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BYU-Idaho Preschool Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan #17

Lab 3
Nutrition: Healthy Eating
Monday, March 2, 2015
Melissa Martin
Lead Teacher: Brittney Oman
Children and Learning/Development Goals:
1. Raleigh: Some of Raleighs goals are to count to 10 without skipping as well as
play with others. Nutrition will help Raleigh progress with his goal in that he can
count different healthy products in the math center as well as play restaurant
with the other children in dramatic play.
2. Brynley: Brynleys goal is to work on zippers. Brynley can work on her goals
through the topic of nutrition by zipping up produce in bags to keep them fresh,
as well as zip up her coat to go play outside.
3. Deklyn: Some of Deklyns goals are to identify colors and follow instructions.
Deklyn can work on his goals through this topic by naming the colors of the
produce that he sees in the various activities as well as follow instructions in
activities like the food tasting.
4. Ashlyn: Ashlyns goals are to work on zippers and tying her shoelaces. Ashlyn can
work on her goals through this topic by zipping up produce in bags to keep them
fresh or tying bags together to do the same thing, as well as tie her shoes and zip
her coat as she goes outside to play.
5. Emma: One of Emmas goals is to count to 10 without skipping any numbers.
Nutrition will help Emma progress with her goal in that she can count different
healthy products in the math center or sensory table with a one-to-one
6. Hazel: One of Hazels goals is to use scissors. Hazel can progress in this goal
through the topic of nutrition be creating a collage by cutting out healthy foods
and pasting them on paper at the art table.
Preassessment and Findings: When Hollie was asked what eating healthy food was she
said Its a snack and when she was asked where we get healthy food such as
strawberries she said Strawberries grow in my belly. When Logan was asked why we
should eat healthy foods he said Its what doesnt make you cough, and when he
was asked where he could get healthy food he said at a restaurant. When Emma,
Logan and Hollie where asked if they like healthy food such as fruits and vegetables
they all said I dont like vegetables and then they were asked if they did like to eat
healthy food they said yes or sometimes. When Brynley was asked why we should
eat healthy things, what does it do for our bodies, she said I dont know and when
she was asked if there was any fruit or vegetable she didnt like she said I dont like
brown bananas. When Robert was asked what healthy food was he said fruit and
when he was asked what food he liked to eat that was healthy he said pizza. When
Spencer was asked what foods are good for you to eat he said every food is good,
when he was asked if he had ever eaten healthy food he said yes.

By asking the children what healthy food was and what they liked I have discovered
that they dont understand or think that healthy food can include things like dairy,
protein, and grains. I have also discovered that they believe that healthy food can be
cooked/ combined into meals such as pizza. I also discovered that the children dont
fully understand where healthy food comes from or where you can get it; they believe
that it either comes from inside them, or you have to get it at a restaurant. Some new
experiences that I can provide to help these children better understand about eating
healthy is showing them that all types of food can be healthy in certain portions, as well
help the children understand where to get healthy food and how to cook/prepare it.
Ideas to be Emphasized:
1. Eating healthy includes a balanced diet of: fruit, vegetables, dairy, grains, and
2. Preparing your food at home instead of going out to eat all the time helps you to
eat heathier.
Preschool Concepts or Skills:
1. Colors
2. What
3. When
4. If-then

BYU-Idaho Preschool Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan #17
Lab 3
Healthy Eating
Monday, March 2, 2015
Melissa Martin
Lead Teacher: Brittney Oman
Ideas to be Emphasized:
1. Eating healthy includes a balanced diet of: fruit, vegetables, dairy, grains, and
2. Preparing your food at home instead of going out to eat all the time helps you to
eat heathier.
Preschool Concepts or Skills:
1. Colors
2. What
3. When
4. If-then
___________________ Self-Selected

_______________ Floater/Runner/Snack

___________________ Small/Focus Groups _________ /_________ Booth/ Photographer

___________________ Outdoor play

_______________ Greeter/Walkie (Lead Teacher)

_________ /_________ Snack

_______________ Data Collector


Literacy Activities/Books: (5)
The Very Hungry Caterpillar (2) by Eric Carle (C4) (BV1)
Muncha! Muncha! Muncha! by Candace Flemming (F7)
Eating the Alphabet by Lois Ehlert (E6)
Vegetables by Acorn (P A10)
Activity Description: Play dough and letter stamps will be placed on the
table. The children will stamp the letters into the dough as they name the
Child Objective: The children will manipulate the play dough and stamps
and learn the letter names and the sounds that they make while making
patterns or spelling their name with teacher help.
Intentional Teaching: Encourage the children to find a particular letter (i.e.
can you find the h). When the children stamp a letter tell them the name
and sounds of the letters and ask them if they can think of a word that starts
with the same sound.

