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The advantages to using a tablet in the classroom are nearly endless.

Students become actively

engaged in their learning because they love to use technology. Tablets are lighter then textbooks,
while potentially holding 8 textbooks in its memory. Tablets extend learning beyond the
classroom, giving students the ability to turn in assignments outside of the classroom. It also
gives students a vast library of resources. I think in time, text books will be absent entirely from
the classroom. I will use tablets as a way to connect students outside of the classroom. Students
will be able to complete assignments outside of the classroom and turn them in. It also gives
student a vast library of resources that I would use to support their learning. The most practical
use for a tablet is to use it as the students new textbook and store multiple textbooks on one
The biggest concern I have about students using tablet is online safety and security. Students can
excess social media and connect with people that may not be the best to connect with. As a
teacher, I have the ability to block social media websites on the tablets and teach students about
online safety. Another issue with using tablets is that theyre easy to break and costly to fix. I
would fix this problem by putting protective cases on all of the tablets and by insuring all of the
tablets. Another issue that I will face is that tablets can be a distraction for students. I could fix
this problem by punishing students when theyre on their tablets when theyre not supposed to
The first app I found was evernote. It can be used to take notes and make to-do lists. Another
useful app is dropbox mobile which allows students to send and share document. The third app I
found is Khan Academy which can offer students videos on multiple subjects. The fourth app I
found is wolfram Alpha, which provides graphs and step-by-step formulas for multiple subjects.
The fifth app I found is My Study Life which can keep track of a students work load. The sixth

app I discovered is Microsoft Office, which allows students to work on all of their Microsoft
documents on their tablets. Scribd is the seventh app I found and provides millions of books and
textbooks for a monthly subscription fee, like Netflix. The eight app I found is fast scanner,
which allows students to scan paper documents into files. The ninth app I found is Vocabulary
Builder from Magoosh which allows students to take quizzes to increase theyre vocabulary. The
tenth app I found is Photomath, which allows students to scan a math equation, and it gives step
by step instructions on how to solve it.
I would be happy to fully utilize tablets in the classroom. They are an excellent alternative to
textbooks and you can have all of your textbooks in one place instead of carrying around one
giant book bag. The pros far outweigh the cons and I believe that in the future textbooks will be
absent entirely from the classroom.

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