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Background, Purpose and Focus- 10 points

The Humboldt Park Community has a long rich history in the city of Chicago.
Unfortunately it has also been tainted by the prevalence of crime. As a child growing up I was
not thinking about the crime but which of my friends will be outside to play and how free I felt to
run up and down the street. As the years pasted I began to notice the influence crime had on my
block. People began to build rod iron fences around their homes to keep the local gang bangers
or drug addicts off their property. After our home was robbed a couple of times and gang
members would run through our gangway, my family also put up the fence. I clearly remember
feeling so isolated from the free flowing block I remember. It was at this time the neighbors
stopped talking to each other. We no longer saw the value in the relationship as a method of
safety but as time consuming, and an invasion of privacy.
Today Humboldt Park is still struggling with the issue of crime. It was reported in the
Chicago Tribune, in the last 30 days, There were 1.3 Violent crimes per 1,000 peopleThere
were 3.6 Quality of Life crimes per 1,000 people My project would be for a 3 month period
with a atticipation of 100 participants. With this statistic in 3 months there will be 3.9 violent
crimes and 10.8 Quality of life crimes.
Community based organizations like the Block Club Federation for the past 20 years has
worked in partnership with CAPS to develop block clubs. This is important because research has
shown that having some kind of, community social organization minimizes community
problems such as disorder, crime, poor health and mortality, resulting in more healthy and viable
neighborhoods (Fenberg, 163). The campaign Im proposing is the first step to get neighbors
comfortable with the idea of forming social organizations, first they have to talk to each other.

Know Your Neighbor is a campaign to get neighbors to say hi to each other and exchange
names. This project will build social capital and give a sense of safety.
Neighbors will speak to each other and be able to provide support and a sense of safety..
Initiating a relationship with your neighbor will increase the cohesion and sense of safety by
decreasing crime. Relationship refers to the action of saying Hello and exchanging names.
Each neighbor will determine how much more personal information they are comfortable
speaking about but the objective is to have basic knowledge, their name.

Decrease violence and crime

Increase community cohesion
Increase a sense of safety

The focus of the campaign is to get neighbors to say hello to each other and exchange names.

Crime prevention
Community relationship building

Situation Analysis- 10 points

SWOT: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats
The Block Club Federation has been working in the Humboldt Park community for over 20
years, building relationships with neighbors to develop block clubs. They have become an expert
in community engagement. Leveraging the resources available are

Strong funder base

Long lasting partnerships in the community with the local police department, schools,
churches and other CBOs

Member of Humboldt Park Safety Committee


Small staff and mostly volunteers

Lack of creativity


New project to ignite new groups to join

Community support from the Humboldt Park New Communities Program Safety


Neighbors are distrustful of each other


The community will not see the value knowing their neighbors

Past or similar efforts: activities, results, and lessons learned

Target Market Profile- 15 points

Size 1000 Participants
Demographics, geographic, related behaviors, psychographics
The target audience are residents in Humboldt Park specifically North North Ave., South
Grand Ave., East Hamlin St., and West Pulaski Rd. All residence living in this area will
be the target audience. Humboldt Park

Residents in this identified specific area


Stage of Change (Readiness to buy)

The neighborhood is tired of crime being a central focus.

Marketing Objectives and Goals- 10 points

Social Marketing Objectives: behavior, knowledge and beliefs

Neighbors will greet each other and know each other by name giving everyone a sense of


They need to know its a free program.

The purpose of the campaign
Research has proven that having a basic relationship with your neighbor will make the

community feel safe.

All community partners supporting the project
Where funding is coming from


They believe having a relationship with their neighbor will make them feel safer.
They value the relationship being built
Dont take it personal if a neighbor isnt interested in engaging

Goals: measurable and time sensitive

Know the neighbors on each side of your home (across the street, behind you, on left and
right sides of your home).

Decrease crime

Target Market Barriers, Benefits and the Competition- 15 points

Perceived barriers to desired behavior

Fences around their house

Distrustful of other neighbors

Working families are too tired to go out and meet new people

Strongly value privacy

Do think it will have an impact

Potential benefits for desired behavior

Reduction of violence
Sense of community
Meet new people
Feel a sense of safety

In case of emergency they have someone near by they call on.

If they go on vacation someone will watch their home

Competing behaviors

Societal norms support being individualistic

Staying in the house


Privacy, lightly

Positioning Statement 10 points

Neighbors in the Humboldt Park community will feel comfortable to say hello to one
another and feel safe in their community. They will respect any boundaries set by another
neighbor and continue to build relationships.

Marketing Mix Strategies (4Ps) 40 points

Product: Core: Benefit to target market of desired behavior CPSA Syllabus Template Page 9
Actual: Desired behavior and any name and sponsors Augmented: Tangible objects and services
Price: Monetary fees, incentives and disincentives Nonmonetary incentives and disincentives

Each participant will get a worksheet to document the information of their neighbors.
There is no cost to the participant

Place: Where and when promote that the target market perform the behavior Where and when
acquire any tangible products and services
Staff of the Block Club federation will go door knocking block by block to inform the
neighborhood of this project. Also posters will go up at the local grocery store, corner store,
laundry mat, and churches. The project will take place during the summer from the beginning of
June until the end of August.
Promotion: Messages Messengers Communication Channels NOTE: This is the second and
final time you need to reach your target audience to pretest potential messages and creative
executions and to explore ideas for communication channels. Proposed surveys should be
included in written plan.

Create a Facebook page to keep neighbors informed

Create a message for the local newspaper and radio

Message Know you Neighbor, they dont have to be all up in your business but in case of
emergency for you or them you have their basic information.

Evaluation Plan 10 points

Purpose and audience for evaluation

The evaluation will try to reach every resident in the designated area the program will
take place, whether they participate with the program or not. We would conduct 2 different
surveys, one for those who participated and one for those who did not. We want to know if there
was a significant difference in their sense of safety by saying hello to their neighbor and build a
relationship with them.
What will be measured: output/process, outcome and impact measures

Do participants have the form filled out, do they find it easier to approach their
neighbors, do they feel safer as a result to Know their neighbor

How and when measures will be taken

There will be survey in June, 6 months from than in January and 6 months after that in
July (all the same survey).
The survey will be electronically available except for those who dont have access the 2
staff will go to their homes and administer the survey.
Budget 5 points
Costs for implementing marketing plan, including evaluation

2 Staff would get a stipend on $600 for a 3 mths period = 1200

3 rounds of surveys $150 for each round for 2 staff = $900
Materials for the program would be to print the call your neighbor form for each
participant, approximately 1000 households @ $.15 per sheet = $150
Materials: posters and flyers for local business, cbo, churches etc. = $750
Block parties to help neighbors get to know each other (20 blocks) $200 for each = $4000
The project total cost is
o Staff stipend $1200
o Survey stipend $900
o Print material $900
o Block party $4000
o Total budget = $7000

Any anticipated incremental revenues or cost savings


No revenue for the project

Implementation Plan 5 points Who will do what? When?

Block club Federation will hire 2 staff to coordinate and go door knocking. Through that
process they will recruit volunteers and they will go out and help get other households on

board with simply saying hello.

The program will launch in June and run for three months
The staff will go door knocking block by block
They will go to the local business, churches and other cbo to post their flyers and get
them involved in the project and to post their signs.

Chicago Tribune. Crime reports in Humboldt Park
Community Safety, 8(3), 150-168. doi:10.1057/palgrave.cpcs.8150023

Andrews, C. (2004). Just Say Hello!. Paths Of Learning, (19), 15.

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