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MUED 3311 TE Planning Framework

(Type your plan in the form below. Boxes will expand as you enter text.)
Teacher/Conductors Name:
Title of Composition:

Zach Gonzalez

Date of TE: 09/22/15


Teaching Episode (A, B, A.1, etc): TE-B

Rehearsal Objectives/Outcomes:
(What will your students be able to do as a result of this rehearsal?)
Students will be able to phase better by understanding compositional devices and how they they are used.

Skill and/or Knowledge Outcome:

Students will both understand how both a 9-8 and a 4-3 suspension is created and resolved. Students will also know what makes
a perfect authentic cadence and a deceptive cadence.

Affective/Aesthetic Outcome:
Showing Contrasting dynamics to help shape the phrase.

Rehearsal Plan: (Step-by-step plan for the rehearsal, with timing, that leads to your objective.)

(# of
12 mim



Description of

Purpose of Rehearsal
Step/Activity (Why?)

Assessment (What strategies

Vocal Warm up in
A major

Teacher will lead a

scale vocal warm up

This will help the students

ear adjust to the key of the

Teacher will audiate pitches

while students sing. This will

will you use to assess during the

rehearsal? How will you know if the
ensemble is meeting the goals of
each rehearsal step?)

A section

along with an interval

warm up. (Do- re, Dome, Do- Sol, etc.)

piece. A well as working on a

few interval leaps.

help me know if the ensemble

is singing out of tune.

Teacher will lead

students through the
1st four measures of
the piece (A section.)
Students will sing on
solfege. Teacher will
work on the phrasing
by using the dynamics.
Teacher ask: Does
anyone know what
type of cadence there
is in mm 4. What
makes it a PAC.

Working on dynamics could

help students understand
how phasing work. While also
understanding the types of
cadence can also help
students to know when it
appropriate to end a phrase.

Teacher will show dynamics

with conducting, this will help
students to understand the
proper volume for each
dynamic. Asking the students
to label the type of cadences
would evaluate their current
knowledge of music theory.

This will help with the

students understanding that
there is more than one type
of cadence. Knowing that
there is a 4-3 suspension in
mm 8 will help the students
understand that suspensions
can be used to help set of a

Tell will ask question to

assess students knowledge of
cadences and suspension.

Anticipated problems:
The parallel thirds
might cause some
problems. Students
might not know about
the types of cadences
which would create a
teachable moment.
Briefly discuss what
makes a PAC/IAC/ HC/
Deceptive Cadence.

B section

Teacher will ask: Is the

cadence in measure 8
the same or different
that the cadence at
mm 4. How is it
different? (Students
will mark in their part
the cadence and

Teacher will ask: What
compositional device is
used at the end of mm
7 to help set up the

cadence due to and accented


A Section

Teacher ask: Can you

find any other incident
where there is a
suspension and/ or a
cadence in this
composition? Once you
find one discuss it will
your neighbor to see if
can label the of
cadence/ or

Since the beginning of the A

section comes back

This will firmly establish how

well the student understands
the new concepts. and how
to understand them.

Run though

Teacher will ask

students to run though
the composition, place
a slight retard at the
end of the phrase.

To apply the new concepts.

Teacher will listen and

observe if the students have
a greater understanig of the
concepts by having them
listen to each other while
singing their part. By having
the students ritard at the end
of the phase will show they
understand where the
phrases are.


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