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1. Elaine is a chemist.

( C )

2. Nancy is not a sales clerk. ( S )

3. Neither Wordsworth nor Shelley was Irish. ( I ) .

4. Rachel is either a journalist or a newscaster. ( J, N )

5. Intel designs a faster chip only if Micron does. ( D)

6. Belgium and France subsidize the arts only if Austria or Germany expand museum holdings. ( S, E
expandmu-seumholdings.(S,E ) .

7. All maples are trees. ( M, T )

8. Some grapes are sour. ( G, S )

9. No novels are biographies. ( N, B) .

10. Some holidays are not relaxing. ( H, R)

11. If Gertrude is correct, then the Taj Mahal is made of marble. ( C, M )

12. Gertrude is not correct only if the Taj Mahal is made of granite. ( C, G ) .

13. Tigers exist. ( T )

14. Anything that leads to violence is wrong. ( L, W )

15. There are pornographic art works. ( A, P ) .

16. Not every smile is genuine. ( S, G )

17. Every penguin loves ice. ( P, L)

18. There is trouble in River City. ( T, R) .

19. Whoever is a socialite is vain. ( S, V )

20. Any caring mother is vigilant and nurturing. ( C, M, V, N )

21. Terrorists are neither rational nor empathic. ( T, R, E ) .

22. Nobody consumed by jealousy is happy. ( C, H )

23. Everything is imaginable. ( I )

24. Ghosts do not exist. ( G ) .

25. A thoroughbred is a horse. ( T, H )

26. A thoroughbred won the race. ( T, W )

27. Not all mushrooms are edible. ( M, E ) .

28. Not any horse chestnuts are edible. ( H, E )

29. A few guests arrived late. ( G, A)

30. None but gentlemen prefer blondes. ( G, P ) .

31. A few cities are neither safe nor beautiful. ( C, S, B)

32. There are no circular triangles. ( C, T )

33. Snakes are harmless unless they have fangs. ( S, H, F ) .

34. Some dogs bite if and only if they are teased. ( D, B, T )

35. An airliner is safe if and only if it is properly maintained. ( A, S, P )

36. Some companies go bankrupt if sales decline. ( C, B, S) .

37. Some children act up only if they are tired. ( C, A, T )

38. The only musicians that are available are trombonists. ( M, A, T )

39. Only talented musicians perform in the symphony. ( T, M, P) .

40. Any well- made car runs smoothly. ( W, C, R)

41. Not every foreign car runs smoothly. ( F, C, R)

42. A good violin is rare and expensive. ( G, V, R, E ) .

43. Violins and cellos are stringed instruments. ( V, C, S, I )

44. A room with a view is available. ( R, V, A)

45. A room with a view is expensive. ( R, V, E ) .

46. Some French restaurants are exclusive. ( F, R, E )

47. Some French cafs are not recommended. ( F, C, R)

48. Hurricanes and earthquakes are violent and destructive. ( H, E, V, D) .

49. Taylor is guilty if and only if all the witnesses committed perjury. ( G, W, C )

50. If any witnesses told the truth, then either Parsons or Harris is guilty. ( W, T, G )

51. If all mysteries are interesting, then Rebecca is interesting. ( M, I ) .

52. If there are any interesting mysteries, then Rebecca is interesting. ( M, I )

53. Skaters and dancers are energetic individuals. ( S, D, E, I )

54. Swiss watches are not expensive unless they are made of gold. ( S, W, E, M ) .

55. If all the buildings in Manhattan are skyscrapers, then the Chrysler building is a skyscraper. ( B, M, S)

56. Experienced mechanics are well paid only if all the inexperienced ones are lazy. ( E, M, W, L)

57. Balcony seats are never chosen unless all the orchestra seats are taken. ( B, S, C, O, T ) .

58. Some employees will get raises if and only if some managers are overly generous. ( E, R, M,
overlygenerous.(E,R,M, O)

59. The physicists and astronomers at the symposium are listed in the program if they either chair a meeting
or read a paper. ( P, A, S, L, C, R)

60. If the scientists and technicians are conscientious and exacting, then some of the mission directors will be
either pleased or delighted. ( S, T, C, E, M, P, D).

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