Play dough
Letter stamps
(RR2 G124)

Activity Name

Description/Activity Objective

Materials, Special Set-up

*Creative Art:
Kitchen Tool
Painting (5)@

Activity Description: Paper, paint, and

kitchen tools will be placed on the art table.
The children will paint using the different
tools to create patterns.
Child Objective: The children will use their
creative thinking to discover how to paint
with different types of objects and what
patterns they can create with them.
IELG: D2 G18: Uses various drawing and art
Intentional Teaching: Discuss what the tools
are used for in the kitchen, if any of the
children have ever used them to help cook,
etc. while they are painting with them!
Activity Description: Bend and Extend tubes
will be placed on the table for the children
to manipulate and form into different
Child Objective: The children will discover
how to connect and bend the tubes to
create different shapes and lengths of an
Intentional Teaching: Teachers can help the
children create and manipulate the tubes
by asking them questions like, Do you think
you can form a triangle with theses shapes?
or Why do you think it makes that sound
when you pull on the tubes?
Activity Description: This is a memory game;
different types of food will be placed on a
try. A box will also be placed on the table to
hide an item under it. The children will look
at the food, and then close their eyes; one
child/teacher will pick an item and place it
under the box. The children then have to
guess what food is missing.
Child Objective: The children will study the
objects on the tray and try and remember
what each item is. After everyone has
closed their eyes, a child will remove an item
and hide it in the box. The children will then
use their problem solving skills to figure out
what is missing.
IELG: D1 G4: Finds missing or hidden objects.
Intentional Teaching: Discuss the names and
characteristics of the food as the children

Kitchen tools (Kitchen)

Paint (RR1)
Paper (RR1)
Aprons (Kitchen)

Bend and Extend

Math: Missing
Food (4)@

Bend and Extend tubes

(RR1 W39)

Plastic food (RR2 Y234)

Box (IWP)

*Science: Milk a
cow (4)@

*Sensory Table:
Bubble Bonanza

are looking at them. Talk about how each

food item can be healthy for us to eat. Help
the children notice certain items on the tray,
and prompt them after an item is missing to
remember those items or give them clues as
to what is missing.
Activity Description: A wooden cow with
buckets under it will be placed on top of a
tarp. Gloves filled with water will be taped
onto the cow the children will squeeze the
udders into the bucket to learn about where
milk comes from.
Child Objective: The children will discover
and experiment with how hard to squeeze
the udders to get milk to come out. The
children will also learn that milk is a healthy
food that we need to eat to help keep our
bones strong and healthy.
IELG: D2 G24: Begins to identify sources of
Intentional Teaching: Talk to the children
about dairy products are a type of food that
comes from cows like milk, butter, and
yogurt. Encourage the children to try and
squeeze the udders hard and soft to see
what happens, as well as pulling them up or
down while they milk the cow.
Activity Description: Place some dish soap in
your water table and provide egg beaters
and whisks. Add a squirt of yellow food
coloring to represent eggs! The children will
learn some of the steps to mix and make
their own food.
Child Objective: The children will use their
fine motor skills to mix and create yellow
bubbles. The children will discover that as
they mix the water they will create more
Intentional Teaching: Talk to the children
about how important it is to make your own
food at home, and how when we prepare
our own food we know what food is going
into our body, and we can control how
healthy it is for us. Make Sure to tell the
children that this is pretend and we dont
eat whats in the bin. Help the children to
use their fine motor skills by having them

Wooden cow (GG)

Gloves (classroom)
Water (classroom)
Buckets (SS)
Thumb tack (classroom)
Tarp (GG)

Egg beaters (kitchen)

Wire whisks (kitchen)
Dish soup (kitchen)
Yellow water color (RR1)


