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Running head: ASSIGNMENT 6:1

Assignment 6:1
Mariela Chavez
PPE 310 #79591
Arizona State University
Fall, 2015

Assignment 6:1
Physical Activity:
Physical Activity 1: Before scaffolding into more challenging skills, my second graders
usually review a skill they have previously learned. In this case, we were moving on to two digit
subtraction problems so working with single digit subtraction was going to be beneficial for
them. I decided to have my students play around the world with basic subtraction math facts. We
played a quick 5 minute game to get their math brains working and get their blood pumping.
Equipment: subtraction flash cards
Formation: students play standing at their desks formatted in groups of 6

Explain to students that we will be starting our lesson with a brief subtraction fact review
to prepare their brains for math
Have students stand beside their desks ready to solve a subtraction math fact problem
when the teacher approaches them
The teacher begins with a random student and presents him or her with a flashcard. If he
or she solves the problem correctly, he or she moves walks and stands next to the student
to their right.
The teacher continues by showing the pair of students a different flashcard. If the first
student gets the answer correct, he or she moves to the following student to continue their
journey around the world. If the students answers incorrectly, he or she must stand and
take the place of their fellow student.
The object of the game is to continue until a child reaches their way around the world
back to his or her desk

Safety and Management:

Make clear expectations and set clear standards for students. Explain that students must
stay alert by being attentive respectful to their peers throughout the game
Explain that students are required to stay beside their desks
Give students the expectation for discipline. One warning will be given before students
are allowed to choose STEP.
Explain that all students are expected to have good sportsmanship and only provide
positive feedback for their peers.

Cognitive: Allow students struggling with basic regrouping strategies throughout the
lesson to use base ten blocks to support their thinking. Provide clear visibility of the anchor chart
created at the beginning of the lesson.
Physical: There are no students who need modifications for physical needs

Assignment 6:1

Mariela Chavez
2.NBT.B.5 Fluently add and subtract within 100 using strategies based on place value, properties of
operations and/or the relationship between addition or subtraction
(explicit): Students will be able to subtract two digit numbers by using the grouping
(Student friendly) I can subtract two digit numbers by regrouping
*Pre Lesson Physical Activity:
Physical Activity 1: Before scaffolding into more challenging skills, my second graders usually
review a skill they have previously learned. In this case, we were moving onto two digit subtraction
problems so working with single digit subtraction was going to be beneficial for them. I decided to have
my students play around the world with basic subtraction math facts. We played a quick 5 minute game to
get their math brains working and get their blood pumping.
Equipment: subtraction flash cards
Formation: students play standing at their desks formatted in groups of 6
Explain to students that we will be starting our lesson with a brief subtraction fact review to
prepare their brains for math
Have students stand beside their desks ready to solve a subtraction math fact problem when the
teacher approaches them
The teacher begins with a random student and presents him or her with a flashcard. If he or she
solves the problem correctly, he or she moves walks and stands next to the student to their right.
The teacher continues by showing the pair of students a different flashcard. If the first student gets
the answer correct, he or she moves to the following student to continue their journey around the
world. If the students answers incorrectly, he or she must stand and take the place of their fellow
The object of the game is to continue until a child reaches their way around the world back to his
or her desk
Safety and Management:
Make clear expectations and set clear standards for students. Explain that students must stay alert
by being attentive respectful to their peers throughout the game
Explain that students are required to stay beside their desks
Give students the expectation for discipline. One warning will be given before students are allowed
to choose STEP.
Explain that all students are expected to have good sportsmanship and only provide positive
feedback for their peers.

Assignment 6:1
Teacher will provide students with a subtraction problem on the white board easel.
Solve using the place value regrouping strategy. Simultaneously create an anchor
chart with steps to follow when regrouping. Provide 2 example problems
Students are given three problems on the overhead projector. Students are asked to
solve the first two problems with their group partners and the third with their face
Cognitive: Allow students struggling with basic regrouping strategies throughout the lesson to use
base ten blocks to support their thinking. Provide clear visibility of the anchor chart created at the
beginning of the lesson
Students receive an exit ticket with three two digit subtraction problems to solve
Cognitive: Allow students struggling with basic regrouping strategies throughout the lesson to use
base ten blocks to support their thinking. Provide clear visibility of the anchor chart created at the
beginning of the lesson
Base ten blocks are available for students who need extra support

