on the southeast corner of Barnsley Drive and Munstead Woods ! !
They are expected to leave any trees that are currently banded in blue ! !
tape. They are
expected to clear all brush for at least twelve feet east of the !
building to allow for the
planting of a lawn.!
Motion carried.!

Items from the floor: !

Motion: Moved by Bava and seconded that the board adopt the following policy statement: Any !
workman not on the maintenance crew must be covered by liability insurance and !
workmans compensation, and the association must be covered as an other insured. !

Approval of minutes: !
Motion: Moved by Thurkettle and seconded to approve the minutes of the July 22, 2013 !
meeting of the Sutherland Springs Condominium Association.!
Motion carried.!


Adjournment: The July 22, 2013 meeting was adjourned at 10:05 pm. !
Next board meeting is set for August 19, 2013 at Jenkins condo at 6:30 pm.
Julie Sweers, Secretary!
Sutherland Springs Condominium Association!



Date of Approval: July 22, 2013!

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