*Dramatic Play:
Restaurant (4)

rotate their wrist in small circles or using a

pincer grasp to hold some of the items.
Activity Description: Kaleidoscopes and
plastic people will be placed in the block
area for the children to look at and explore
ways to change the shape and color of
what they are looking at.
Child Objective: The children will discover
that by looking through the blocks they can
see things in different colors, and by rotating
the blocks they can change the shape of
what they are looking at.
Intentional Teaching: Teachers can
encourage children to try looking at an
object from a different angle, up close or far
away, as well as predicting what they think
they will see when they look through the
blocks (i.e. it turns red, or the people are
upside down)
Activity Description: Food and other
restaurant items will be placed out for the
children to serve, order, and eat.
Child Objective: The children will create their
own dish to serve in a restaurant as well as
order different items from a menu. The
children will discover what different
ingredients go inside each type of meal.
IELG: D3 G31: Uses play to explore, practice,
and understand social roles.
Intentional Teaching: Teachers can
encourage children to try and come up with
food using all different food groups as well
as talk about what they are making and
what ingredients are inside each meal and
why they are healthy for you/

Kaleidoscope blocks (RR2

Plastic people (RR2 B169)

Play food (RR2 Y234)

Play register (RR2 Y253)
Dishes (RR2 Y232-233)
Menus (IWP)
Restaurant (RR2 Y252)

Creative Art:
Sticker Fun


Description: Clip large, white paper on the

easel. Provide different shapes and colored
stickers, as well as markers and crayons for
the children to draw and place on the
Description: The children will place teddy
bear counters on the scale and explore the
different weights and levels that they can
cause the scales to move to.

Butcher paper (RR1)

Stickers (RR1 O Cabinet 20
Drawer 2)
Markers (AC)
Crayons (AC)
Scales (RR2R151)
Teddy bear counters (RR2

ROTATING SNACK 9:00-9:50 a.m.

Fruit Smoothie; crackers
*Gross Motor:
Pass the Egg(6)@

Rocking boat (2)

Sit and spin (2)

9:10-9:50 a.m.

Location: North Playground

Activity Description: Egg shakers will be set

up next to the giant tree in a circle. The
children will pass and catch the eggs with
each other.
Child Objective: The children will use their
gross motor skills to toss the egg shakers to
each other and catch them with their
IELG: D2 G17: Throws objects with some
Intentional Teaching: Talk about where eggs
come from and what category it falls under
in the food groups. Encourage the children
to use their gross motor skills by throwing the
egg over their head, or rolling it on the
ground, etc..
Activity Description: Rocking boats will be
placed next to the tree house on flat
ground. The children will sit on the rocking
boats and move them with their gross motor
Child Objective: The children will experiment
with how much they have to move in order
to get the boat moving, as well as if it is
easier to do with just one or two people.
Intentional Teaching: Teachers can
encourage children to invite other children
to sit on the boats with them and see how
much easier it is to use with two people.
Activity Description: Sit and spins will be set
up next to the playground set for the
children to sit on and use their gross motor
skills to push themselves around in circles.
Child Objective: The children will use their
gross motor skills to push themselves around
on the sit and spin. They will also discover
and experiment with how hard or soft they
need to push themselves to move.
Intentional Teaching: Teachers can
encourage children to experiment with
pushing themselves hard or soft and talk
about how it makes them go fast or slow.

Egg shakers (WR Cabinet

7&8 shelf 2)

Rocking boats (GG)

Sit and Spin (GG)

CLEAN UP 9:50-9:55 a.m.