Assignment 6:1
The physical activity I had my second grade students participate in went extremely well!
I was a little concerned because it was a pre lesson activity that had potential to distract students
from the upcoming lesson, however, it proved to be the opposite. Students really enjoyed the
competitive nature of Around the World and picked up on the game rather quickly, despite not
playing the game before. My role as a facilitator allowed students to take more control of their
role as a participant and were accountable for their behavior. I walked from desk to desk,
providing the essential math fact while also being able to monitor students. This was particularly
helpful as I was able to ensure all students were participating and enjoying the game.
Throughout the game, managing student behavior was a simple task. As previously
mentioned, my movements around the classroom were beneficial for ensuring my students were
on task and well behaved. I cannot say the physical activity break was a flawless and without
student concerns, however, they were minimal offenses. The few students who were misbehaving
received warnings but discipline did not escalate from there. My role as the facilitator also
allowed me to provide students with positive feedback and acknowledgement for their attempts
with the subtraction facts. I made multiple attempts to include encouraging comments along the
game such as Great job! and Better luck next time! Positive praises such as these help create
a fun and safe classroom environment. They also seemed to motivate my students to win each
After playing Around the World with my students, I can certainly say its a game that will
become part of our game routine. It was a quick and fast paced game that maintained the
attention of all students while providing them with efficient skill practice. Response latency was
relatively short as students were able to stand at their appropriate positions to play right away.

Assignment 6:1
The only suggested change I would make, would be to strategically use a range of difficultly of
subtraction math facts appropriate for each student. My mentor and I discussed how this would
allow our lower students to feel less defeated and more equally capable of solving the problem to
move on to the next position. I agree and could see the academic benefit of doing so.

Assignment 6:1
Video of




Exemplary (5)

Proficient (3)

Unsatisfactory (1)

Video presentation of content Video presentation most of the Video presentation of content
time includes:
rarely includes:
visuals that establish:
visuals that establish:
visuals that establish:
purpose of the lesson,
purpose of the lesson,
purpose of the lesson,
preview the
preview the
preview the
organization of the
organization of the
organization of the
lesson, and include
lesson, and include
lesson, and include
internal lesson
internal summaries of
internal summaries of
the lesson
the lesson
submitted to YouTube
examples, illustrations,
examples, illustrations
Unlisted or another
analogies, and labels
analogies, and labels
secure option agreed
for new concepts and
for new concepts and
with your instructor
modeling by the
modeling by the
teacher to demonstrate
teacher to demonstrate
analogies, and labels
his/her performance
his/her performance
for new concepts
modeling by the
Submitted to YouTube
concise communicatio
teacher to demonstrate
Unlisted or another
logical sequencing and
his/her performance
secure option agreed
upon and shared with
all essential
your instructor
logical sequencing and
no irrelevant,
logical sequencing and
confusing, or non all essential
essential information
all essential
no submission through
no irrelevant,
YouTube Unlisted or
confusing, or non no irrelevant,
any other secure optio
confusing, or nonagreed with your
essential information
Self-reflection was
Self-reflection was
Self-reflection was not
well thought out and
somewhat thought out
well thought out and
included at least 6
and included 4-5
included less than 3
specific examples
specific examples from
specific examples from
from the teaching
the teaching
the teaching experienc
experience on: (a)
experience on: (a)
on: (a) what went
what went particularly
what went particularly
particularly well, (b)
well, (b) what you
well, (b) what you will
what you will change
will change next time,
change next time, and
next time, and (c) the
and (c) the feedback
(c) the feedback you
feedback you received
you received from
received from your
from your mentor
your mentor teacher;
mentor teacher; (d)
teacher; (d) managing
(d) managing
managing classroom
classroom behavior, (e

Assignment 6:1

classroom behavior,
(e) teacher movement,
(f) response latency,
(g) using student
names, and (i)
providing positive
Self-reflection was the
appropriate length (12 pages), in APA and
in third person
Rubric was attached at
the end
Title page was used
highlighting was used

behavior, (e) teacher

movement, (f)
response latency,(g)
using student names,
and (i) providing
positive praise
Self-reflection was the
appropriate length for
the assignment (1-2
Not in third person
Rubric was attached
but not at end
Highlighting was not

teacher movement, (f)

response latency,(g)
using student names,
and (i) providing
positive praise
Self-reflection was too
short for the
assignment and not in
third person
Rubric was not
No title page was foun
No highlighting was

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