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Self-Evaluation and Reflection

A. Narrative description of Successful Activities and future implications
Based on the analysis of all the assessment
results, identify TWO learning objectives
from the unit students were most successful.
Objective 1:
Students will develop an understanding of
historical ramifications on the U.S. government.

Objective 2:
Students will be able to describe voter behavior
in the U.S.

Give more than one reason for each of the successes identified.
The students have heard American History for their entire school career. They did very well
relating political events with what was going on at that time in history. It made for great
discussions connecting the past with the present. An example of that was when we talked about
Civil Rights; Civil Rights Movement and Ferguson/New York/Baltimore/etc.
Voter behavior is closer to them than a lot of other things involving government. They were able to
relate the information to their daily lives. This area is small, predominantly white, middle class,
and Christian. All of these things lean toward a specific political party. The students noticed this

Discuss at least TWO things to do differently in the future to extend these successes to continue students academic growth.
When it comes to historical ramifications, I would like to do a graphic organizer that has a group of years with two blank squares for political actions
and for historical periods. In the future, I would like to expand students knowledge of other cultures using the pretext of voter behavior. Different
groups vote Republican or Democrat based on their situations in life. I would like to do a simulation/game about students stepping into others shoes.
B. Narrative description of Least Successful Activities and future implications
Based on the analysis of all the assessment
Give more than one reason for each of the least successful objectives identified.
results, identify TWO learning objectives
from the unit students were least successful.
Objective 1:
The student had a hard time wrapping their minds around the fact that people can take sides over
Students will be able to distinguish the
issues that need to be remedied for all. It was a constant source of confusion. I tried to put it into
differences between Republicans and
different ways for their understanding and it did not work a lot of the time. Most of the people in
this area are Republicans. Some of the students did not understand the Democratic stance for the
sheer fact that they do not know any other way.

Objective 2:
Students will be able to compare and contrast
the U.S. political parties (major and minor).

The students have only ever heard of the two major parties before. This was a big obstacle to
overcome. As soon as I started giving examples, they began to understand. It was rough in the
beginning though. They have no firsthand experience with any of the minor parties.

Discuss at least TWO things to do differently in the future to improve students performance.
I would make them complete a graphic organizer displaying the differences between Republicans and Democrats. I might also look for a lesson using
a Venn diagram comparing the two major parties to a minor party.
D. Narrative Reflection on Future Professional Development (limited to 1page)
Identify at least TWO aspects of instruction that could be improved.
Explain reasoning.

What specific professional development opportunities/activities will

help to acquire that knowledge or skill?

Aspect 1: I need to work on giving more positive feedback to students. I

think I am doing well, then I think back on the class and it is not as much
as I want it to be.

Positive feedback will come with time. I can watch others who are more
experienced and learn from them. I will continue to remind myself that
positivity works better than negativity. I feel a way I can accomplish this
is to be a more positive person in my daily life, not just at school. A
better outlook on life as a whole.

Aspect 2: I need to continue to remind myself that these students are in

high school. I have had a hard time of slowing down my pacing.

This too will come with time. As this semester and unit has gone on, I
feel that I am moving at a slower pace. I am adding more stories or
comments about different things to give the students more time to write
even while I am still instructing the class.

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