Preschool Clean up song:
Its clean-up time in preschool, its times for girls and boys, to STOP what theyre doing and
put away the toys (sung twice)
9:55-10:10 a.m.
Transition: Play the song Alphabet soup (Y6). Dance along to the music and encourage the
children to do the same. When the song is beginning to end tell the children to plant
themselves on their rugs and get ready to do another activity.
Activity Name
1. Eating healthy Talk to the children about what it means to eat a
Food plate
includes a
nutritious meal by introducing the food plate. In
graph (IWP)
balanced diet of: advance, make a large food plate divided into four
Pictures of
fruit, vegetables,
sections and a smaller circle to the side.
different food
dairy, grains, and Ask the children what some of their favorite foods are. (IWP)
What are some foods that they dont like to eat?
Tape (AC)
Talk about how the food plate helps us eat a
balanced meal and make sure that we are getting all
the right foods that we need.
Explain that the top right of the plate is where we put
our grains like bread, pasta, rice, and cereal. The
bottom right of the circle is where we put our protein
like meats and eggs. The bottom left is where we
place our vegetables like corn, broccoli, and beans.
The top left of the plate is where we put our fruit like
grapes, apples, and peaches. And finally this little
circle to the side of the plate is where we put dairy
food like milk, yogurt, and cheese.
Explain to the children that when we eat our plates
dont have to be organized like this, but that we
should try and make sure we have something from
every food group on our plate.

2. Preparing your
food at home
instead of going
out to eat all the
time helps you to
eat heathier.

After discussing the food plate, have the children help

you sort and identify different types of food and
where it would go on the food plate, or help you
create a meal that they would like to eat using all the
food groups.
IELG: D2 G24: Expresses food preferences using
increasingly descriptive vocabulary
Talk about how we can make our own healthy food
Fruit Salad CD
at home.
Play the Fruit Salad song by the wiggles. Have the
children dance and sing along to the song with you.


Hand the children a type of food from a food group

and tell them to go with the teacher who has the
same type of food as they do.
In advance give the teachers their food to hand out
to their children to help the transitions go quicker and
IELG: D1 G4- participates in basic routines such as
transitions to different activities.

SMALL FOCUS GROUP 10:10-10:25 a.m.

Your Activity
Description & Objective
Making Pancakes Activity Description: Set up the science table next to
a plug in with chairs for the children to sit on.
The children will practice making their own food. The
children will mix their own pancake batter with water
until all the limps are gone, then with help from the
teacher they will pour the pancake mix in the grill.
The teacher will flip the pancakes until they are
cooked, and the children will then eat their mini
pancakes. While the children are eating the teacher
will read a story about making pancakes.
Child Objective: The children will experience mixing
and cooking their own pancakes and learn about
how you can combine different foods from different
categories to create a meal or another type of food.
IELG: D2 G24: Uses spoon and fork, but continues to
use fingers for efficiency.
Intentional Teaching: Establish safety and tell the
children to not touch the griddle because its hot and
it could hurt them.
Talk about how pancakes can go under the grain
category on the food plate, but how it also can go
under the dairy or protein category because
sometimes you add milk or eggs to help make the

Plastic food (RR2



Pancake mix
Cooking spray
Griddle (kitchen)
Plates (kitchen)
Mixing bowls
spoons (kitchen)
Mixing spoon
Spatula (kitchen)
Pancakes! By Eric
Carle (C3)
Curious George
Makes Pancakes
by h. A. Rey (P

10:25-10:40 a.m.
Transition: Play the song Hot Potato (Y1) and dance along to the actions. While the children
come over encourage them to dance and move along with the song. When the song is over
tell the children to sit on the rugs and get ready for the next activity.
Activity Name

Awareness In
My Box

Music: Shake my
Sillies Out

Simon says

*Story/ Book:

The Guinea Pig

(review about
guinea pigs)

There will be a small box with some random items

from the classroom inside. Sit in a circle with the
children. Hold the box in your lap and chant box,
box, whats in my box? It starts with (the sound of the
first letter on one of the items in the box i.e. /a/), and
ends with (say the rest of the word i.e. /pple/). Allow
the children time to combine the sounds together to
form the word of the item (i.e. apple). When they say
the word repeat the chant and continue on to the
next item.
Pass out egg shakers to each child and turn on the
song Shake my Sillies Out for the children to dance
and shake their eggs to.
Be sure to collect the eggs from outside as the
children come in to get ready for gathering time.
Children will listen to me say different commands that
they will have to do when it begins with Simon Says
(i.e. Simon says put your hands on your head) if I
dont say Simon says before a command and they
do the command anyways they will sit for one
command and then they can get back up and
continue playing and we will tell them that they have
to wait a turn before they can keep playing.
Read the story The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric
Carle. Involve the children by asking them what the
caterpillar is eating, if the caterpillar is getting bigger,
and what they think he will turn into when he comes
out of the cocoon.
Ask the children if the food that the caterpillar is
eating is healthy for him, or if he should have eaten
that much food all at once.
Sing the guinea pig song with the children and teach
them the actions to go along with it. sing it multiple
times to help the children learn the song.
(Tune: Wheels on the Bus)
The guinea pig eats his food (tap fingers and thumb
in eating motion)
With a munch, munch, munch;
Munch, munch, munch. Munch, munch, munch.
The guinea pig eats his food
With a munch, munch, munch,
In his little cage.
The guinea pig likes to run (fingers running)
Back and forth, back and forth, back and forth.
The guinea pig likes to run back and forth,
In his little cage.
The guinea pig wiggles his nose just like that (tap nose

