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Kimberly Wall
Professor Reilly
EDUC 359
19 November 2015

Live Lesson Reflection

Kelsey Goodson, Meghan Locker, and I taught a lesson to Jack. Our learning
objectives included both a language and content objective. The language objective that
we came up with was that the student will be able to demonstrate the meaning of new
vocabulary words based on the context of the poem in which they appear. Our content
objective was that the student will be able to linguistically and non-linguistically
summarize the purpose of the poem. Overall, I do feel that we achieved our objectives
by the end of the lesson. For our language objective, Jack was able to define the words
by using the context. Jack was able to also illustrate the vocabulary along with acting
out the words. For our content objective, Jack learned some new things such as not all
poems must rhyme. Jack was able to linguistically and non-linguistically summarize the
purpose of the poem. He spoke about how the poem made him feel and also how the
person who was in the poem may have felt. Jack was also about to write about the
poem after reading it.
So the goal for our lesson was to challenge the students vocabulary or language
development. In regards to this, I feel that we might have challenged Jack at the right
amount, however we could have challenged him a little more. When we asked Jack
about the key vocabulary he was able to define two out of the three words, however the

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word proclaim was a little more challenging. I found it to be challenging for him because
he initially said that he did not know what the word means. However, after reading the
sentence an additional time, he was able to use the context to figure out the meaning of
the word. I feel that the extra practice by drawing a picture corresponding to each
vocabulary term helped immensely. Jack was also able to use the vocabulary words in a
sentence, therefore using academic language.
After teaching the lesson to Jack, I feel that our lesson may have been a little on
the easier side. I feel like maybe we could have implemented a little bit more writing
versus drawing. Even though drawing is more of a hands on activity, I feel that writing
the vocab terms in a sentence would have been more effective for Jack, being that he
would have to sort the word into the right context. If I were to teach this lesson to a
different fourth grader, I would implement more writing versus drawing.
If we were to repeat this lesson with an ELL student of the same age who only
has a basic understanding of the English language and who lacked the foundation of
content knowledge, I feel like we would have to make some minor changes. I feel as if
we would have to modify the text in a way where it would be shortened. Another way in
which the lesson would have to be changed would be that we would have to spend
more time defining the vocabulary so the student truly understands. Checking for
comprehension more often would also take place.

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