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Nursing Plan for a Lymphoma

By: Rebecca England

Chance, a 9 year old, male-neutered, Golden

Retriever hospitalized for anemia, neutropenia, and
thrombocytopenia due to chemotherapy-induced

Actual Problems Potential Problems


Weight Loss

Nursing Plan

Entice pet to eat, may need

to warm and hand/syringefeed. Encourage water
intake. Monitor IV fluids.
deficiencies. Delayed
Give appetite stimulants
healing. Electrolyte
PRN as directed. Monitor
imbalances. Dehydration.
food/water intake, offer
Further weight loss. Possibly
often, and record.
due to antibiotic therapy.
Administer ABX with food
to reduce/prevent GI upset.
Monitor and change ABX
if patient does not tolerate
Possibly due to lack of
Monitor chemistries for
nutrition needed by the
organ function change as
body. Anemic patients with
directed by DVM. Make
hypoxia may have reduced
sure pet is receiving
ability to digest properly.
nutrition. Check patient
Major organ function
weight twice daily. Also see

Anemia /


Weakness /

Monitor platelet count as

directed. Exercise caution
when administering
parenteral meds, drawing
Due to chemotherapy.
patient blood/urine
Hypovolemia. Exercise
samples, or placing
intolerance. Impaired tissue
catheters use pressure
integrity. May cause
wraps as needed, and
petechial hemorrhage.
monitor those areas for
prolonged bleeding times.
Monitor for additional
petechial hemorrhage or
ecchymosis. Also see
Weakness / Lethargy.
Monitor BP and TPR every
Anemic animals are often
15-30 minutes until
hypothermic. Poor blood
normal. Start warming
circulation throughout body techniques with caution of
and major organs.
heating too fast. Monitor
temp every 5-15 minutes
until normal, then less
burns due to warming
frequently as long as stays
Follow restricted exercise
Pet is immunosuppressed
program. Provide
due to chemotherapy
comfortable bedding since
treatments. Pet is anemic,
pet may be reluctant to
potentially hypoxic due to
move about. Monitor BP,
lack of oxygen carried by
RBCs. Pet feels sick.
and mentation multiple
times a day.

Neutropenia /

Tachycardia / Bounding
Pulses / Tachypnea

Important to follow an
isolation protocol. Nurse in
a low traffic area of clinic.
Wash hands and/or
clothing as needed between
More likely to catch
patients to prevent transfer
contagious diseases or
of disease. Use of separate
illnesses due to reduced
feed bowls, monitoring
immune function.
equipment, bedding, etc.
Use PPE when handling
cap/mask, gloves, gown,
and foot booties to
minimize possible transfer
from other patients.
Monitor PR/HR and
rhythm and check for
pulse quality and deficits
frequently as directed.
Due to anemia. Attempting
Monitor RR, effort, and
to compensate for poor
auscultate lungs frequently
circulation and oxygenation for changes. Also monitor
throughout the body.
SpO2 %. Record all
Hyperthermia may occur
results, regardless of
due to tachypnea.
change. Comfort patient to
relax if possible. Provide
oxygen via nasal tube or
cage if needed. Monitor
rectal temperature. Also
see Weakness / Lethargy.

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