Box (IWP)
Items from the
classroom (IWP)

Shake my sillies
out CD (G11)
Egg shakers (WR
Cabinet 7&8
shelf 2)

Very Hungry
Caterpillar (C4)

This is the way the

ladies ride
Movement cube

and wiggle it with your finger)

Just like that, just like that.
The guinea pig wiggles his nose just like that.
In his little cage.
The guinea pig likes to sleep all day long. (head on
All day long, all day long.
The guinea pig likes to sleep all day long.
In his little cage.
Play the song this is the way the ladies ride and
have the children do the actions along with you and
even make up their own moves/verses to the song
Children will roll a movement cube and do the
movement listed on the top of the cube when it
Repeat as long as children want to play

This is the way

the Ladies Ride
CD (G1)
Movement cube

Previous lesson plans
Words to Songs/Fingerplays
The Guinea pig song
(Tune: Wheels on the Bus)
The guinea pig eats his food (tap fingers and thumb in eating motion)
With a munch, munch, munch;
Munch, munch, munch. Munch, munch, munch.
The guinea pig eats his food
With a munch, munch, munch,
In his little cage.
The guinea pig likes to run (fingers running)
Back and forth, back and forth, back and forth.
The guinea pig likes to run back and forth,
In his little cage.
The guinea pig wiggles his nose just like that (tap nose and wiggle it with your finger)
Just like that, just like that.
The guinea pig wiggles his nose just like that.
In his little cage.
The guinea pig likes to sleep all day long. (head on hands)
All day long, all day long.
The guinea pig likes to sleep all day long.
In his little cage.

I Will Provide
Pancake mix (IWP) SF
Menus (IWP) SS
Food plate graph (IWP) GT

Box (IWP) CC
Pictures of different food (IWP) GT
Items from the classroom (IWP) CC

Resource Room 1
Yellow water color (RR1)
Paint (RR1)
Bend and Extend tubes (RR1 W39)
Resource Room 2
blocks (RR2 B177)
Plastic people (RR2
Letter stamps (RR2

Plastic food (RR2

Restaurant (RR2

Work Room
Egg shakers (WR Cabinet
7&8 shelf 2)
This is the way the Ladies
Ride CD (G1)

Gross Garage/Sheds
Wooden cow (GG) Buckets (SS)
Sit and Spin (GG)

Gloves (classroom)
Movement cube

Play food (RR2

Play register (RR2

Fruit Salad CD (Y1)

The Very Hungry Caterpillar (2) by Eric Carle
(C4) & (BV1)
Vegetables by Acorn (P A10)
Pancakes, Pancakes! By Eric Carle (C3)

Cooking spray (kitchen)
Griddle (kitchen)
Mixing bowls (Kitchen)
Wire whisks (kitchen)

Paper (RR1)

Shake my sillies out CD


Muncha! Muncha! Muncha! by

Candace Flemming (F7)
Eating the Alphabet by Lois Ehlert (E6)
Curious George Makes Pancakes by h.
A. Rey (P R7)

Tarp (GG)

Aprons (Kitchen)
Plates (kitchen)
Mixing spoon (kitchen)
Kitchen tools (Kitchen)

Water (classroom)
Thumb tack

Plastic food (RR2

Dishes (RR2 Y232233)

Tape (AC)
Play dough

Rocking boats (GG)

Measuring spoons (kitchen)

Spatula (kitchen)
Dish soup (kitchen)
Egg beaters (kitchen)

Water (classroom)

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